Balance Your Brilliance


"Balance Your Brilliance" is a podcast where health meets hustle. Hosted by Shaun Whynacht and Michelle Petitpas, it offers a dual perspective on thriving in business while nurturing personal well-being. Dive into a mix of marketing savvy and health coaching, all through a male and female lens, for tips on leading a harmonious and successful life. read less


Navigating Leadership: The Journey to Becoming a Resilient Leader
Navigating Leadership: The Journey to Becoming a Resilient Leader
Leadership is an art that requires balance, insight, and the ability to genuinely connect with others. In our latest podcast episode, Michelle and I explored the profound impact of the EDGE model on leadership. This model, originally used by Scouts International, encompasses four key actions: Explain, Demonstrate, Guide, and Enable. Each component is essential in its own right, but their power is truly unleashed when used together to foster understanding and growth within a team or with clients. Explaining is where everything begins. As a leader, clarity in communication is crucial. It sets the stage for everything that follows. It’s about laying down the foundation so that everyone is on the same page. Demonstrating takes the theoretical to the practical. It’s not enough to tell someone how to do something; showing them can bridge gaps in understanding and foster greater confidence in the tasks at hand. Guiding is the ongoing process of support and advisement as your team or clients navigate through their responsibilities. It’s about being accessible and available to answer questions and to help steer the ship through rough waters. Enabling is perhaps the most empowering part of the EDGE model. It’s about building such a strong foundation through explaining, demonstrating, and guiding that the individual feels competent to take the reins themselves. It's about stepping back and letting others take the lead on their terms, which is a true test of effective leadership. In our discussion, Michelle asked me how I apply these principles in my own business practices. I shared that in my work, especially in the volatile world of marketing, being a resilient leader means staying ahead of the curve and being prepared to dive into the trenches to figure things out. This often involves creating content like YouTube videos or training sessions where I explain new concepts, demonstrate their application, guide through the learning process, and eventually, enable clients to manage on their own. But leadership isn’t just about what you do externally; it's also about how you manage yourself. Recently, I’ve been reflecting on how I maintain my resilience as a leader. It involves embracing the EDGE model not just in my professional tasks but also in how I handle self-care and personal growth. Ensuring that I am not only a leader to others but also to myself is crucial, especially in times of stress or uncertainty. In conclusion, becoming a resilient leader is an ongoing journey of personal and professional development. It requires a commitment to not only guide others but also continually learn and adapt oneself. Whether you're leading a team, managing client expectations, or just steering your own career, remember that resilient leadership is about more than just getting through the tough times—it’s about thriving during them. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I hope it inspires you to think about how you can apply the EDGE model in your leadership approach. Let’s continue to lead with clarity, confidence, and resilience.
Mastering Remote Work: Navigating Boundaries, Burnout, and Beyond
Mastering Remote Work: Navigating Boundaries, Burnout, and Beyond
Are you struggling to maintain productivity and balance while working remotely? In this thought-provoking episode of "Balance Your Brilliance," hosts Michelle and Shaun dive deep into the dynamics of remote work, exploring how to effectively set boundaries, prevent burnout, and stay productive outside the traditional office setting. Shaun shares his perspective on the necessity of navigating remote work, "Anyone that has worked from home knows there are challenges... it's about best practices to remain productive and healthy." Michelle, on the other hand, views 'navigating' as something more visionary: "I didn’t read it as a challenge at all... I read navigating as an intentional, clear path put out before you." This contrast sets the stage for a rich discussion on the nuances of remote work. From setting up efficient home office spaces to managing distractions and implementing effective communication tools, this episode covers it all. Shaun suggests, "Setting up a space wherever you are that doesn't have distractions... it's about creating routines." Meanwhile, Michelle focuses on the mental and emotional aspects: "The anxiety and the excited action that I could do may shift whether I feel that anxiety or feel the excitement." Whether you're a solopreneur or part of a larger team, you'll find valuable insights and practical tips to enhance your remote working experience. Don't miss out on this episode of "Balance Your Brilliance," where every challenge is an opportunity for growth and every process a step towards success.
Navigating Expectations: Redefining Success in Business and Life
Navigating Expectations: Redefining Success in Business and Life
Show Description: In this insightful episode, we delve into the complex world of expectations, exploring how they shape our personal and professional lives. Join us as we unravel the nuances of setting realistic goals, understanding the impact of expectations on our well-being, and discovering strategies for managing them effectively. Whether it's the expectations we set for ourselves or those imposed by others, this conversation sheds light on the path towards achieving a balanced and fulfilling life. Show Notes: Introduction to Expectations: The episode kicks off with a candid discussion about the varied reactions and emotions that the topic of expectations can evoke.Behavioral vs. Judgmental Perspectives: The hosts explore the difference between approaching expectations from a behavioral standpoint versus a judgmental or conditional viewpoint.Realistic Outcomes and Business Applications: Discussion on setting realistic outcomes in business and personal life to avoid resentment and frustration.Impact of Expectations on Personal and Business Relationships: Insightful conversation on how expectations influence our interactions with clients and personal relationships.Strategies for Managing Expectations: Tips on creating daily rituals, utilizing systems and processes, and being unattached to outcomes to manage expectations effectively.Personal Experiences with Expectations: The hosts share their own stories and experiences dealing with expectations in their professional and personal lives.Navigating Expectations in Health: An important discussion on the health consequences of unrealistic expectations and the importance of Introduction to the services offered through, focusing on assisting individuals and businesses in overcoming burnout and achieving balance.
Crafting Authentic Stories: Aligning Personal Narratives with Business Success
Crafting Authentic Stories: Aligning Personal Narratives with Business Success
In this enlightening episode of our podcast, we delve deep into the art and science of storytelling, exploring its profound impact on both our personal lives and business endeavors. With a focus on authenticity and self-awareness, our hosts engage in a thought-provoking discussion about how the stories we tell ourselves shape our identity, influence our actions, and ultimately, dictate the success of our business strategies. We begin by unraveling the complex relationship between personal and professional narratives, examining how maintaining a consistent and authentic persona can build trust and integrity in business. Delving into the neurological aspects of storytelling, we discuss how our brain responds to these narratives, highlighting the potential for empowerment as well as the creation of blind spots. As the conversation progresses, we touch upon the concept of narrative identity and its impact on business decisions, emphasizing the role of personal experiences in shaping effective business practices and team dynamics. The episode also explores the significance of aligning personal values with business visions, underscoring how this alignment influences the stories we present in our professional lives. Moreover, we examine the importance of community and relationships in the business world, advocating for the value of nurturing connections beyond immediate business circles. This episode is not just about the stories we tell; it's about understanding and harnessing their power to create a more authentic, successful, and fulfilling professional journey. Join us as we navigate the fascinating interplay of narratives in our lives, offering insights and strategies for anyone looking to align their personal stories with their business goals. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a business leader, or simply someone interested in the power of storytelling, this episode is a must-listen!