
Adam Busby

A podcast following designers, musicians, artists, writers, filmmakers and more, exploring the details of how they get from a to b and everything in between. read less


Kyle Steed On Art (Round 2)
Kyle Steed On Art (Round 2)
The wise, intentional, creative and incredibly heartfelt Kyle Steed is back with us for a round 2 interview! We we were able to go a bit deeper in this one having set things up last time to talk about the muse, creative resistance, whether inspiration exists and beyond. Kyle takes us through the twists and turns of his creative career including his time in the airforce. We uncover some very interesting thoughts around self belief, internal narrative and how this shapes how we view ourselves. And perhaps my favourite part of the whole chat, equally enjoyable and uncomfortable, we get into paradoxes of life, art and beyond. Kyle has this great ability to very quickly get to the heart of an idea and bring everything back in perspective that I admire, so enjoy this chat with Kyle Steed, again. Kyle Steed kylesteed.com Kyle's Email newsletter  Links Steven Pressfield on Chase Jarvis Podcast  Bob Ross On Mistakes  Steven Pressfield's The War of Art  Anne Lamott  Kyle Steed "A Kids Book About Boredom"  Quotes "We can get hung up on materials if we are too afraid just to get started." "It's a journey, I still don't feel like I've arrived." "There's this beautiful both-and-ness to life." -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast adambusbystudio.com   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Madeline Holt On Immersive Art
Madeline Holt On Immersive Art
Madeline Holt is an incredibly considered and wise creative human that applies her hand at many different artistic outputs, most recently her practice has her working with light installations. Madeline has such a bank of wisdom that we pick through piece by piece, most of which was self taught and we learn was gleaned through trial and error. During our chat we learn about the intentional process that Madeline holds in her practice down to the colour of foods she eats, dive into her winding creative journey, and learn why music is tightly linked to her creative output. I think what I loved most about this conversation is the fantastically healthy and positive perspective that Madeline has not only on creativity but life in general. Madeline talks about how to beat the resistance through friendship and finding your tribe, she shares her experiences and learnings with us about trust, ambiguity, finding yourself and your style. So many great analogies and mantra's shared in this one, too many to count, so I hope you enjoy. Jump in as Madeline makes me blush, we do my favourite thing in the whole world, talk gardening analogies and we launch Madelines Mantra. Introducing Madeline Holt On Immersive Art.   Madeline Holt madelineholt.net @madelineholt   Links Joyce N. Ho On Motion Design Porya Hatami  Susuma Yokota  Niels Frahm    Quotes "Creativity is such a natural thing, it kind of lines up like Nature you know it has cycles, it has seasons." "It's understanding where you are at in your cycle or season, it's not going to be a linear output of creativity and content, that's not how the creative process flows." "The ability to be adaptable and be able to change and pivot is a really valuable tool or reflex within the creative practice.  "Trust and show up for the practice." "It's about staying engaged with the question and not seeking answers." "The moment between idea and action, keeping that as short as possible." "The things that benefit us most are not the things that we intellectualise, it's the things that we experience through our body." "Just because you don't know how to do something doesn’t mean you cant do it.    -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
ENESS On Interactive Public Art Installations
ENESS On Interactive Public Art Installations
I had the pleasure of speaking to Nimrod Weis, one of the co-founders of the extremely creative, highly inventive and wonderfully playful studio ENESS. ENESS is an art and technology company who design evocative interactive experiences for public, commercial and cultural entities. The work that ENESS produces is able to hit that sweet spot of art that is able delight both a 6 year old and a 60 year old simultaneously, they are also masters of balancing art, commerce, technology and design. During our conversation we dive into the inception of the studio and how from day one Nimrod and his business partner have been reinvesting every spare dime and minute back into the work. We go through Nimrods creative routine and practices and uncover the correlation between a high performing athlete and an artist. It is really fabulous to hear the inner-workings and thoughts on process and the creative practice from Nimrod and we end up diving pretty deep into the psychology of creativity and curiosity. Join us as we uncover quantum physics, discover why the goal isn't to have no problems at all but rather to have more interesting problems and why nimrod sits on the floor. Introducing ENESS On Interactive Public Art Installations.   ENESS eness.com @studioeness     Links Wired: NextFest  Creativity Inc. Isaac Mizrahi  Lyndal Hall  BODW Hong Kong Talk by Nimrod  Cupid's Koi Garden  IDEO     Quotes "The focus now for me and for us, is what problems are we solving, what messages are we conveying , what feelings are we evoking and then apply technology to it. "   "Use what is within your means."   "It's risk that allows for that element of something new."   " I kind of never stop in the sense of imagining or being curious."   "If you imagine an athlete, you think of someone waking up at 5:30 in the morning, and you think about a creative, I'm not seeing them getting up that early."   "We are entertaining a 6 year old and a we’re entertaining a 60 year old."   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Gavin Strange On Directing And Design
