Episode 80. Q+A 3.0

The Deep Thoughts Podcast with Matt Shantz

30-06-2023 • 56 mins

You asked some seriously deep questions and Matt has tried his best to answer them in this Q&A episode. Do you think Abraham and Isaac had a conversation before he tied him up as an offering? [2:45] What is the stance on marijuana use as Christians? Many conversations about this lately. [7:05] What should we make of the Gift of Tongues in the church today? [10:00] What will the church look like in 10 years? [18:45] How do we know if feelings come from God or if we need freedom from that? [24:45] What does the Bible say about the souls of those who commit suicide? [27:50] (*a factor not interacted with directly in responding to the question is the dynamic that most suicides are related to psychiatric disease, with depression, substance use disorders and psychosis being the most relevant. If you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal ideations please call Talk Suicide Canada: 1.833.456.4566) What does it look like to respond like Jesus when a transgender person wants to join our life group? [32:00] How can we be truly happy in heaven if we know loved ones are in hell? Seems selfish. [39:00] What are we to make of John 7:53-8:11 and its Canonicity? [43:10] Is what we have today, splinters of faith traditions around the globe, really God’s intent? [50:30]