The ONE Program Podcast

Kristen Edmiston

The ONE Program Podcast is hosted by Edmonton-based entrepreneur, Kristen Edmiston, the author of The ONE Book and creator of The ONE Program. This podcast creates a space for diving deep into topics surrounding all things business, leadership, and creativity. Hear from inspiring entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and innovative thinkers as we explore the “power of ONE” and overcome the overwhelm together. read less


The Overwhelming Lie
The Overwhelming Lie
In this solo episode, Kristen paints a picture of just how hurtful (and dangerous) lies, deception, and manipulation can be. We've all been there at some point in our lives... toxic workplaces, dishonesty in relationships, business partnerships that turned out to be something different than what we were promised... these kinds of situations can take a huge toll on our trust - and that's a big problem! We as humans (heads, hearts and all) NEED to be able to trust one another. But more importantly... we need to be able to trust ourselves. Kristen dives into the concept of "The Overwhelming Lie". It isn't the kind of deception that we experience from working with or living with others - it's actually much worse! The Overwhelming Lie is the one we tell ourselves when we feel stuck or fearful around making big decisions. What is it? "I CAN'T." I can't change jobs, I can't go back to school, I can't start that dream business... I can't leave this unhappy relationship or friendship. The words "I Can't" are perhaps the most dangerous lie of all because it puts us squarely in the sights of The "Overwhelm". It stagnate us, stalls us, stifles us and even sabotages us. It prevents us from leading a life filled with optimism and possibility. It robs our inner dreamer of seeing those big lofty goals in life through. So take a listen in on this shorty episode if you're needing a good ol' kick in the pants today. It's time to take the bull by the horns and start making big decisions in our lives so that we don't waste our most valuable resources while waiting and hoping for our circumstances to change.
Access Denied - with Brenda Harrington
Access Denied - with Brenda Harrington
In this interview episode of the Podcast, Kristen meets with Brenda Harrington: Executive Coach and Author of "Access Denied - Addressing Workplace Disparities and Discrimination". She is the founder of Adaptive Leadership Strategies LLC. and works with leaders globally in public, private, government, intergovernmental, humanitarian, and non-profit organizations. After more than 30 years working in private industry, Brenda has walked a fascinating journey into the entrepreneurial space and shares how she lived through a "Goldilocks Experiment" in Corporate America to realized the environment just wasn't the right fit for her desire to have a direct impact on outcomes for others. Kristen and Brenda talk about what the transition into the entrepreneurial world really looks like (spoiler alert - there's nothing easy about it) and Brenda shares her insights on how to make that journey a little easier... Things like avoiding other people's "shoulds", taking time for meaningful reflection, know who you are (and who you're not), and getting comfortable with trial and error (aka - don't be afraid of failure). Brenda also shares what inspired her to write her first book and how she hopes that through the stories she's shared and the reflective exercises she's included - each and every one of us can take away some valuable learning. Her primary audience includes those who are directly impacted by disparities and discrimination in the workplace and she's very deliberately focused her messaging to be: "You're not crazy" (you're not imagining things), and "You're not alone." Her book helps those who've been overlooked and denied equal opportunities to have a language that describes their circumstances while also encouraging her secondary audience... business leaders with blindspots - to throw back the covers and really look for where the biases and discrimination exists in their organizations. Brenda and Kristen dig even deeper in the conversation about how to translate awareness building and education into action. She's introduced her book to National Associations and various leadership teams (including Author talks) and is currently developing a companion course and workshop to help leaders take that closer look and make meaningful change. And when does meaningful change happen? Kristen and Brenda discuss the path of holding people accountable and moving past ticking the diversity and inclusion training checkbox. In Brenda's wise words... "You have to be willing to look - and not look the other way." We simply cannot miss an opportunity to "speak up and call it out" when it comes to disparities and discrimination in the workplace. Here's a little more about our guest: Brenda Harrington, PCC is the founder of Adaptive Leadership Strategies LLC, and the author of ACCESS DENIED: Addressing Workplace Disparities and Discrimination. As a Certified Executive Coach, she works with leaders globally across a variety of sectors to help them develop the professional habits necessary to become more influential and achieve their goals. Her personal career journey includes positions ranging from first-line manager to senior executive leadership. Brenda completed coaching certification at Georgetown University. She holds a master’s degree from Virginia Tech, Pamplin College of Business, and a bachelor’s degree from Adelphi University. Brenda has also received certification from Thunderbird School of Global Management for work focusing on Global Mindset. You can find Brenda on LinkedIn and Instagram, too.