Gavin Strange On Directing And Design
Gavin is a true creative polymath, stretching his hands from directing, design, music, photography, writing and speaking. Gavin has been working with the Oscar winning animation studio Aardman for 14 years, mecca of stop motion, perhaps best known for bringing to life the wonderful and childhood shaping characters Wallace and Grommit. Gav is hilarious, articulate so curious and creative, and one of the most grateful humans we have had on the show. During our chat, we go through what it's like being a multi disciplinary creative in a world where specialising is typically more coveted, how being technology and medium agnostic can open you up to unique crossover and connections and he absolutely hits the nail on the head with the topic of style and finding your voice. Gav takes us through a snapshot of his process when directing the stunning and emotional stop motion animated short film, Turtle Journey.  I Hope you enjoy this episode where we pay tribute to the cement layers and manual labourers of the world, wig out over disrupting the space time continuum and Gav and I accidentally invent the newest version of LowFi beats to chill to.   Gavin Strange JamFactory @jamfactory JamFactory Twitter Aardman @Aardmananimations     Links The Imagineering Story  Peter Lord  Turtle Journey Film  Creature comforts  Morph  All This Mayhem  Seven title sequence  Teenage Engineering OP-1      Quotes "I love everything and I want to try and do everything whenever I can." "When your inspirations come from so many different places, it only feels right that your output would be multiple places." "To connect with someone on an emotional level because you as a team have moved something one frame at a time, that's the magical thing about animation." "I just try and be quite kind to myself and just do what excites me." "Find your voice and your audience will find you."   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Kris Andrew Small On Art And Design
Kris Andrew Small On Art And Design
Kris is an extremely vibrant, creative and passionate human being and his work reflects this. Kris, starting his creative journey in advertising, now works with all the big boys like Nike, Adidas and Apple just to name a few. During this conversation we hear about Kris growing up as a kid getting his start in creativity and being not the typical child creative prodigy that you might expect. Kris and I dive into how his reason to create stems from the injustices and his frustration around inequality. We also talk about paying your dues and being realistic about the long path to success often being lined with potholes and designing millions of Vodafone ads. We go through Kris's work ethic, his dealings with imposter syndrome and why trusting your instincts, not overthinking and speaking your mind, might just land your work, like it did for Kris, in the Louvre. We also get nitty gritty from things like Kris's morning routine and how he combats the often odd and unpredictable hours of being a freelance creative to how important it is to make investments into your work and sacrificing a few luxuries to reach your goals. Listen in as we try to remember scientific facts, quote the show Friends for the first time in the podcast's history and learn who Klaus is. Introducing Kris Andrew Small On Art And Design.   Kris Andrew Small krisandrewsmall.com @krisandrewsmall   Links Kate Isobel Scott Episode Kris's branding for genderless makeup brand TOOD Nathalie Du Pasquier Keith Haring Jean Paul Goude Ken Done M.I.A. Jonathan Zawada Fernand Léger     Quotes "I didn't become freelance to get in there at 9am!" "Part of me wishes I had no goals in life and I could just live in the forest and grow my own vegetables." "I like making work and being creative and contributing to culture." "Does it look cool and does it say something, that's my barometer of a successful piece of work." "My work comes from a very restless place in myself so I almost have to build up an amount of restlessness to then explode." "I did shitty work, I've been on the crap side of things. It took me a long time to get successful." "Don't undersell yourself, believe in what you do and be proud of it." "I drove endless amounts of shitty cars because I wanted to spend my money on my work." "Klaus is my logo, I think."   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Kate Isobel Scott On Plasticine Illustration And Animation
Kate Isobel Scott On Plasticine Illustration And Animation
