Heartful: Practices to Awaken the Heart


What does it mean to live from the heart and what will it take from us? On Heartful, mindfulness meditation and yoga teacher Emilía Rún answers these questions while touching on many of the challenges we face in our lives. These talks and meditations are designed as guides to help us befriend our lives and regularly water the seeds of joy, love, and compassion in our hearts. Drawing from Buddhist wisdom, the resources and practices you will find on Heartful will help you awaken your heart and remember your true nature.

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What We’re Here For
What We’re Here For
In this first episode of Heartful: Practices to Awaken the Heart, Emilía Rún shares a glimpse of the rewards to be reaped from incorporating these practices into your life.Emilía touches on:When times are especially divisive, our potential for awakening is so great because we’re so far from our nature. Even just a little bit of meditation and slowing down can help us realize, amidst the uncertainty, what’s truly important, both individually and societally. As we continue on our own unique paths, we may find areas of our lives where we too are not living in alignment with our own hearts. Meditation as something to check off our lists in the mornings doesn’t tell the whole story. The spiritual path is full of wonder and joy, and it also often full of raw emotions, denial, and doubt… and then rebuilding as we find our way in the world a little differently than before.Spiritual practice can help us deepen the relationships around us. Our capacity for loving and communicating expands, and we more easily tap into our patience, understanding and compassion for others and their suffering.Media and culture can push us into perceiving a “bad other”, and we are all affected because our nervous systems resonate with each other. This creates disconnection and unease as it relates to how we view the outside world.These practices and teachings reorient the heart towards joy, compassion, love, and kindness. We water these seeds in our hearts so that they can continue to grow and help us act our purest intention, to live from the truth of who we are.Spiritual practice can help us turn towards our human challenges; it helps us have tea with Mara as the Buddha would describe. The invitation is to use our spiritual awareness to experience this human life more fully. Our growth edges and challenges are our greatest opportunities for growth. It takes a courageous heart turn towards our suffering.If you enjoyed this episode, please rate, share and subscribe to the show!Emilía hosts weekly community mindfulness classes on RUNGA's platform, The Tribe.