The Ultimate Gay Anthems & PRIDE Classics — Volume 2

Gay Anthems by Party Favorz

07-05-2022 • 0 seconds

Play Pause Support the PodcastDownloadShare var srp_player_params_6682c93e86590 = {"title":"","store_title_text":"","albums":[],"hide_artwork":"true","sticky_player":"true","show_album_market":0,"show_track_market":"true","hide_timeline":0,"player_layout":"skin_boxed_tracklist","orderby":"date","order":"DESC","hide_album_title":"true","hide_album_subtitle":"true","hide_player_title":"true","hide_track_title":"true","show_publish_date":"false","show_skip_bt":"false","show_volume_bt":"false","show_speed_bt":"false","show_shuffle_bt":"false","use_play_label":"true","use_play_label_with_icon":"true","progressbar_inline":"true","spectro":"","hide_progressbar":"true","main_settings":"||"} var srp_player_params_args_6682c93e86590 = {"before_widget":"","after_widget":"","before_title":"","after_title":"","widget_id":"arbitrary-instance-6682c93e86590"} if(typeof setIronAudioplayers !== "undefined"){ setIronAudioplayers("arbitrary-instance-6682c93e86590"); } Party Favorz is back with volume 2 of the Ultimate Gay Anthems & Pride Classics, and let me tell you, the gay factor is off the charts! To be honest, I had a vision for this 'ultimate' gay anthems series, but it wasn't until I started putting it together that I realized the challenges ahead. While I aim to stick with the original versions in most cases, I've found that opting for more current remixes of the same track helps maintain a tight pace and overall flow. You'll see this even more in volume 3, dropping later this week. Don't worry though, these updated remixes stay true to the essence of the originals. Given the diverse styles featured in this compilation, I discovered that key mixing works for some songs, but it becomes necessary to change directions to avoid sticking with the same style for too long. This is where matching the percussive elements of each song comes into play, even when the styles differ. There's no software for that; it's a skill I learned a long time ago when I needed to shift gears or inject new energy into the mix. I also found myself having to re-edit some overly ambitious remixes that had extended drops leading nowhere. It only happened twice in this set, but you can expect more in the upcoming volumes. However, I decided to leave Toni Braxton's 'Un-break My Heart' as is this time. It's the first Hex Hector remix that propelled him to stardom (even if he worked on it with Soul Solution), but it's clear he hadn't fully developed his drop technique yet. Editing this song is a breeze, but I thought it was time to let it play in all its full glory since it's not overly long. If any of you have been following the Roe v Wade issue currently making waves in the United States, you'll know how passionate I get about political matters. Ever since the leaked draft opinion by SCOTUS surfaced before its official release in late June, I've been deeply concerned—and you should be too. The repercussions of what's to come affect everyone, not just women. I'll have more to say about it, likely at the end of all these Pride mixes, because I want to provide a clear and precise understanding of the fallout from this decision and emphasize how seriously we should all be taking it. But for now, my main aim is for everyone to embrace their freedom, be proud of who they are, and find happiness. There's a lot of fantastic stuff heading your way. Until next time...ENJOY! Album: Ultimate Gay Anthems & Pride Classics Vol. 2Genre: Circuit, House, Hi NRGYear: 2022Total Time: 04:16:40 1. Annie Lennox - A Thousand Beautiful Things (Peter Rauhofer Beautiful Strings Anthem) 2. Hannah Jones - You Only Have To Say You Love Me (Jame...