Kate Isobel Scott is an incredibly talented artist who's chosen visual language, through mediums such as plasticine, embroidery and animation, is visceral, playful, slightly nostalgic, and completely gorgeous. Kate has a really unique ability to unapologetically move seamlessly between mediums and disciplines, bringing strengths and experiences from one creative category into another. During our chat we talk about giving ample space to explore, experiment and find your creative voice. What I loved most about our conversation is how Kate gives herself and us permission to make mistakes, try new things, and not only accept our unique quirks and challenges but actually lean into these, double down on them, feature them and use them as a superpower. Ultimately we learn one of the greatest lessons of all, that fitting in is highly overrated. I hope you enjoy this episode where you can listen to us try and do math, complain about modern kids shows, and find out why Kate spends her free time learning how to make baskets. Introducing Kate Isobel Scott On Plasticine Illustration And Animation   Kate Isobel Scott Kateisobelscott.com @kateisobelscott   Links jordy.studio Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon @rogierwieland Everyone Agency The Trap Door Fireman Sam   Quotes “If you really want to make something you'll make it work and then you'll get picked up for it.” "By the time I figured out I really like playing with plasticine, I was really able to embrace the wonkiness!" "It's not like its a style, it's literally just my fingers." "My work might not be worth anything, but my time is." "When I'm in my downtime, instead of feeling sorry for myself because I don't have any work, I'll be like hey I've gotta be proactive so then I'll be like ok let's make an animation." "If I'm in a creative rut, maybe I'll go and start an embroidery project." "Just keep chipping away at something else on the side as well, to release that creative energy and something will evolve." "You don't need to fit into a category to be happy." "If not now, then when." "Make the work that you want to make, because that's when those jobs will come in."   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Studio Yorktown On Mockups
Studio Yorktown On Mockups
We are welcoming back Bruce as he is our first two time guest, coming in for an encore to take us through the gorgeous work he does with design mockups under the name Studio Yorktown. Studio Yorktown takes mockups to another level, another planet even, it's not even really fair to call anything else a mockup after looking at these. During our conversation Bruce walks us through the genesis of the company, his process and even his day to day ethos and journey in staying creatively healthy. We learn what Bruce looks for in setting up a scene in terms of light, shadows and composition. Bruce encourages us to stop procrastinating, hiding behind tools and excuses and just use what you have, do the thing and start making. We learn what drives someone to make a mockup of a cd on fire. We seek to answer the age old question, if you make work, but don't share it on instagram, did it ever even happen?" And I make many strange diving analogies to creativity. Introducing Studio Yorktown On Mockups   Studio Yorktown Studio Yorktown on Creative Market studioyorktown.com @studioyorktown youtube/studioyorktown     Links Grid Systems In Graphic Design by Josef Müller-Brockmann Cannon of Page Construction The Golden Ratio vs. The Silver Ratio Golden and Silver Ratio in Architecture     Quotes "If you can't figure out how to create with a little, it's unlikely you'll be able to create with a lot." "The thing that I feel engages the mind and adds realism is that there are small imperfections." "If you slow down and you look at things, you're literally giving yourself the gift of looking at the world again." "It's about training yourself to look very closely at a world which is around you full of magic that is easily forgotten." "The faster way to contentment is usually ironically by slowing down."   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Kyle Steed On Art
Kyle Steed On Art
Kyle Steed is a fascinating, poetic and creative force based in Dallas Texas. We go from end to end in this one from the bipolar implications of social media all the way through to balancing creative work with kids and intentionally slowing down your work and process. You might hear Kyle doing some doodling during our conversation and you can even hear his markers moving across the page and the caps coming on and off in the gaps of our talk, all of which I deliberately left in the final cut as I think this sets the stage perfectly for the intentionality and level of creativity that Kyle bring to the table. Kyle drops so many wisdom bombs on life, parenting, seasons, weathering the hard times and ultimately having a perspective on the process that is unlike anyone I have spoken to. I got so much out of this chat with Kyle and I hope you do as well, make sure you listen closely and read between the lines as there are some really profound moments in this conversation. Introducing Kyle Steed On Art   Kyle Steed kylesteed.com @kylesteed   Links The Crossroads Of Should And Must: Find and Follow Your Passion by Elle Luna Anne Lamott Bird by Bird Instructions Writing & Life by Anne Lamott WS Merwin Poet   Quotes "Observing the world is one beautiful way to learn and then to translate that back into the work." "The supreme purpose of our being here isn't just to work and to be productive and to make things, its relational." "There are no straight lines in this life." "We are such a doing culture, that to really be in our body's and to slow down is almost a subversive way to move in the world." "We can so easily trick ourselves into thinking that there is somewhere to arrive." "It's one of the bravest things to make something and put it out there for people." "Style is temporary, but the soul is eternal." "You can't control everything, nor should you." "Be willing to hear no a lot more times than you're going to hear yes."   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Kwame Bruce Busia On NFTs