Coming Full Circle
Coming Full Circle
We don't get to figure out the patterns and how the dots connect in life until we're looking back with hindsight but our special guest for this episode has quite the story to share about how things have most definitely come full circle for her. We're thrilled to introduce you to Licia Dantas, AKA the WebDev Momma! Licia is a true pioneer in the world of web development and she's a fierce advocate for women in tech. In this episode, Licia shares her back story and shares how she's battled through her own challenges to reach a place in her career where she CAN have it all. The walk of motherhood, the infinite potential as an entrepreneur, and a community builder for other like-minded women. Licia is committed to creating a more equal, diverse, and inclusive digital world by educating women about web technology and helping women-owned businesses make tech choices that are right for their goals. Through Licia's story, we hear how she decided to take big bold leaps of faith (like moving to Canada from Brazil) knowing that we simply cannot plan for everything. In Licia's words, all you can do is "look both ways before you cross but follow what's right for you." She shares how she's gone from being a learner, to a practitioner, to now an expert and a teacher for other women who are interested in building their own business in the tech space. Her approach is incredibly unique and somewhat foreign in the tech world... she is more focused on the person... NOT the technology, and when it comes to mentoring others towards having a fulfilling and successful career in web design, we have to see ourselves (and others in the community) as more than someone behind a computer or the numbers they code with. Kristen and Licia dive into the value of continuous learning and refusing to be put inside a stereotypical box. They also explore how being a part of a supportive community can (and will) make all the difference. Licia is a proud, long-time member of YBB Connect and credits much of her success to the encouragement she received in this community of women in business. As she embarks upon her new venture as the WebDev Momma, she's inviting anyone who's interested in simplifying and demystifying technology (or just wanting to make better use of it in their business) to join in her own community that she's building and to see first hand how you don't have to go it alone. To reach Licia, you can find her at If you'd like to explore her offers, including her WebDev Momma Clubhouse Membership, check out:⁠ and her website design services at: And be sure to follow along on Instagram too:⁠
Authenticity in Leadership
Authenticity in Leadership
Leaders - The Overwhelm can be a real speed bump on the journey, whether you have a team or you're leading from somewhere else in your life... Leadership is as much a responsibility as it is a privilege. So, what can we learn from others when it comes to making the leadership path simpler? We can listen to their stories. We can learn from their lessons. We can strive to live by their example. In this episode, Ashley Mielke speaks with vulnerability about her experiences as a leader and as the conversation evolves, it becomes all too clear that there are some very basic principles that can make all the difference. Let's start by re-introducing you to Ashley (check out our first interview in Season 1). Ashley Mielke is a Registered Psychologist and Founder and CEO of The Grief and Trauma Healing Centre: a multi- location, large group private practice with locations in Alberta and Manitoba. Ashley is a sought-after international speaker, trainer, thought leader on grief, and a business consultant for therapists who are seeking to grow and scale their group practices. She is also a wife, mother, and third-year doctoral student completing a Doctor of Psychology degree program through California Southern University. When Ashley is not in the office mentoring her team, consulting to help therapists with their practices, or speaking at events and conferences, she can be found at the rink playing hockey, soaking in time with her family, or exploring the breathtaking landscapes of Hawaii: a place that she holds dear to her heart. Ashley is a heart-centred and purpose-driven leader who instils hope and healing through her story of resilience and overcoming. Her greatest sense of fulfillment comes from connecting with others and empowering them to uncover the resilience of hope—the hope that can only be found in the midst of great challenges and journeys through grief. In this episode, Kristen and Ashley dive into "getting back to the basics" when it comes to leadership principles. Transparency, presence, visibility, accessibility, flexibility, and vulnerability. They also reflect on the common denominator of communication when it comes to serving with a team. So many of these ideas seem obvious when we put them front and centre, and yet putting them into daily practice is something that many leaders struggle with. As Ashley and Kristen discuss, it can easily get burnt out from wanting to do it all and be everything to everyone - and as such, it is so important for leaders to be mindful of how they prioritize their time (and really - what trumps your PEOPLE when it comes to setting priorities?). We encourage you to listen closely for other tips and tricks that Ashley shares about authentic leadership - there are plenty of take-away strategies infused throughout this conversation! If you're looking for the "how" to grow and enhance your leadership skills... this episode is for you. We're grateful that Ashley opened up with her own experiences as an ever-growing, highly-respected leader both in her business and her community. Reach out and let us know if this episode resonates for you!
Excellence is the Skeleton Key
Excellence is the Skeleton Key
What does "Excellence" mean to you? In this solo episode, Kristen explores the concept of excellence and how it truly is the Skeleton Key that will open up doors of opportunity in both our personal and professional lives. We will explore what "excellence" really looks like, what it isn't (spoiler alert - it is NOT perfection). We also dive into the importance of defining "Success" at a very personal level. Excellence can serve as a catalyst to get you to your own definition of success... faster, and in a more sustainable fashion if we keep our eye on the prize. Kristen also identifies 5 important things we're missing out on when we don't consistently strive for excellence and if you are a business owner or entrepreneur - you're going to be especially interested in this part of the conversation. Have you ever thought about the connection between excellence and gaining a competitive advantage in your market space? What about excellence and reputation? Or customer loyalty? How about efficiencies and growth potential? Kristen dives into several reasons why our consistent pursuit of excellence (aka continuous improvement) will get us closer to our goals and ultimately - to our greatest successes. Lastly, it's important to acknowledge that the pursuit of excellence isn't always easy. There can be a lot of things that get in the way and Kristen discusses five important roadblocks that are quite common. She encourages you to "try on" each of the five to see which ones fit (there's no judgement here but if we don't acknowledge where the problems are, we can't easily address them!). Do you think any of these roadblocks get in the way for you? Fear, arrogance, ignorance, comfort, or The Overwhelm? Well, if you're human - chances are one (or all) of these will apply. Kristen offers a couple of reframes and strategies to help you address what might be getting in the way (think of it as a gentle kick in the a$$ to make some changes) so that you feel a little freer and more empowered to USE the skeleton key of Excellence to get you closer to your goals.
