Cultivating Kindness with Karen

Inspired Choices Network

LIVE WEDNESDAYS 2 PM ET/1 CT/12 MT/11am PT The Universe is always “listening” and waiting to gift to you all that you desire. Are you willing for the Universe to gift you Kindness and Kind people? Imagine receiving Kindness every day in all areas of your life. When we are willing to receive, our world changes, we change, and all those around us begin to change. What gift could you be to others, or the world, if you were the energy of Kindness? Facilitator of Healing, Karen Leslie will help you navigate the energy of Kindness and learn how integral it is to reducing stress in your life and how it will assist in healing your body.   Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – – read less


Turning The Blahs Into Aha! – Karen Leslie
4d ago
Turning The Blahs Into Aha! – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  You have had those days that just feel flat. The blahs kick in and your enthusiasm and motivation goes out the window. It can be like a wall of blahs has blocked out everything that could give you that aha feeling. Often you feel like packing in the day and you start to believe that the aha is just not going to arrive today. Once you start to accept the day as one filled with blahs that is exactly what you will get. However, never give up as there is always a way to flip this around and have a day that fills you up verses flattening and draining you. Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, for great ways to turn you day around. There is no need to slouch on the couch all day and feel sorry for yourself. Pop into the chatroom and add even more to your day by joining in the conversation or asking a couple of questions. Try something new and see what happens. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Your Past Is Always Creating – Karen Leslie
Your Past Is Always Creating – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Did you know that most people spend more time each day living in the past than they do living in the present moment? What you are thinking about is creating your reality. When you are spending the majority of your time thinking about the past, your past is actually creating your future. Most people are on autopilot and do not realize what they are unintentionally creating. Repeating thought patterns and re-telling stories or events (even just to yourself) really impacts your current life and the future. If you would like to have something different from what you are currently experiencing then this is a great area to look at. Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Energy Healer, for ways to change how you are looking at your past to create a future more in line with your desires and dreams. As always, you are invited to join in the live conversation in the chatroom on the Inspired Choices Network. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Doubt Is An Instant Block – Karen Leslie
Doubt Is An Instant Block – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Where to even begin!!! Doubt is so pervasive in the world. It can be seen and felt everywhere. It has become a common energy and it is an energy that creates an immediate block in your life. This block will automatically reinforce your doubt or create a new one resulting in another block. If you are finding that the number of areas in your life are increasing in the amount of doubt you have in them, then you will benefit from today's conversation! Understanding the potency and strength of your doubts is extremely helpful. You are likely underestimating what these thoughts and words are creating in your life. Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, for a clear understanding of doubts and the havoc you are allowing in on a daily basis. You absolutely can change this and step into ease, flow and fun with your life. Are you ready to let go of the energy of doubt? Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Harmony + Optimism Equals Manifestation – Karen Leslie
Harmony + Optimism Equals Manifestation – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Everyone loves to talk about manifestation and all of the different ways it can work. It is great to work with different methods and see what works for you. One of the common themes is harmony. The Law of Harmony is referred to in many different ways when it comes to manifestation. Now add in the energy of optimism and you have a powerful combination. What have you been desiring that is just not coming into reach? Have you felt like giving up and believing that manifestation is only for certain people? Do you feel like finding a great parking spot is the best you can create? Well that can change if you are open to perhaps a couple of new ways of looking at things. Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, will be sharing how harmony and optimism have positively influenced what she is manifesting. Listen in for tips and changes you may wish to try for yourself after the show. We manifest everyday day! The key is being aware of what is working for you and then taking that information and expanding it. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Gratitude Destroys Anger – Karen Leslie