Kwame Bruce Busia On NFTs
Kwame Bruce Busia possibly better known – especially in design circles – as StudioYorktown does many, many things with a high level of skill including being a singer/songwriter, producer, designer, photographer and entrepreneur. One of those things is having a love and knowledge for blockchain tech, crypto currencies and yes the topic of the day NFTs. I was getting pretty tired of everyone talking about NFT's but using a string of acronyms to describe another acronym, always skirting the topic of what the hell they actually are and how you make them and why anyone should care. Bruce does an incredibly articulate job of breaking down the why, what, how, pros and cons and future of this tech and what it means for anyone in or pursuing a creative career. We even unpack some of the deep creative wisdom in Japanese culture and specifically talk through some poignant creative moments in the film Jiro Dreams of Sushi. Introducing Kwame Bruce Busia On NFT's   Kwame Bruce Busia @StudioYorktown Studio Yorktown on Creative Market Study Yorktown NFT for sale kwamebrucebusia.com   Show links: Beeple $70m NFT Gary Vee on NFTs Rarible Planet Money podcast episode on Beeple $70m NFT Decentraland Verner Herzog   Bruce's NFT Resources and Starter Guide: Basic Concepts To Understand:  What is BLOCKCHAIN? The best explanation of blockchain technology  What is Ethereum? A Beginner's Explanation in Plain English  MetaMask Tutorial 2021: How to Use & Safely Setup MetaMask (setting up your wallet and installing browser extension)  HOW TO CREATE AN #NFT ON RARIBLE WITH ROYALTIES    NFT Platforms and Websites  Rarible Opensea  Foundation (invite only)  Art Blocks  KnownOrigin  Async Art (programmable art platform with individually auctionable layers)  Zora  SuperRare  Maker’s Place   Nifty Gateway   Creary.net (not technically NFTs, but allows artists to earn crypto by sharing and curating the work of others’ portfolios similar to Behance)    Some Future Applications / Display Possibilities for Digital Art + NFTs  Looking Glass Factory - No-Glasses Holographic Display  A run-down of digital art frames for displaying digital art / NFTs  Framed*  - Books: Perennial Seller: The Art of Making and Marketing Work that Lasts by Ryan Holiday The 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene Mastery by Robert Greene Alchemy: The Dark Art and Curious Science of Creating Magic in Brands, Business, and Life by Rory Sutherland It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be by Paul Arden   Documentaries: Jiro Dreams of Sushi Coldplay: A Head Full of Dreams Documentary American Movie Marwencol Helvetica Chef's Table   Quotes "I'm always trying to see how concepts are similar rather than how they are different."   "[NFT technology] is very exciting for particularly creatives because it finally gives a chance to distribute work and set the terms by which you can be compensated for it."   "We are in an era now that we are literally transacting ideas and concepts."   "Once you have a sense of purpose, something that drives you, it becomes this reinforcing loop that keeps you doing it, its like a permanent source of joy and magic."   "It's nothing and it's everything, you don't have to put that much attention to detail in it, but you do and it means something because you do it."   "The goal is not the goal, the goal is the process."   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Brendan Cato On Winemaking
Brendan Cato On Winemaking
Brendan Cato is first and foremost a chef of a very high caliber, but perhaps more pertinent to the topic of this conversation Brendan is a winemaker and roaming food forager. I loved so many parts of this conversation and we cover many aspects of winemaking, but as usual I dig deep into Brendan's process including his unique, minimal intervention and locally sourced approach to winemaking and cooking. Brendan has a unique relationship with ambiguity and experimentation that seems to drive a lot of his success. Perhaps not surprisingly we uncover some amazing creative roots in making wine and to illustrate this Brendan takes us through a story demonstrating why constraints in a creative capacity rather than stifling can be like pouring jet fuel on a fire. It was a joy talking to someone so refreshingly humble and authentic in the dedication behind everything they do. Introducing: Brendan Cato On Winemaking   Brendan Cato @brendancato Carto Wines The Farmed Table Ngarto Wines   Links Demijohn   Quotes "Same for me as cooking, [winemaking] is a continual learning process."   "That's the beauty of making natural wines, you're essentially trying to let the grapes speak for themselves and do what they want to do."   "I never like to cook the same thing twice."   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Charl Laubscher On Digital Design
Charl Laubscher On Digital Design
