The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley

Dr. Andrew Farley

Pastor and bestselling author Andrew Farley's weekly messages and radio shows. read less
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Forever in His Presence – Part 6
6d ago
Forever in His Presence – Part 6
Are you ready to dive deep where others merely wade? In this next message in our “Forever in His Presence” series, we’re slicing through the fog of misinformation and reclaiming the truth about Jesus – His divinity, His humanity, His everything! In a culture that often prizes openness to the point of absurdity, we stand firm. Are you prepared to be labeled “close-minded”? Good. Because when it comes to the truth about Jesus, we believers are as immovable as mountains. Plus, you’ll discover what it truly means to “live through Him.” It’s all about His scandalous love for us, not our feeble attempts at “loving Him more.” And when we love each other the way He loves us? That’s when God becomes visible. Tune in to this latest message and arm yourself with truth! Discussion Questions: Read verses 1-3. What is the “antichrist” teaching that John mentions? And why is the truth important in this regard?Read verses 4-6 and react to this statement: There is absolute truth about Jesus, and we can be “close minded” about it if we know Him.Read verses 7-8. What is the main mark of knowing God? Why is this the case?Read verse 9. What does it mean to “live through Him”?Read verse 10. Why is “not that we loved God” so important here? What does “propitiation” mean and how does it factor in?Read verses 11-12. How do we help people “see God”?Read verse 13. In what way does this help to clarify the meaning of “abide”? Can you know that you abide in Him? If so, how?Read verse 14. How do verses like this (and John 3:16) show the fallacy of “limited atonement” – the false idea that Jesus only died for individuals pre-selected by God?
Forever in His Presence – Part 5
Forever in His Presence – Part 5
1 John makes clear distinctions between love and hate, light and darkness, care and murder. These contrasts are obvious and meant to show believers they have a new practice now. This doesn’t mean we perform perfectly, but now there’s a new tendency – a new trend in our lives since we are born of God. John also mentions “commandments” but he doesn’t mean Moses! No, he’s not talking about following the Law. He’s describing the marks of a true believer – faith in Jesus and a natural love for God’s people. Watch now to break free from a performance mentality and embrace your new-hearted identity in Jesus! Discussion Questions: Read verses 10-12. How do the words “obvious”, “love”, and “hate” make John’s point clear?Read verses 13-15. How does John continue to drive the “obvious” contrast home for us in these verses?Read verses 16-18. How is Jesus the example? Example of what?Read verses 19-22. Why is this not a “name it, claim it” passage? What is John’s meaning instead?Read verses 23-24. What two commandments is John referring to? Why is it important to define “commandments” in this context? How are these the natural mark of every believer?React to this statement: A majority of this entire passage is descriptive, not prescriptive. Now, how does this statement keep us from a performance mentality and help us to identify ourselves as new-hearted believers? (Note: Verses 16 and 18 are indeed prescriptive.)