EP319: 5 Reasons Your Music Career Has Stalled

Creative Juice

23-04-2024 • 23 mins

Feeling stuck in your music career? Not sure what roadblock is holding you back? If you're at a standstill, diagnosing the root cause is the first step...

In this episode of Creative Juice, Jack and Circa dissect the major reasons why artist careers slow down and how to diagnose and avoid these pitfalls. Learn about maintaining a consistent release cadence, keeping your enthusiasm to engage your fans, navigating the honeymoon phase of music marketing, and the common breakdowns in artists’ traffic systems!

Don’t let your music career falter without a fight. This episode will give you a diagnostic approach to help you keep your career on a growth trajectory with strategy, tactics, and stories from our agency and coaching clients!


  1. What It Takes To Maintain Momentum With Your Music Releases

  2. How To Keep Your Engagement High And Your Fans Excited

  3. Why Navigating Past Early Success Is Crucial For Sustainable Music Marketing

  4. What Causes Most Music Career Stalls And How To Overcome Them

  5. Where Email Marketing And Tour Marketing Collide

  6. How To Overcome Revenue Slowdowns With Offers


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