648: Hurt & Healed by the Church with Pricelis Perreaux-Dominguez

The Holy Post

18-12-2024 • 1 hr 24 mins

A Catholic bishop, with a social media following second only to the Pope, is proving that dumbing down the faith is the wrong way to reach young adults. But is his celebrity status getting in the way? A new study finds the most generous people are also the most likely to consistently read the Bible. Kaitlyn talks to Pricelis Perreaux-Dominguez about telling the truth to the church out of love. Her new book, “Being a Sanctuary,” is honest about the harms many churches are causing, but also shows how the church is the key to healing. Also this week—rat race cars in Froot Loop land.

Holy Post Plus

Hills to Die On:


0:00 - Intro

1:19 - Show Starts

2:42 - Theme Song

3:03 - Sponsor - Aura Frames - Exclusive $45-off Carver Matte at https://www.AuraFrames.com. Use code HOLYPOST at checkout to save!

4:06- Sponsor - Blueland - Get up to 25% off your first order by going to https://www.Blueland.com/HOLYPOST

5:16 - Skye’s Dead Salmon Hat

8:15 - Rats Driving Little Cars!

12:50 - Rats Love Driving Little Cars!

21:26 - Bible-Readers Donate More?

25:38 - Are Bible-Readers More Communal?

37:50 - Father Robert Barron

48:33- Sponsor - Glorify - Sign up for the #1 Christian Daily Devotional App to help you stay focused on God. Go to https://glorify-app.com/en/HOLYPOST to download the app today!

49:36 - Sponsor - AG1 - Heavily researched, thoroughly purity-tested, and filled with stuff you need. Go to https://www.drinkag1.com/HOLYPOST

50:55 - Interview

53:32 - Why Did She Write Being a Sanctuary?

56:38 - The Starbucks Church Model

1:03:25 - Disagreeing Within the Church

1:13:05 - Approaching Looking for a New Church

1:24:20 - End Credits

Links Mentioned in the News Segment:

Bishop Robert Barron:


Rats Driving Little Cars!


Christians Who Read Bible Are More Charitable:


Other resources:

Being a Sanctuary: The Radical Way for the Body of Christ to Be Sacred, Soft, and Safe by Pricelis Perreaux-Dominguez: https://a.co/d/eQy7IEh

Holy Post website: https://www.holypost.com/

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Holy Post Merch Store: https://www.holypost.com/shop

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