Disturbing Near Death Experience with Kathy McDaniel | S4 E5

Life Continuing

25-07-2022 • 44 mins

Hospitalized for ARDS (lung failure) in 1999, M.K. (Kathy) McDaniel was placed on a ventilator and into a drug-induced coma.

A Disturbing Near-Death Experience occurred and, although mostly traumatic, the indescribable bliss of Heaven that she experienced, shifted her religious beliefs to a deep spirituality.

Kathy credits the International Association of Near-Death Studies (IANDS) members for sharing the tools to learn acceptance and an integration of her Disturbing NDE, allowing the joy of her purpose to emerge.

She continues to share her comforting message of God’s mercy and unconditional love via Podcasts, radio programs and speaking engagements.

Listen now to learn about this different type of near death experience and how this too can transform the experiencer.


Website: misfitinhelltoheavenexpat.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/m-k-kathy-mcdaniel-3b3791200/

Facebook: facebook.com/KathyMcDaniel.FoxIs

Twitter: twitter.com/MKMcDaniel3

Instagram: instagram.com/kathymcdaniel.foxis




PROMO VO: Leslie Fear





Creator: Tania Berg

Advisor: Amanda Cupido

Music: Richard Feren

Editor: Cathy Ord