The Illumify Game Changer

Marianne Gobeil

The Illumify Game Changer podcast takes you on the leader’s journey. It’s hosted by Marianne Gobeil, Founder and CEO of Illumify Inc., an internationally award-winning expert on expressing high impact leadership who has over 25 years of experience working with C-suite executives and other leaders around the world. In this podcast, you accompany one person, Jonathan Hill, as he answers each of the 57 questions essential to illuminating a meaningful change and being able to ignite it. This is your front row seat to his journey from, in his own words, “not a leader” to a leader with a big vision. It’s for those committed to igniting meaningful change in their organizations, communities, and the world at large. read less


Season 1: 02 – The Leader’s Significance
Season 1: 02 – The Leader’s Significance
Now the Game Changer begins. This is the first in the Illuminate phase of the questions, each of which surfaces insights to illuminate the change most meaningful to you. This first question is a loaded one, deliberately. 00.59: Reference Cards: Illumify Definition & Guidelines for Play09.00: Listening with your heart instead of your head15.00: Who are the lost?16:32: The first Illuminate question18.58: Feeling small and insignificant25.52: Is significance visible or invisible?34:21: Struggling to see own significance35:16: Culture’s impact on significance39:30: Modesty as control mechanism41:46: Is it possible you’re a natural winner?45:24: “Inequality is antithetical to everything I believe in.”50:28: “We need a new political vision that restores and revives a true idea of equality.”52:58: “At some point the world calls you and tells you what you need to do.”55:54: Waiting versus knowing what is meaningful to you1:01:09: The desire to serve the community runs deep1:09:38: What scenario would make you significant?1:17:35: Seeing the contradictions with your significance1:18:22: The difficulty in seeing yourself as significant1:19:31: “Significant change takes significant leadership.”1:21:28: You can illumify on two levels.1:25:59: “A vital aspect of the good life is trying to be better than we were yesterday.”1:26:25: What happens after pursuit of excellence is achieved?1:35:04: “The pursuit of excellence in itself is a virtue.”
Season 1: 03 – The Leader’s Intolerance For What Is Now
Season 1: 03 – The Leader’s Intolerance For What Is Now
This episode begins with Jonathan sharing his reflections on the last question where he grappled with the prospect of being significant. This next Illuminate question gets to the heart of him seeing what perhaps only he can see that needs to change. But first he has to wrestle with intolerance and how words can serve the truth. 01:01: Reflections on last card: Significance09:40: Reading the Reference cards17:30: The second Illuminate question20:32: Intolerance as aggressive23:34: Decisions as an act of intolerance25:11: Commitment to excellence32:48: “What triggers me is that we live in a post-truth world”.34:50: Why isn’t truth in the constitution of democratic societies?41:30: Is it possible to accomplish this without being significant?42:55: “It’s the truth inside the words that matters.”44:58: Words matter, despite what the body language experts say47:07: You can articulate what you see through your mastery of language.49:01: Giving people a choice to act or not to act50:10: “I recognize the anger within me.”52:00: “Vision is absolutely fundamental. Your starting point. It’s why you exist.”55:18: The importance of a vision and how it’s articulated1:03:00: A different awareness of relationship with vision?1:04:00: “I have things to say, and I want to say them.”1:06:14: The legitimacy of the European Union1:08:00: The thread of his vision emerges1:12:50: What does the word “visionary” mean to you?1:19:40: “I do want to create a new way of seeing Europe.”1:21:16: “Politics at its most fundamental level is about the choices we make.”1:24:45: Recognize your unique capacity to ignite meaningful change.1:27:00: Truth with a capital T, and how values influence it1:37:40: Connection as sharing, unified with each other1:50:14: Does a visionary need to be a mechanic?1:57:57: Is it an advantage to have multiple voices in your head?2:07:50: “I often see my own mind with its different voices as a Parliament.”2:09:58: Consciousness, tea bags and the visionary2:13:19: We all contain multitudes but do have unity through memory.2:16:00: Are we able to unify all those voices into a common vision?2:23:11: The power of conversation to slow things down2:28:12: Final Answer to Illuminate Question 2
Season 1: 04 – The Leader’s Heartache
Season 1: 04 – The Leader’s Heartache