Gratitude Destroys Anger – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Everyone has been angry. Everyone has felt the emotion of anger from both sides; the one who is angry and the one the anger is pushed towards. On the flip side, not everyone has had the same level of experience with gratitude. Gratitude is generally not felt as deeply, nor is it as prevalent in the life of those who experience a lot of anger. For many people being in the mindset, or space, of gratitude is difficult and not something that is thoughts of as a tool, or assistance, with anger. Gratitude is often more superficial and as a result its deep benefits are not experienced. When gratitude is worked with from the space of deep emotion and heartfelt intention it can be extremely transformative. Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, to understand how using gratitude can transform almost any situation, or difficult emotion, you find yourself in. Even anger can melt away with the energy of gratitude. Be sure to listen if anger is a common emotion in your day. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Fitting In Verses Right Place – Karen Leslie
Fitting In Verses Right Place – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  The desire, or seeking, to fit in is part of most people in some way or form. You seek fitting in for many reasons such as fear of abandonment, seeking to be safe, creating community. You are often taught the belief that fitting in, and not rocking the boat, is the correct way to be in your family or life. There is a really big difference between "fitting in" and being in the "right" place. They are not the same yet your mind will often give you evidence that they are the same. Fitting in can feel good so that will translate to being the right place, or group, to be in. Knowing the difference is really important. Knowing how you are going to decide if you fit in, or are in the right place, is also really important. Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, for this important discussion on how to choose for yourself. Know what is true for you and what expectations from others have been handed down to you. It is 100% okay to feel like you fit in and are in the right place. Learn how to discern and feel the ease of knowing what you truly want to have and where you want to be. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
The Upside To Letting Go – Karen Leslie
The Upside To Letting Go – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Resist! Resist! You put so much effort into resisting letting go of something. It can be anything; a worn out shirt, an old book you have read multiple times, a garden hose or even a thought. The mind will always find a reason, or evidence, to support holding onto something. Letting go really has a bad reputation that was created by the mind. I can hear you now saying you needed something days after you let it go in the past. Or, you changed your mind about something and then experienced something negative as a result of letting something go. It is hard-wired into you to resist letting something go. However, that does not mean it is a good things, or something that cannot change. Karen Leslie, Stress Recover Expert and Expert Healer, will share the upside to letting things go and the physical as well as the emotional benefits of letting go. It really does not need to be stressful. Learn a few tools to have on hand to make the process of letting go much easier. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
The Solution Is Already Here – Karen Leslie
The Solution Is Already Here – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  How often do you find yourself thinking, or saying, that you need to find a solution to some problem or question? Our minds are designed to seek out a solution. Our mind is not designed to think, or know, that the solution is already here. Yes, the solution you are seeking is already here. What is required after realizing you would like a solution to a situation is the knowledge, and belief, that it is already here. So, if it is here, why does it seem to be hidden or unavailable? If it is already here why would you even have the question of finding a solution even come up? Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Energy Healer, as she explains this puzzle and the steps you can take to open up your ability to see how the solution is already here. It really can be that ease filled. The key is are you open to believing the solution is already here even before you ask the questions about finding it. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Managing Downloads & Activations – Karen Leslie
Managing Downloads & Activations – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Do you believe in spiritual downloads and activations? Are they reserved for the fortunate few? Are they for everyone? What would qualify someone to receive a download or activation? Really interesting questions to explore! Depending on your personal belief patterns and experiences you will have very specific answers to these questions. Many people would love to receive these energies. Many people do receive these energies. Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, to begin to unravel the mysteries around spiritual downloads and activations. Lots to explore and share. Join the chatroom on the Inspired Choice Network to be a part of the conversation. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Awaken Your Heart – Karen Leslie
Awaken Your Heart – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  To awaken your heart involves a lot of trust. Trust in yourself and trust in the divine; or a higher power. For anyone who has experienced heartbreak, trauma or some other form of pain, the process can be slow and very guarded. The awaken your heart will result in many gifts for you and those around you. An awakened heart is an empowered heart. Living from this space fills you with compassion, expands your sense of your life's purpose and assists you in being the impact on the world you came here to be! So how do you awaken your heart? Listen to this week's episode of Cultivating Kindness with Karen as Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, shares what has worked for her. Part of this process is inviting in Healing Angels for guidance and assistance. Which Healing Angels? Karen will share that as well. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Calling On Spirit During Phases & Cycles – Karen Leslie
