Selflessness vs. Self-growth: Torah Ohr Vayigash

Real Women, Real Torah

17-12-2023 • 1 hr 4 mins

Torah Ohr Parshas Vayigash

This foundational maamar explores the dynamic between Yosef and Yehuda as a model for two core perspectives that shape the value system of Judaism.

When Yehuda approaches Yosef to plead on Binyamin's behalf, it’s more than a face-off between two brothers; it’s a meeting of two worldviews. Yosef's is one that values spiritual self-growth as the ultimate pursuit. Yehuda sees value in submission to a purpose beyond himself. Both perspectives portray an angle of truth, but only one can hold center stage at a time. While Yehuda started as the more powerful brother, selling Yosef into slavery, Yosef, now the king of Egypt, seems to dominate Yehuda. But ultimately, in generations to come, Yehuda will triumph as the tribe from which Jewish monarchy will descend. At the end of days, it is his perspective that will come out on top.

ד״ה ויגש אליו יהודה