Gay Anthems For A New Generation 2022 Volume 2 — Modern Queer Anthems

Gay Anthems by Party Favorz

04-06-2022 • 4 hrs 32 mins

Play Pause Support the PodcastDownloadShare var srp_player_params_6682c93e80cad = {"title":"","store_title_text":"","albums":[],"hide_artwork":"true","sticky_player":"true","show_album_market":0,"show_track_market":"true","hide_timeline":0,"player_layout":"skin_boxed_tracklist","orderby":"date","order":"DESC","hide_album_title":"true","hide_album_subtitle":"true","hide_player_title":"true","hide_track_title":"true","show_publish_date":"false","show_skip_bt":"false","show_volume_bt":"false","show_speed_bt":"false","show_shuffle_bt":"false","use_play_label":"true","use_play_label_with_icon":"true","progressbar_inline":"true","spectro":"","hide_progressbar":"true","main_settings":"||"} var srp_player_params_args_6682c93e80cad = {"before_widget":"","after_widget":"","before_title":"","after_title":"","widget_id":"arbitrary-instance-6682c93e80cad"} if(typeof setIronAudioplayers !== "undefined"){ setIronAudioplayers("arbitrary-instance-6682c93e80cad"); } Hey there, party people! Get ready to turn up the heat because Party Favorz is back with the much-anticipated volume 2 of the 2022 edition of Gay Anthems For A New Generation featuring the biggest modern queer anthems. And let me tell you, this set is absolutely sizzling! We've packed this compilation with all the iconic gay anthems you'd expect from a series of this magnitude. But that's not all—we've also unearthed some hidden gems from the past 12 years that deserve their time in the spotlight. I've personally combed through this release with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring a seamless and buttery-smooth listening experience. Now, here's some exciting news: when the 3rd volume drops next week, you'll find that we've left no stone unturned. This time capsule of music celebrates both our vibrant past and our vibrant present, capturing every aspect of gay life. But wait, there's more! I want to introduce an additional sub-category to the gay anthem list—one that we didn't cover in the previous post: teenage angst. While it's true that growing up gay has become more accepting and easier in many places, there are still regions where repression persists. We all recall those high school years when we couldn't come out, fearing the consequences of being ostracized or bullied. Perhaps you even had a crush on your straight best friend. This set includes a few songs that touch on the themes of teenage longing, anger, and frustration. For me personally, after binge-watching the latest season of "Stranger Things" on Netflix and hearing Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill" on repeat, it got me reflecting on the music that brought me solace during those times. It felt like Kate Bush belonged to me and spoke directly to my soul. Later, Sinead O'Connor's "The Lion and the Cobra" took that place in my heart. But even before that, there was the debut album from the Pretenders. In the new millennium, Emo music became the anthem for angst-ridden teens. While anyone can relate to the isolation and depression that comes with this stage of life, being gay added an extra layer of social anxiety and the longing for acceptance from peers. So, I want to dedicate this set to all those kids out there, assuring them that it does get better. It may not be perfect, but it definitely gets much, much better. I'm aware that gay pride events are already in full swing, so I'll be dropping the third and final volume of modern queer anthems around Thursday to keep the party going strong. Unfortunately, there won't be an official Gay Pride release this year for the circuit boys, but don't worry—I've got you covered. The pride-themed tracks will be included in part 1 of ...