Calling On Spirit During Phases & Cycles – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Life is composed of phases and cycles that are in constant motion. The spirit realm is facilitating these changes in the cycles of life you pass through. The spirit realm has a very different perspective than what is held dearly by the human realm. It is very interesting to witness the response, or reaction, people have to change. It is rarely met with openness and enthusiasm. Spirit is truly here to help you; to guide you. Working with spirit is not difficult. What is difficult for many people is changing their judgments around change and spirit. There are so many beliefs and rules that often feel too much and feel like a barrier to many people. What if it was simple? What if you could cultivate a relationship with spirit to help you with changes in your life cycles? Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Expert Healer, to find out how to invite in help from spirit when you are feeling tossed around by the phases and cycles in your life. Every week Cultivating Kindness With Karen brings you new insights into everyday situations. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
A Rottweiler Named Angel – Karen Leslie
A Rottweiler Named Angel – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Yes, a dog named Angel. This rottweiler named Angel was a client who taught me many lessons. Lessons learned while working together and also after he passed away. I love dogs and I had no idea a rottweiler could teach me so much. Angel's owner had a special request and I was happy to see if I could fulfill it, even just a little bit. To hear about this special request, and the journey, to fulfill it you'll have to listen in. The journey is filled with love and laughter and moments of 'what do I do now?' The lessons are life changing and are still being learned and worked with today. This week's episode of Cultivating Kindness With Karen is very unique and personal. Join in to hear how a dog and a cat can teach you many lessons and demonstrate tremendous kindness. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
How I Work With Angels – Karen Leslie
How I Work With Angels – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Do you believe in angels or some form of spiritual helpers? Every culture has it's own stories and beliefs around angels and helpers. Beliefs on how to work with them, can you work with them, or is it even correct to believe you can work with them. According to Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Educator, you can work with angels and it is very easy to do so. Join Karen to hear how she employees angels to help her in all areas of her life. Karen will share her methods to set up clear communication and to be able to trust the information that is received. There is more to just working with angels than you may realize. None of it is complicated or only for certain people. Everyone has the ability to work with the numerous angels around us all the time. Listen to Cultivating Kindness with Karen this week to learn more and enhance your relationship with the helpers waiting to help you. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Growing Your Inner Confidence – Karen Leslie
Growing Your Inner Confidence – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Feeling more confident feels great for everyone. Growing your confidence may not feel so great. Often it is confusing and frustrating to grow your confidence. It truly is about focusing on your inner thoughts and beliefs. Your inner state of consciousness needs to be looked at. All of your beliefs and experiences are going to impact your self confidence. However you have labelled something from your past is going to support and build it up or pull it down and even smash it. Your self confidence can actually be very fragile until you understand all of the factors that are part of it's makeup. Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Educator, will help you identify what is maintaining your current level of self confidence and also how to build it up. Growing your self confidence will highly benefit you and everyone around you. Be sure to listen to this week's show. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
No! To Reinventing Yourself – Karen Leslie
No! To Reinventing Yourself – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  When you have low self-esteem or low self-confidence it is a popular thought to try reinventing your self-image. There is a belief that if you could just find the secret to reinventing you, life would be so much better. Life would be easier. This is a belief that creates a trap. it keeps you thinking there is something wrong about you; it keeps you thinking about, and stuck in, the past. This thought pattern of reinventing you is confirming a belief that you have no positive attributes or that you must keep parts of you hidden away. Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Healer, will help you see the opposite side of this belief. You will learn how reinventing your is a constant loop of dissatisfaction and by going inside you can see there is no need to reinvent at all. What has been hidden away is actually pretty amazing and just needs a way to be seen and accepted. This week on Cultivating Kindness With Karen hear how to discover the awesomeness that is you and just waiting to be revealed. Revealed to the world. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Positive Thinking Is Temporary – Karen Leslie
