107: Crafting Your Design Identity: Elevating Your Brand with Chat GPT for Designers

Holistic Interior Design Podcast

18-05-2023 • 17 mins

Learn how you can use Chat GPT to help you develop key elements of your brand, such as your bio and your values. These tips build on the tips I offered in episode 106, where I shared 6 entry-level ways interior designers could collaborate with Chat GPT to amplify their Instagram presence.

Leading up to our Design Coven Workshop, Ignite Your Instagram, Unleashing the Power of Chat GPT on Tuesday, May 30th, you’ll want to work on the brand elements I describe in this episode. Together, we will build a 30-day Instagram calendar using Chat GPT. The workshop is available to Community and Pro members of the Design Coven. If you aren’t a member yet, you can join us free at the community level, or become a Pro member and get access to the recording of this session via a secret Design Coven podcast just for Pro members. Learn more at designcoven.com/join.

Featured in this Episode

Featured candle: Beeswax candle from Mithras Candle

Featured deck: Radiant Crystal Cards by Bouchette Design

Are you an interior designer or are you interested in Holistic Interior Design? Check out my membership program, the Design Coven! This program is a real-world industry mentorship for Holistic Interior Designers that has everything you won't find in traditional design school curriculum. You'll learn from practicing interior designers working on real life projects, and get access to cutting edge vendors, suppliers, furniture makers, textile designers, and design resources that I've curated over my 17 years of design experience. As a member, you'll have the opportunity to build valuable relationships of your own. Learn more.

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