This episode focuses on the heart to help point Jonathan to what he cares about that needs to change. He speaks of dignity, wholeness and heartache, all while experiencing a wide range of feelings coming from his heart. 00:58 Illuminate Question 305:07 What makes my heart ache is the suffering of children.08:18 Dignity not always the word in the Constitutions but the digging takes us to sacred dignity.10:10 In every newborn child, there is a dignity that doesn’t need to be earned. It’s inherent in the spirit, the soul, of the child.13:22 The word “wholeness” is important here. We can borrow religious language into our secular life.25:27 Our journey is one of repair. We are walking down that road to character, becoming the better version of ourselves.31:32 The two ideas of dignity and brokenness can co-exist. I think there is a sanctity in the human soul. It lies below wholeness and sin and is inviolable.42:40 Even just seeing it, the child suffering produces enough heartache for a lifetime. We carry it around with us.44:44 The heart also aches because your own idea of the world, what you believe in,is being violated at the same time.47:34 The book “1984” signals the extinction of humanity, that it could happen.49:09 We have to understand the power of ideas to mobilize people.54:08 What’s inspiring about the European Union is that it’s a constant, a permanent, attempt to reconcile all these competing voices. That’s what makes it heroic. Trying to reconcile competing visions of the good life.59:06 I’ve got things to say and want to say them. What am I waiting for?1:11:43 Digging together, you feel this is the only thing that matters because of the power of conversation.1:19:45 Consciousness is the page.1:27:17 Father Europe vs. Mother Europe1:37:38 Revival or stagnation?1:46:02 Final answer
Season 1: 06 – The Leader’s Inner Wisdom
Season 1: 06 – The Leader’s Inner Wisdom
In this episode, Jonathan is prompted to answer the question by listening to his inner wisdom. Within mere seconds, he answers with a powerful declaration of what could be different. The conversation then veers into community, how it’s unified and fragmented, and explores unison and truth. It’s another big conversation. If you listen carefully, you’ll hear Moose, our beloved English corgi, settling into listen at our feet. 00:00 Illuminate Question 5 02:07 “I know that we could live together better. We have to stand on new ground.”07:03 While the vision itself must be entirely new, we need to take from our past what we know to be true.22:30 Ritual gains strength over time.28:00 More than tradition, there’s this wisdom. We know why it matters.33:00 A community is unified through its shared memories of the local football club.37:12 Nottingham City of Rebels: The story of a new vision emerging within the football stadium.50:54 Concept of “necessary fragmentation”54:00 Stumbling through life, we pursue wholeness and integrity and accept and understand our fragmentation.56:00 The idea that we pursue wholeness and integrity57:00 The moment of surrender when we cannot deny the truth that we now see, and realize that we have been going down the wrong path.1:04:00 The necessary intolerance of “Never Again” came after surrender.1:05:00 Unison: how does it fit into your vision?1:08:40 Unison vs harmony, and the time when we need to silence the Parliament of voices and find unity within ourselves1:11:58 “We can live differently together.”1:16:00 “Where we live together as a community, the recognition of our diversity is clearly not enough. Unity is necessary as well.1:19:00 Democracy’s own ambition makes it fragile.1:20:44 European Union is trying to reconcile competing visions and ideas of the good life.1:25:46 What’s on that new ground?1:32:48 “We need unity around Truth. When we are united in a single vision of why truth matters, then we can pursue it in our own way.”1:34:10 Final Answer
Season 1: 07 – The Leader’s Opportunity for Change
Season 1: 07 – The Leader’s Opportunity for Change
This next question proves challenging – so challenging that at one point Jonathan, the master wordsmith, is at a loss for words. And that’s ok because it reveals a lot about why resistance to change can come from deep within ourselves, even when we know something has to change. Fasten your seatbelt for this one as there are a few sharp curves in the road. But we have a few laughs along the way. 01:12                Reference Cards – why do we repeat, particularly words and phrases?07:45                Repeating’s role in changing thought and action11.35                Amplifying12.55                Two levels of “illumifying” –you and your meaningful change15:05                Illuminate Question 616:55                When we want deep, enduring change across a community, it needs to take root everywhere.20:53                An idea, a vision, may need time to reach everybody.24:03                The moment of creation of a vision is much more explosive within the person.25:12                The visionary’s need to be proactive.26:30                A story of resistance to change33:00                What the visionary does34:48                Everywhere all at once?41:20                What do YOU see as the opportunity for meaningful change from the perspective of where you stand?45:55 - 51:00.   