Confidence Happens in Hindsight
Confidence Happens in Hindsight
This may not be something you need. Perhaps you feel solid in the confidence department and we're cheering you on in that! But for those of us who have struggled with building up our confidence, or had it knocked down, or we've missed the mark with humility... or struggled with Imposter Syndrome... this episode is for you. In this solo episode, Kristen explores several ideas around confidence and humility and shares two of her own personal stories to illustrate how confidence doesn't come from trying to prove something, but instead - it comes with hindsight after doing the really hard things. Have you ever found yourself worrying that if you are "too confident" that you'll be perceived as arrogant? Or that people like you better when you come across as humble? Does this make you want to play it small? Kristen encourages all of us to stand out and speak up if we have something to say but also gets real about how our insecurities can get in the way. She's candid about how her own insecurities have played a role in her journey and there's no sugar coating it - those insecurities can lead us in the wrong direction. Kristen talks about how we can fall into the comparison trap and even overcompensate when we feel like we have something to prove. But who are we trying to prove something to and why do we feel like it's so important? Kristen opens up in her storytelling this episode and her stories go back to the early days of her career when confidence was scarce but the stakes were high. There were lessons in both humility and stepping into one's capability (instead of believing all of those imposter-talking self doubts). Listen in to the full episode to hear how one of her first public speaking events went (snickers in the crowd and all) and how she's learned that when we work for the cause - instead of the applause... when we stay true to ourselves and remain authentic... suddenly those big scary things that take a lot of courage to try are actually so much easier. They also happen to be the very things that we need to do to discover the confidence we're looking for. Confidence is waiting for you on the other side of that big bold move - so why wait? We get one life to live - and on the other side of NOT doing it, is regret. Go for it! You are capable and you are most definitely worthy. We believe in YOU!
Prioritizing the Priorities
Prioritizing the Priorities
What if we've been going about priority-setting the wrong way? In this solo-episode, Kristen presents a reframed look at priority setting. In a society where we're been so driven to hustle, do more, do it ALL - have we maybe been led to believe that our value is determined by how much we produce? How fast we can work? How many things we can work on at one time? Productivity and efficiency are no doubt important factors in terms of driving towards success... but what about our effectiveness? The IMPACT of our actions. In this episode, Kristen relates how, in the early days of the pandemic - so many of us struggled with the sudden stop in our hustled pace. At times, many of us were left feeling a bit lost without our go-go-go routines. We missed that sense of being productive and in lieu of our usual 'busyness' - we had to sit with the uncomfortable stillness more than we ever have before. Kristen asks us how our priorities might shift if we asked ourselves... "what do I need to do first to make me the most effective today?" . To be at our best, we need to prioritize our physical and mental health... meaning the meal plans and workouts and therapy appointments should probably come first above all else, right? Self-care suddenly becomes a might higher priority when we consider what actions we should take to be effective (vs. productive). How important is productivity to you? How much satisfaction do you get from crossing off those to-do lists? Do you look forward to the praise and recognition that comes from being "that" person that gets it all done?
Truth Serum
Truth Serum
What is the experience of a small business owner/entrepreneur... really? Well it's going to be a little different for everyone but in this episode, Kristen reflects on some of those inner most feelings and needs that she's observed and explored while developing the ONE Theory. With that, this episode is first a message for the supporters of small business owners (our spouses, partners, friends, family etc.) but we hope that if you're an entrepreneur tuning in today - you'll feel a little more seen and validated too. So - down goes a bit of truth serum as Kristen talks about some of those things that don't get shared out in the open - hopefully it strikes a conversation for you! Does love and business intersect? Given that it's February, this question has been top of mind for Kristen this month. In Canada, we are also celebrating Family Day (on the release day of this episode, by chance)... and this concept around how love shows up in business seems to be a great thing to talk about right now.  Do your supporters really 'get' your journey? It's so hard to truly empathize with anyone unless you have a deep understanding of their experience and/or are able to take off your own bias and try to get into the shoes of the person you're wanting to support. So maybe, just maybe... in this episode we'll be pulling back the tough shell exterior that some of us like to put up and let those supporters in on the truth. Kristen will dive deep into some of those innermost insecurities that can (not always, not for everyone) sit within an entrepreneur's heart. She explores 12 needs that she things the supporters of entrepreneurs/business owners/leaders might want to know and she includes some very specific examples of what "support" can look and feel like. We cover of needs around communication, maven-behaviour, freeing up time and energy, learning, motivation and so much more.  This might be one you want to share with your peeps... just saying! ;)
Organization - A Catalyst for Focus?
Organization - A Catalyst for Focus?
