EP287: The Complete Guide to Music Marketing in 2023

Creative Juice

12-09-2023 • 57 mins

Navigating the dynamic world of music marketing can be a challenge for artists, with new tools, strategies, and tactics being pushed on you every single day...

So in this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa unveil a roadmap of what's working now when it comes to music marketing strategy for artists across the spectrum! Discover where your focus should be depending on your current stage, artist-friendly content creation strategies, organic and paid social media strategy, and campaigns fan-funded growth and monetization!

Just starting out? We've got you covered. Already have fans and music to release? We'll guide you on capitalizing on that. Need to grow and scale your music business? This episode covers the strategies that you need to take your music career to the next level!


  1. What Strategies Work Best for Different Stages of Artist Growth

  2. Where to Focus Your Content Creation Efforts for Maximum Impact

  3. How to Balance Organic and Paid Social Media Strategies

  4. Why Fan-Funded Growth Can Be a Game-Changer for Your Career

  5. How to Build Effective Monetization Vehicles in Your Music Career

  6. Why Increasing Fan Lifetime Value is Crucial and How to Achieve It


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