Struggles to articulate what the opportunity for meaningful change is54:19                A new understanding of the truth and why it’s so important.56:20                Could it be some aspect of a truth that is currently invisible to them?1:00:25             What if there are certain individuals who have the capacity to help the many?1:06:54             Could you be the visionary shining the light on what needs to change but not the leader igniting it?1:08:15             Definition of “ignite”1:11:50             The risks of creating a vision as a group.1:14:10             Modesty vs superpowers vs gifted1:22:20             How does being lost for words feel?1:25:22             “I’ve never been at peace with my silence.”1:30:00             A story of what emerged while walking his dog1:35:51             The necessity of being heard, and pain of not being listened to1:39:40             Good conversations wake you up.1:41:38             A funny story about death :)1:46:35             “Know thyself” would be my t-shirt: Katherine1:47:37             A story illustrating a “David Lynch moment”1:51:00             The link back to “new ground”.1:55:30             Where we land
Season 1: 08 – The Leader’s Resistance
Season 1: 08 – The Leader’s Resistance
This episode begins with Jonathan reflecting on why he hit resistance with the last question, delving into pride, nationalism and the power of emotion to sway. He considers the importance of focused attention and its relationship to meditation. Then he answers the next Illuminate question,  diving deeper into what matters to him: the power of language, finding your true voice, and how humans don’t need AI in order to connect with each other. 01.06                   Reflections on Card 6 02:00                  “Resistance comes from your attachment to your identity. That’s why letting go is so hard.” 04:50                  A lot of this is linked to pride. It’s the death star. 08:22                  As the evidence stacks up that we were wrong, we double down and shout louder. 13:40                  I see more clearly how through our conversation together, we had made our way to a more unified image of what meaningful change is: language and its relationship with truth. 18:16                  European Union as a human experiment in our desire and need to reconcile competing values, competing interests, doesn’t deny our national identities. It holds them together. 20:08                  The slogan “Unity in Diversity” is brilliant, a brilliant attempt to reconcile the irreconcilable. 26:50                  Hammering people with the facts and ignoring the emotion 30:30 – 40:06     Reference Card Reading: focused attention, distraction, getting lost in what matters 40:07                   Illuminate Question 7 41:03                   “I have something to say.” 43:00                  Language’s ability to convey volume, force and fragility 44:50                  Why can it be so debilitating for many to use their voice? 49:13                  Importance of authenticity 52:46                  A story of speaking up 55:56                  “I’ve found the courage to accept that language is what I do.” 1:08:45               “Choosing the word that comes next is one of the most human things we do.” 1:12:13               Through language, we get to dig to get a sense of what it means to be human. 1:15:00               “The truth is in the words” has changed me 1:16:35               We have gone down the wrong path in so many ways 1:22:10               If we communicate through AI, what happens to our trust in language? 1:23:15               We tune out to leaders speaking with banalities and platitudes. 127:33                 Humans don’t need machines to help us connect with each other. 131:33                 Final Answer
Season 1: 09 – The Leader’s Search for Joy
Season 1: 09 – The Leader’s Search for Joy
This episode goes right to the heart of it, exploring the connection between joy and igniting meaningful change. It’s interesting that Jonathan, a self-described non-believer, is so attuned to the soul. 00.55 Reference Cards: The difference between “I think”, “I believe”, and I know” 05:40 Illuminate Card 811:00 There’s joy in being with the crowd. It’s uplifting.12:35 What does worship mean?15:25 Joy as an outpouring, going over the limits, uncontained16:00 Joy as the fuel of the soul18:40 Digging for dignity, where the human starts, the part that can’t be taken away.20:55 Feeding vs fueling the soul22:55 Is it possible to admire one’s self?25:00 Fully accepting all of one’s self is not easy29:30 Surviving vs. thriving35:00 “Come on then” -- A childhood story never told before40:55 “At some point, fear becomes intolerable.”45:29 Back to worship… A plea or a provocation?50:45 Going to a concert is a conscious desire to go beyond your limits.52:05 “As a non-believer, I am very comfortable saying that worship is healthy and necessary, and fulfilling some deep need that I don’t fully understand.”55:55. “When we’re radiant, I see it as the soul expanding at that moment and filling the person. At that moment, there’s nothing but the soul.”58:20 An anecdote of joy walking1:03:50 Joy is a unique emotion, deeply connected to the soul.1:04:44 Can we ignite meaningful change without tapping into our soul?1:11:50 Going back to the source where we refuel ourselves.1:13:00 What brings you joy? [“A moment of expansion when we become bigger than ourselves.”1:14:47 Lack of joy in state of survival 1:17:00 Final answer [“We just need to be plugged in again.”]