In this solo episode, Kristen explores the first of the 6-Excellence Potential Habits that are the foundation to the ONE Theory and the ONE Book... ORGANIZATION. There are a lot of ideas out there around high performance habits. We LOVE habits and believe they are a very effective tool for moving the needle in our lives (and there's plenty of science to back that up), but when Kristen was working on developing the ONE Theory, it became clear that a big missing piece of the traditional "success" formulas is ENERGY. The Overwhelm is a thief of our joy and our energy and so we have created a system through the ONE Book that re-introduces the importance of energy into the equation and although the topic of organization may not be splashy or sexy... once we realize how much it helps when applied effectively... it is pretty damn attractive. We have come a long way in our thinking about keeping the physical 'things' in our lives organized (hello fridge and closet organization systems) but what about our thoughts, ideas, plans, and feelings? The ONE Book was created to fill in this gap! Kristen dives into the fundamental principles of "Systems Theory" and how it fits with the ONE Theory, she explores why getting organized feels so good (yes... more feelings)... which really does matter when we're trying to get the root challenges we have with getting and staying organized. Lastly, Kristen leaves us with a concept to ponder... what would it look and feel like if we released our attachment to "hustle culture" and began thinking about our effectiveness vs. our productivity. Should we be valuing ourselves and others based on how 'productive' we are... or instead... should we be shooting for effectiveness. Should we be looking at the impact we're making instead of how many to-do items we cross off the list?
OATH Goals are Smarter
OATH Goals are Smarter
Why SMART Goals really aren't... Instead - try setting OATH Goals! Happy New Year, friends!  Goals are a highly effective tool but Kristen introduces some different thinking around goal setting. This is our first episode of 2023 and we want to kick things off right by getting crystal clear about why goals matter and how we can make them constructive (yes, goals can be destructive). Why are goals so great? Prioritizing things and building up momentumKeeping things on track like an accountable pillarLooks good on paperFeels good to declare them, day dreamingSometimes we can imagine how life-changing our goals can be. But sometimes goals can do more harm than good. Kristen explores 5 ways this can happen. When we focus on the "shoulds" (comparison, lacking self confidence, perfectionism)When goals become influenced by what others are doing or appear to be doingWhen set with the intention of "beating" someone else. There's a fine line to where competition is healthy and where it is detrimental. Measuring our success based on someone doing or accomplishing less.When the perfect achievement of our goals becomes integral to our self identity and self worth - Perfectionists this is for you. Goals can be harmful when they are so rigidly set that we become intertwined with them as our identity.When goals become a tool for self shame, blame and sabotage - sometimes the idea of success can be very scary and so much so that we may even put up roadblocks for ourselves (procrastination anyone?). Kristen explains why she feels the traditional "SMART" goal methodology just isn't an effective way to set goals. Do you remember the acronym? S= Specific, M = Measurable, A = Attainable, R = Reasonable, T = Timely. While Kristen explains that "timeliness" is an important factor - the other 4 conditions are flawed. Instead, Kristen offers OATH goals as an alternative. O = Outcome driven, A = Aligned (with your purpose, vision, mission), T = Timely, and H = Held by both your head and your heart. Lastly we explore important questions around "how many goals are ideal" and what specific actions to take before you set your goals, during your goal-attainment phase, and after you achieve what you've set out to do. Goals aren't the only factor of success but we truly believe that by setting intentional areas of focus, we are far less likely to get stuck in the Overwhelm as the year rolls on and that in itself is going to tee us up for more success, happiness, and harmony.
The Highs and Lows of 2022
The Highs and Lows of 2022
New Years Eve bonus episode (solo). Here you'll listen in on some reflections that summarize an important message about making sense of our highs and lows. Perhaps there is someone out there that needs this message? Do you get reflective this time of year? Reflection is an important part of the ONE theory and within the ONE book. We may all have different techniques to reflect but Kristen shares one strategy that she's being using for years - having started it with her son many years ago. Separating your experiences into your highs and lows… such a great way to dive deeper into conversations especially with kids. It is important for them to observe how we process the highs and lows in our lives. It also just helps to talk these things out - it is a beautiful life lesson indeed. Kristen shares that she's struggled to identify a lot of high-highs and low-lows in 2022. It was kind of uncomfortable because of the novel stability of 2022. It was a chance to catch one's breath but there was a realization that when we are so conditioned to push or pull against resistance, we sometimes we just don't know how to paddle on still waters. Does that sound familiar? Kristen shares a story about how she realized how uncomfortable it has been to learn to paddle and stay balanced without the resistance. Literally - from her experience paddle boarding this past summer. It's been an important life lesson - a different pace, a different strength, and dealing with stillness. She goes on to share a very personal message about making sense of the swings in life - it's not just about surviving them. The lows really do serve us in a beautiful way too. The poem referenced in this episode is called "Life Lessons" by Anonymous.  Share your reflections and your thoughts on this episode with us! We love hearing from our listeners: (IG),
I Did it on Purpose
I Did it on Purpose
We are counting down the last few days of 2022 and that's got us really digging deep in an introspective kind of way. In this solo episode, we are exploring the concept of "Purpose". What is it, exactly? Kristen starts with the definition of purpose - both as a noun and as a verb. "Purpose" is... "the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists" (noun) or "to have as one's intention or objective" (verb).  How do you know when you're "on purpose"? Kristen explores there are three criteria: 1) you know your why, your reason, and your rationale; 2) you have some sort of plan; and 3) you take action on it. When you explore what the opposite of purpose is, it can make things even clearer: When not on purpose, we leave things to chance, rely on luck, and seemingly leave things to 'fate'. We are reactive, unfocused, and unaligned.  Kristen asks us "do you know where your last year/month/week/day went"? How many times did you do things "on purpose"? How many of those things that you did were a wise use of your time, money, and energy? And did you do anything on purpose to hold yourself back? Self-sabotage is very real... and it can look like decisions to call in sick when not, skipped workouts, impulse buys, and even discrimination... Oh accountability... Everything we do (or don't do) is a choice. This is both the blessing and curse of free will! We get to enjoy the empowerment but we also bear the responsibility to make better choices. Purpose can help us there! Kristen offers several strategies for getting on purpose and staying there: Get crystal clear on your bigger picture why - and the outcome of that, not just a goalFeel it - it isn't enough to just "know" what your purpose is.Remove the negativity (the nay-sayers)Surround yourself with hope and optimismInvest a little every day (yes, your time, money, and energy)Give yourself permission to fall in love with your purpose - butterflies and allShare about that deep passion that lights up your soulWrite about your purpose. This will help to make it more likely that you'll take action on it! We can put this into an acronym, too! P - point yourself in the right direction U - understand your why R - Resist the reasons to NOT be on purpose P - Play with your ideas. Get creative and invite joy in again O - Outcomes - not just goals S - Stay the course E - Envision what it will look like, feel like, sound like when your outcomes resulting from being on purpose Tune in to listen through on several other re-frames around "purpose" and do a check in to see if you're on the right path for 2023.