Positive Thinking Is Temporary – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Think positively and it will all work out. Often it does and a situation improves and you feel better. Thinking positive thoughts is always a good idea. Thinking positive thoughts can make a big difference in moments of upset or confusion. So if they are so great why do we keep needing to remind ourself to have positive thoughts? What causes your positive thoughts to be so helpful? What is the reason you need to be always reminding yourself to use them? What is in the way of your positive thoughts from being a part of your every day thinking? To find out how Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Energy Healer, answers these questions tune in to this week's episode of Cultivating Kindness With Karen. There are reasons why your positive thinking is only temporary. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Feng Shui Your Thoughts – Karen Leslie
Feng Shui Your Thoughts – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  You do not need to understand Feng Shui to gain a clearer understanding about your thoughts in this episode. Another title could be 'All Clutter Must Go'. Do you have an abundance of thoughts that are disorganized, causing chaos and disrupting your energy? Just like it is very important to clean out your junk drawer and closets every now and then, it is also important to take inventory of your thoughts and clean them out as well. Just like holding onto clothes that no longer fit, it is not a good use of the space in your mind to hold onto thoughts that not longer fit anymore. Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert and Educator, is excited to share ways to declutter your thoughts and make space for new ones to be developed and received. Be sure to tune in this week on Cultivating Kindness With Karen for an inspirational conversation. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
The Gift In Resistance – Karen Leslie
The Gift In Resistance – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  People say there is always a gift in resistance. Do you believe that to be true? It likely depends on your beliefs and personal experience. To find the gift in resistance may take some digging of many people. Are you willing to do some digging? The universe is definitely sending a lot of energies to everyone to see who is in resistance and who is open to allowing change. Change is one of the cornerstones of healing. Are you ready to find out why? Join Karen Leslie, Stress Recovery Expert, on this episode of Cultivating Kindness With Karen to see where you are on the resistance meter and what gifts you are either allowing or refusing. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Do I Love Myself Enough To ____________? – Karen Leslie
Do I Love Myself Enough To ____________? – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Interesting question to be asking yourself on a regular basis. How much is enough? How do you know if you love yourself enough? Love can be a tricky word and energy. Love carries so many different interpretations and ways of looking at it. If you do love yourself enough what does that do for you? How about the opposite; what are the potential difficulties with not believing you love yourself enough? In this episode, Karen Leslie, will talk about how to determine your level of self-love, what having more can do for you and can you have too much self-love? Join Karen Leslie, Educator and Energetic Transformational Healer on this weeks episode of Cultivating Kindness With Karen where you will uncover the sometimes illusive understanding of self-love. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here:
Worry Energy Is Unkind Energy – Karen Leslie
Worry Energy Is Unkind Energy – Karen Leslie
Cultivating Kindness With Karen  Are you a worrier? Do you worry about yourself, the world, or other people? Everyone experiences the energy of worry from time to time. For some it is an energy that is around, and in your thoughts, a lot. Many people believe that to worry about someone means you care about them. Does that feel true for you? When worry energy is resisted by someone, the person who is worried may respond by saying "I am not worried, I care about you". There are so many different messages and agendas attached to the energy of worry! It is really important that the "worrier" understands this. Join Karen Leslie Educator and Energy Transformational Healer on Cultivating Kindness With Karen this week to gain clarity and a greater understanding about what can happen when you go into the energy of worry. What you think you may be communicating may not be what the other person is receiving. Light From The Shadows: Enriching The Lives Of Others Inspired Choices Network Hosts Author Karen Leslie – –     ~ More About Cultivating Kindness With Karen ~  Karen Leslie is an Educator and an Expert Healer who has been facilitating energy with others for over 25 years.  Her life of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts has led her on an interesting, and at times, turbulent path to where she is today. Kindness was definitely missing in Karen’s life.  Karen was always kind and compassionate to others, however she was not showing kindness to herself.  Today Karen knows that kindness towards others was actually a way of avoiding her own wounds and sadness.  These choices created a life of ‘people pleasing’, keeping the peace and avoiding conflict; especially if it involved having to say “No” to someone else. Karen knows now that everything we do to help ourselves from the neck up will help everything from the neck down.  Karen now lives each day with enthusiasm, excitement, an openness to new adventures and a great deal of kindness towards everyone, most especially herself. To get more of Cultivating Kindness With Karen, be sure to visit the podcast page for replays of all her shows here: