Many leaders in the nonprofit sector are on the edge of burnout. In part, that is due to the continuous cycle of crisis, drama and fires that leaders must deal with on a day-to-day basis.
To ward off burnout, you need to get ahead of the challenges. That begins with your mindset. Managing what is going on in your mind will help you manage what's going on in your world. But how do you do that?
In this episode, you'll hear from Program Manager Mary Beth Finney. As she's advanced in her nonprofit organization's roles, she's watched her leaders and mentors and learned from them. When you add the on-the-job mentoring to her unique background, you'll understand why she's a bit ahead of the game when a crisis hits.
Tune in to learn strategies to help you be proactive instead of reactive during the ongoing crises that are ever-present in the nonprofit sector.
LINKS from the Episode Connect with Mary Beth on LinkedIn
Mastering Confidence Book
The Training Library Membership Site
ABOUT Kathy:
Hi, I am Leadership Development Coach Kathy Archer.
I help women leaders ditch survival mode and enjoy impactful leadership!
You do that when you:
* Develop your CONFIDENCE
* Maintain your COMPOSURE
* Lead with INTEGRITY
My Website:
My book - Mastering Confidence
The Training Library Membership Site
Twitter @kathydarcher
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