The Truth About Change - With Logan Gray
The Truth About Change - With Logan Gray
Welcome to another episode of The ONE Program Podcast and we have special guest, Logan Gray joining us for this one! You'll be joining us in on a conversation about change (and how hard it really can be and why) as well as branding. Two seemingly distant topics but we have no trouble finding a way to braid them together!  Logan is a graphic designer and creative strategist and coach who loves to help others build the businesses of their dreams. They have been a designer and artist their whole life, and have enjoyed a wide range of creative careers - from photographer to tattoo artist, writer to web designer, and a few more in between. They love to explore the intersections of art, creativity, relationships & work. Their pronouns are they/them and they are a proud transmaculine human.  Logan very candidly shares about their journey the past several years as the've been experiencing a prolonged season of change. We talk about the impact of cumulative change, how uncomfortable change can feel... even imposter syndrome and so much more. Change is the constant! And the temptation sometimes? To rush through it... but how does that actually work out? What if we took the time to reflect on the change journey while we're in it and ask ourselves "what am I here to learn?" So how do we do this change thing? We explore the "how" through the lens of creating safety through hope and 'possibility' and we don't have to do it alone! We can surround ourselves with people who can reflect positivity and hope back to us and this kind of community is a huge part of safety when it comes to change. We need to feel "safe enough" to try out changes! Let's face it - change can feel very overwhelming and as you know - we are all about overcoming the overwhelm! Given Logan's passion for brand strategy and that they played such a pivotal role in the brand development for The ONE Book, we take the conversation into a business-focused direction and just how difficult it can be to tackle a rebrand - simply because we become attached to our identity - and sometimes we neglect to see these kinds of changes for what they are - a situation that will require some grieving of what was before we embrace something new. What do we mean by brand? It is so much more than the visual aspect of a brand. It goes all the way to our values and goals. Logan explains it's more like a relationship and matchmaking. This is creating a strategic brand! Creating a relationship between the business and their potential SUPER fans for the long haul. This is what tees us up for the long haul. When it comes to branding, sometimes we realize that after a change, our relationships may not be a perfect fit any more - or perhaps what is needed is a refresh or reconnection to rekindle the relationship. A strong brand is a strong foundation that can help our businesses through change and help us build those long-term relationships at the right time with the right people.  Tune in to hear what other little suggest of advice and wisdom Logan shares with Kristen - we have no doubt that just about everyone can relate to this topic of change, and it's an important topic for us walk through.
The Ripple Effect: With Ashley Mielke
The Ripple Effect: With Ashley Mielke
In our 7th episode of The ONE Program Podcast, we welcome a very special guest to the show! Ashley Mielke is a Registered Psychologist, Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, and Founder and CEO of The Grief and Trauma Healing Centre Inc. in Alberta, Canada. She is also the exclusive Canadian Certification Trainer for The Grief Recovery Institute and a sought-after international speaker, trainer, and thought leader on grief. Ashley is also a business consultant for the Practice of the Practice, where she supports and empowers heart-centred therapists to start, grow, and scale their private practices. Ashley was honoured to be named as one of Edify’s Top 40 Under 40 Class of 2021. Ashley has led workshops and training events for multi-million-dollar corporations, professional associations, non-profits, the City of Edmonton, the Government of Canada, Federal Penitentiaries, and numerous small businesses. Ashley is currently obtaining her Doctor of Psychology degree (PsyD) through California Southern University. Ashley found her passion early in life following a difficult childhood overshadowed by her father’s substance abuse and eventual suicide. Surprisingly, Ashley came to discover that her darkest and most painful period of life, was in fact, the very catalyst that uncovered her “WHY” for being: to serve others and create a safe space to explore life’s most challenging questions. Ashley is a heart-centred and purpose-driven leader who instils hope and healing through her story of resilience. Ashley’s greatest empowerment comes when she is able to connect with others and help them find the resilience of hope that can empower them—the hope that can only be found in the midst of great challenges and journeys through grief. In their conversation, Kristen and Ashley explore the importance of ripples in our lives. The ripples we create by following our purpose and living out our "why", by serving others, by being a leader who leads with their story, and by speaking up about the issues that matter the most to us. This intimate discussion is both uplifting and entirely relatable to anyone who's had a dream and known the ups and downs that come with that journey. The loss of her father left Ashely with pain, shame, sadness, and a sense of isolation in her grief and even as a grad student studying to be a registered psychologist, Ashley felt that no one was truly equipped to help her move through her grief journey. After graduating she realized that many grieving people were referred to her and she was also feeling ill-equipped to support them in a way that truly made a difference. It was upon attending a 4-day Grief Recovery Method Program where she was able to process her own grief and then realize this incredible method for serving others like her, that she knew she'd found her purpose and promptly incorporated her business - The Grief and Trauma Healing Centre the very next day. The success that Ashely has realized so far in her career is multifaceted and has created many ripples in different people's lives. She explains how important her team is to her and how integrating her vision, mission, and values has helped (among other things) to attract an ideal team who buy into the heart-centred approach that she lives by. Ashley is currently running her Hope Campaign for the third year in a row - an initiative that was initially started to mark the 10 year anniversary of her father's passing and now continues on to raise awareness and funds to support different local charities. This year, the beneficiary of the Hope Campaign is Little Warriors - a national charitable organization based in Alberta, Canada that is focused on the awareness, prevention, and treatment of child sexual abuse. You can find Ashley on Instagram @theashleymielke and @griefandtraumahealingcentre and at
Permission to Let Go
Permission to Let Go
In this solo episode, Kristen offers up an "Open Letter" for your head and heart. It's about giving ourselves permission to let go of all the things, events, and circumstances that are holding us back and preventing us from achieving our goals. It's about giving ourselves permission to shake off the Overwhelm and release all that does not serve us. "Bad" decisions, mistakes, regret, unspoken words, words that hurt others... you know what you're holding onto and in this episode, Kristen lends some permission to let all of that go. Do you need her permission? No - of course not... but someone hast to tell your unconscious self what your conscious self won't. It's time to let go. Why do we have to? Because when our hands are full - we must put something down to pick something new up. The same principle applies to our heads and hearts. We can only carry so much and so why would we waste that precious carrying capacity on the things that do not serve us? They hold us back, keep us unhappy, and make us STUCK where we can't move forward.  This episode is all about getting UNSTUCK and after listening through, Kristen encourages you to pick up the baton that she's passing you and use the following Permission Pledge (below) to release yourself once and for all. Use this mantra (fill in the blanks) and either write it out until it FEELS good, or keep reciting it until your unconscious self get's the message. Next step - start taking those actions that will finally free you from the burden of carrying what's holding you back. Then - get ready to receive amazing and wonderful changes in your life. That's just how it works! The Permission Pledge I am no longer willing to carry events from my past that hold me back from the future I desire. Today I release ____________________ and this will leave space and grace for _____________________. This is within my control. I am taking this control and using it to create the life I want. Without regret. Without reservation.  I AM willing to take action to finally release myself. Step ONE will be: ________________________ and I will start this today. This is MY life. This is MY story. I will not be overcome by the Overwhelm. I choose to be free.
Gratitude, Attitude, and Altitude
Gratitude, Attitude, and Altitude
Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian friends! In this solo episode with Kristen, she talks about why gratitude matters and how it can be applied in a deeper way in our lives. Kristen gets personal with her very own story about how gratitude has changed her life and how going through one of the most difficult times in her life gave her the greatest life lesson.  *Please note, we discuss grief and terminal illness in this episode and while it is difficult to talk about these things, it can be even more difficult to listen in when we're in a vulnerable place. Please consider this before listening through, but know that there's also an uplifting message attached to this story and we hope you'll find some connection points to relate to (now or in the future).* Kristen's story centres around her father, David who was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumour at the age of 73. Kristen shares how she and her family rallied to support him in his last year of life and how gratitude played an integral part of coping with their grief. The 'Overwhelm' shows up in so many ways in our life - not just with our careers and businesses. The life events that come out of left field can easily throw us into a tumultuous spin of Overwhelm too. Kristen explains how gratitude acts as a catalyst when it comes to working through difficult situations and unraveling from the Overwhelm. Gratitude is a practice that can easily become second nature - which is why it is incorporated within each monthly section of the ONE Book - to help us all integrate gratitude into our routines.  In her story, Kristen shares how with time and a great deal of practice - we can all adopt an attitude of gratitude which ultimately gets us greater altitude. It is this altitude that gives us perspective... especially in the hard times and this makes it easier to deal with the Overwhelm, too. After explaining why gratitude matters so deeply to her, she goes on to share an easy-to-implement strategy for practicing gratitude on a daily basis. Consider not just the things and people that you're grateful for but how you feel connected to your people, things, and experiences (and yourself) through gratitude. Consider these connection points of gratitude daily (best if done in the morning at it sets your trajectory for the day): ONE person I am grateful for today is....ONE experience I am grateful for today is...ONE 'thing' I am grateful for today is...Something I am grateful for about myself is... The last one can be difficult but it is so important to reflect and recognize the value we bring to this world too. We will also be more inclined to show up with those strengths and gifts if we first acknowledge them and share some gratitude with ourselves too. Gratitude is so much more than what we see on the surface and while it's an incredibly personal experience - it is also something that can connect us on human level.
The Pitch
The Pitch
In this solo-episode, "The PITCH" - Kristen takes things up to the 50,000 foot view to share some background to "The ONE Theory" - all with the intention of creating some common ground. She explores just how important it is to explore topics that people can relate to because this is the precursor to relationships, which is the precursor to community. And so - in this episode we begin exploring The ONE Theory in terms of why (and how) it came to be, how it helps us level UP, and how The ONE Book is only just the starting point for something much, much bigger. Kristen reflects on how her varied experiences in her career have led her to finding The ONE Theory. It's been a career centred around helping people - from the front line as a former PICU nurse, to healthcare executive, to business and management strategist - Kristen has both seen and felt what the "overwhelm" really is and has come to believe that it CAN be prevented (best case scenario) and when it can't (worst case scenario)... there are ways to pull ourselves out of it and starting moving forward again faster than we even realize. Why is this so important? Because frankly... we are all on the clock and our time is far too precious to waste in a state of "overwhelm". The overwhelm slows us, stunts our progress, and in extreme cases... causes us to quit and give up our dreams. And so through her research of leading management and personal development practices, along with principles from human psychology and physiology, Kristen found a new way to look at things and has called it "the power of ONE". Also discussed are two important components to The ONE Theory: The MVR Triad (our Most Valuable Resources) and the Six Excellence Potential Habits within The ONE Theory. Kristen explores just how imporons, and achievements (the power of ONE at a time) is the solution to the 'overwhelm'. She explains that simplification is the major underpinning principle to The ONE Theory and that there are many, many examples of how just making things EASIER for ourselves (and others) is so often the answer to getting what we (and others) want with this approach, Kristen suggests that we can change EVERYTHING and finally get to the point of leveling up once and for all. Also discussed are two important components to The ONE Theory: The MVR Triad (our Most Valuable Resources) and the Six Excellence Potential Habits within The ONE Theory. Kristen explores just how important it is to consider our Time, Money, and Energy (the MVR) through the lens of how we exchange them vs. sacrifice them. This is the first step of building an abundance mindset instead of a scarcity mindset. Our time is scarce and non-renewable. Our money is our universal/tangible item of exchange but it is also a means to an end, often enables security and freedoms, and it is also a responsibility to give back to help others. Energy on the other hand is most often overlooked and undervalued as a resource. It is our "emotional and spiritual well". Kristen explains that each of us will always have one of these resources in front of our minds as our "primary driver" that will influence our views and decisions in life. Lastly, Kristen taps into how The ONE Book is the first stepping stone of the ONE Program. The Six Excellence Potential Habits are embedded within this interactive book and by using this all-in-one book for an entire year, you'll be building all of the important skills to manage the overwhelm while also planning, creating, journaling, managing your finances, practicing gratitude, and sharpening your focus - not to mention capturing your story - your legacy - to keep and pass on for generations to come.
Building a Community AND a Business: With Kirsten and Kayla of YBB Connect
Building a Community AND a Business: With Kirsten and Kayla of YBB Connect
Building a community AND a business - a heart to heart with Kirsten and Kayla: co-founders of YBB Connect Kirsten & Kayla have been building a community since 2017. After being small business owners themselves, feeling isolated and looking for resources, support & ways to engage with other like minded Women in business their entrepreneurial spirit led them to creating YBB Connect, a community formerly known as YEG Boss Babes! Pushing through the ups and downs, the insecurities & the obstacles they were able to rise above and continue to build and create unique ways for business owners to connect, learn & grow! Now in 2022 with 2 new divisions launching, YBB Corporate & YBB Collective they're well on their way to crushing their goals and dreams for years to come! "Connection is why we’re here; It's what gives purpose & meaning to our business. If our actions & platform inspires others to dream more, learn more, find support & feel empowered then we have found our success!" What is this conversation about? In a nutshell… Being passionate about supporting women in business. Kirsten and Kayla share where they started before YBB Connect and how unsuspecting the journey has been. Kayla shares how she always knew she was going to be passionate about being a mom but was also interested in different business ventures that enabled her to be a stay home mom too. After meeting Kirsten, they bonded quickly and discovered just how powerful it can be to get two passionate women together - business owner to business owner - to dream up new and innovative ideas while supporting one another too. Kirsten started her entrepreneurial journey as an amateur photography when still a teen and then obtained a psychology degree. She knew she wanted to help women, specifically in their goals and realized that she also really valued community early on. The friendship between these women was a natural lead up to creating and building the YBB Connect community. It was a grassroots beginning (think sticky notes on the wall and ‘wine nights’) and the community started to come together very organically. They learned a lot along the way when it comes to starting a small business and they now want to help others who are just starting out by sharing their learnings and providing connection points - like a sisterhood! Kirsten and Kalya share how the power of storytelling was a huge success factor in building the community - starting with their  “Mad Love Mondays” that are still going strong. They’ve since expanded into so many other ways to promote “learning, growing, and connecting” and they have new and exciting projects coming soon too! It’s not just about women business owners, either - they are working hard to reach women with other pathways too. Kristen dives deep into the “high highs” and “low lows” with Kirsten and Kayla (including a hacked into Zoom yoga class during the early days of the pandemic). Get ready for some laughs, some very relatable conversation, and a solid dose of inspiration too! Connect with the community on Instagram @ybb.connect and @ybb.collective and see ALL the great things they’re up to on their website:
The ONE Book Story: With Logan Gray
The ONE Book Story: With Logan Gray
In this episode, Kristen is hosting her very first guest on the ONE Program Podcast - Logan Gray. Logan is the incredibly talented graphic designer behind the ONE Book but is also a creative strategist and coach who loves to help others build the businesses of their dreams. They have been a designer and artist their whole life, and have enjoyed a wide range of creative careers - from photographer to tattoo artist, writer to web designer, and a few more in between. They love to explore the intersections of art, creativity, relationships & work. Their pronouns are they/them and they are a proud transmaculine human. Kristen and Logan take a bit of time reflecting on how they came to meet and what the journey of creating the ONE Book looked (and felt) like. Take a moment to read their latest blog post to hear more about their side of the story too! Kristen and Logan dive deep into their journey of bringing the ONE Book to life and things get personal too. Logan shares their story of how they became a hand-poke tattoo artist - a journey that began during the pandemic when they weren’t able to go to a previously scheduled tattoo appointment due to shutdowns. They obsessively researched how to do it, garnered the courage to try, and their (very loving and supportive) wife let Logan do their first tattoo on them. Logan tells the story how just this summer, they gave their Mom her very first tattoo (a humpback whale named “Bertha”). To Logan, giving yourself a tattoo is incredibly powerful and it has also become something special to share with loved ones. See their popular YouTube video on safer hand-poke tattooing here. Logan candidly opens up about their personal life lessons from creativity. It’s been a theme in their entire life and helped them in the process of becoming the person they dreamed of becoming. Kristen and Logan discuss the roles that we’re given in life, the boxes we are put in and the expectations that we are pushed to live up to. Logan asked themselves, “how do you get out of one of the biggest boxes you can be put in in life?” …”Woman wasn’t right for me..” and they were inspired by others being masculine, even if it wasn’t the role they were given. This inspiration, coupled with people believing in them, the journey of self-discovery was made easier. Logan explains that they kept opening their minds to possibility, tapped into their creativity, and started making the changes and, “now that I’m on the other side - I think ‘of course you can do that”. The answer to “how?” is creativity. We let possibilities in when we tap into our creativity. Life brings you the tools. Give yourself permission to break out of the box. Creativity is empowering. We are all just playing roles and we can play passively or actively… choose what feels good for you and if the role you're in right now doesn’t feel good, start by imagining what could be different. This was such an incredibly powerful part of their conversation in this episode! All in all, it was a heartfelt conversation, but perhaps Kristen’s favourite quote from Logan in this episode was this: “The pain of “what if” will be far greater than any failure.” Be sure to listen to the full episode to hear many more nuggets of wisdom and stay tuned, Logan will no doubt be back for more great discussions about business, leadership, creativity, and everything in between.
Welcome to The ONE Program - I Have Something to Say
Welcome to The ONE Program - I Have Something to Say
Welcome to the FIRST episode of The ONE Program Podcast, hosted by Kristen Edmiston. If you are a business owner, entrepreneur, leader, dreamer, or change-maker, then you are in the right place. This is where the people who know what they want can finally get the answer to the question "how do I do it"? It is time to stop the endless hustle and find joy in the journey again. It is time to re-engage, recharge, and regain control of our businesses, careers, and personal lives. Right now - you ARE in the right place at the right time. Things can change for the better by taking ONE step at a time from here. This is a brand new journey for us all but we're in it together. Take my hand and let's go... In this very first episode of The ONE Program Podcast, Kristen shares a little bit of background to The ONE Theory, The ONE Book, and now The ONE Program Podcast. First and foremost we will be starting with gratitude. In fact, you can count on that in every episode. We’ll also be talking optimism and hope and so many other things that are intended to lift others. That will be an underlying premise to this podcast - that the intention is to lift others, and all of our guests will be showing up to do just that. We also start exploring the concept that success is not a bank account balance or a retirement age. Success is unique to each and every one of us and we should be focused on the journey - not just the destination. One of Kristen’s favourite thought leaders, Simon Sinek talks about how there are “no winners at life” in his book, the Infinite Game, and we couldn’t agree more. Further to this, we challenge the idea of the “hustle culture” and start leaning into the idea that there can be harmony between our three most valuable resources: our time, our money, and our energy. We will be touching on this in greater detail, as well as the “Six Excellence Potential Habits” that are outlined in The ONE Theory and are the basis of The ONE Book. Lastly, Kristen shares a very personal reason for taking the path that she’s on and it goes back to some very important advice that her late father shared with her: “If it helps one person, you must.” Learn more about the project her family started in his memory, called a “Circle of Angels” and watch their story here. You’ll be left with two important questions at the end of this episode: 1) What is ONE thing you could do today that would get you closer to your big lofty goal, and 2) what are you “the ONE” of? Her final message…? Kristen pays forward a game-changing, 4-word phrase that was given to her earlier in her career when things felt uncertain and overwhelming: “I believe in you”.