Charl is the founder and creative director of the renowned digital focussed agency Love & Money. During our conversation Charl breaks down some fascinating methodology around digital design like atomic design and memetics that, let's be honest, most of which goes way over my head, but is super fascinating nonetheless. We talk about how swiftly kicking your ego out the door might be the most beneficial thing you do in your creative process. Our conversation takes us into the intriguing ethos behind the agency which is the phrase: Always In Beta. Charl walks us through the iterative heavy process they go through while dishing out some truth and busting a few myths that have overstayed their welcome in the design community. We even discuss Charl's quite involved and optimized morning routine for getting to deep work and being a less horrible, more creative person throughout the day. Introducing: Charl Laubscher On Digital Design   Charl Laubscher Loveandmoney.com @loveandmoneyagency Medium: Love And Money   Links Atomic Design Memetics Joseph Campbell Me Too (Book Co-Authored by Charl) You Made It Weird with Pete Holmes The Gardener and the Carpenter by Alison Gopnik The Marshmallow Test   Quotes "You can definitely spot the difference between a digital designer and a non digital designer really quickly."   "It's not just what looks good, a lot of it's about what functions."   "If you don't have anything you are going to stand for, then you'll fall when people tell you, we want something different."   "The best way to sell yourself is just to listen to other people talk."   "The most interesting thing you can say to somebody is, sorry what was that?"   "Control the things you can and accept the things you can't."   "If you want to get the most out of people give them clarity, context, direction, trust and hold them accountable."   "You can't change the world if you don't get out of bed."   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Zhu Ohmu On Sculptural Ceramics
Zhu Ohmu On Sculptural Ceramics
Working under the pseudonym Zhu Ohmu, Melbourne ceramicist Rose Wei makes striking organic decorative vessels. Zhu makes the most incredible and almost visceral pieces of ceramic and all done with no formal training. During our chat we dive into how the lack of formal training has actually been a key asset to what she has accomplished. We hear Zhu's thoughts on having a mindset of play and experimentation and how having an openness to failure creates new opportunities and chances for innovation. We dig into getting past a creative block and some fantastic and practical advice that Zhu shares on the topic. We of course hear the ins and outs of her process including some unique ways of getting in the creative zone, doing photoshoots remotely over zoom and an OnProcess first for what she listens to while she works. Introducing: Zhu Ohmu On Sculptural Ceramics   Zhu Ohmu zhuohmu.com   Links Plantsukuroi Symmetrical Faces Gallery Sally Dan-Cuthburt     Quotes "I entered ceramics from a mindset of play and experimentation."   "Ceramics had that intimacy of touch that just felt so right to me."   "[Ceramics] is the most direct and simple method for interacting with a physical material, pressure is applied and the clay responds."   "If I had gone to a ceramics course and asked the teacher that I want to make the pots that I make today, the teacher would say no, that's not possible."   "Art is life and life is art"   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.
Daisy Watt On Weaving
Daisy Watt On Weaving
Daisy is an extremely intelligent, generous human that is also highly skilled at the art of weaving. This conversation take us to some incredibly interesting parts of Daisy's process, including some of the nearly unbelievable parallels and impacts that weaving has had on the development of technology as we've come to know and love it today. Basically without weaving, there wouldn't be a computer. We also dig into some deep topics like the relevance of art and music in our modern society, which Daisy provides a wonderfully open and shut case for. We spend a good 10 minutes on email inbox and ways to combat the constant barrage of everything that comes with it. During our chat we talk about the creative renaissance that is happening and needs to happen as a collective to problem solve some of the worlds biggest problems. If you've listened to more than one episode of this podcast you should know by now that the specific craft we speak about in each episode although interesting in its own right, it is very much just the tip of the creative iceberg in the amount of universal and translatable creative wisdom that is shared and this episode is no different as Daisy shares some extremely valuable creative insights. Introducing: Daisy Watt On Weaving   Daisy Watt daisywatt.com @daisy_watt   Links The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss Tim's E-Mail Autoresponder Templates Creative Pep Talk Podcast RMIT Vivian Maier Jacquard Loom Bri Hammond The Design Files Awards     Quotes "I'm a Jill of all trades in the textile industry."   "Right now what we need is collective critical problem solving and all the creative industries does is provide room for that."   "I wasn't aware that having just a room that wasn't a bedroom in a house that I lived in would provide so much scope for so many and myself, and that is invaluable."   "So much of my craft is documentation and problem solving."   "I'm fortunate that my craft allows me to get back to zero for me to start again, and it forces me to do that process every time I want to get on the loom."   "A product should be more than a quick instant exchange."   "Anyone who has a creative practice knows that we are way more familiar with having to be alone and we are way more familiar with ourselves, because we've had to spend the with ourselves."   "There's nothing better than having room to think."   -   Original Theme Music by Devin Luke - devinlukemusic.com   Stay In Touch onprocess.com @onprocesspodcast   If this episode helped you in any way, we would love your support. The best way to support us is by Subscribing to the show in iTunes and writing us a review. Thanks for listening.