Season 1: 10 – The Leader’s Reason for Being
Season 1: 10 – The Leader’s Reason for Being
How do you distill your life’s purpose into just 5 words? Even for the wordsmith, this proves challenging. But if you want to spend your life doing what is most meaningful to you, you have to know what that is. As this episode reveals, even when we give ourselves clues, it can still be difficult to piece it all together.  01:05         Illuminate Question 9 10:30          Language and writing has to be a central part of the rest of my life. 15:17          Part of why I’m here is to bring people together. 16:06          Revealing the 5 words 17:48          “We need to turn Europe into a feeling. That’s why it’s at the heart.” 18:54          “If language is the lode star for the rest of my life, that has huge significance.”  21:40          Why could clarity spoil your life? 26:41          If we want to rally people around the vision, that’s through language. 29:20          “New ground is new words put into a particular sequence for the first time.” 31:14          “You build this inner voice within you when you know that something is not true.” 36:50          “You need the unity of purpose, to get things done at some point, and be unified around a vision. But the diversity is important.” 40:52          The metaphor of interplay between a conductor and the music 45:28          Vision begins as an expression of yourself, your truth. 47:55          Creating a sentence 49:23          We need to find a language for people who don’t have a home. 52:29          What is home to you? 56:00          Regenerating a notion of home which can thrive in deeply uncertain times. 1:10:33       Home is the part of the vision 1:17:06       Will that be the defining moment of your life? 1:21:55       A singular purpose or overarching vision? 1:31:00       Can you string those 5 words together? 1:35:00       The headline vs. the conversation 1:47:20       The stadium as a metaphor for illuminating 1:53:33       Final answer?
Season 1: 12 – The Leader’s Vision Emerges
Season 1: 12 – The Leader’s Vision Emerges
Jonathan is about to hit pay dirt after all the digging he’s done to surface the change most meaningful to him. In mere minutes, he expresses what he now sees that could be that doesn’t yet exist. His vision of it becomes even more vivid and compelling as he reflects.   04:15              Final Answer  07:02              The individual’s freedom can not be violated. 10:38              How do we reconcile individual freedom with our need for each other? 11:42              “Unity in diversity is perhaps the most difficult tension to reconcile. But we have to do it. How do we find the unity of purpose to take action together?” 13:15              This vision is the answer to the question, “What does it mean to be human?” 13:58              It’s a vision, and not a list. 15:10              Is it new? 17:40              It goes beyond Europe. 19:35              This vision starts with the idea of a shared home. 19:50              Is there a correlation between the concept of home and freedom? 20:58              Idea of home where you feel safe but not because we’re enclosed inside the walls of the house. 22:10              A bigger vision of home where we live together in a way that corresponds to our human spirit. 24:58              Reconciling our competing interests, duties, tribes and more in tune with our humanity. 26:58              Vision reconciles the fragmentation inside our selves with how we do that outside in our community. 30:35              Language as the life blood of the vision. 30:57              We need to rescue words and restore them to their original sense and value. 32:19              David & Goliath 34:01              The sculpture of David as a political symbol 35:01              My desire to be the underdog 35:07              Childhood memory of deliberately picking a weaker team 36:36              Doesn’t everyone like an underdog? 38:03              The sense that we would make up the difference. 40:37              Maintaining sacred dignity makes one not of the norm.
Season 1: 13 – The Vision Lands in Reality
Season 1: 13 – The Vision Lands in Reality
Having a vision of change is how leadership begins to emerge. It represents the difference between what is now and what could be. It takes effective leadership to bridge that gap and that can be quite daunting. Could seeing into the future help?   00:58              Illuminate Question 12 02:38              There are people who are swimming against the tide because their inner life is not in tune with the values of society. 05:28              I sense a huge appetite for something different, something better. 06:30              Hope comes first. Regaining it. 08:42              What would it feel like if people could actually breathe life not fear? And be accepted simply for being themselves? 10:00              You’ve brought the vision down from the stratosphere into where we need to be – the ground. 11:25              The power of a vision to unify people 14:28              In its early seconds, a vision has to give hope. 16:24              There has to be evidence that the hope is valid. 17:45              The limits of the language 18:30              How do you convey truth when it may be unrecognizable? 20:22              The limits of hope in politics 22:30              Do you give yourself permission to know what can be? 25:00              “Today we break with the past and stand on new ground.”       28:38              The evidence of what I know to be true. 29:28              Allowing your voice to come through. 30:30              Final Answer.