Fear, Anxiety, Pursuit of Safety, Karen’s, Cowards, Helplessness, and Tyranny…Lead to Slavery. Living Dangerously & Taking Risks Lead To Freedom. Make A Choice.

Tangled Angle

25-08-2022 • 19 mins

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Fear and the pursuit of safety do not produce peace, and only rob us of what we are looking for.
The reason that our government could shut down an entire nation because of a virus is because people were willing to be ruled by fear, and gave up many freedoms and liberties for what they thought would be safety.
Thank you to AcademyofIdeas.com and their “After School” video on Rumble for many of the points made in this podcast.
This desire and craving for ""safety" leads to tyranny, and a people who are eventually ruled by tyranny.

This quest for safety, an illusive, hard to define, hard to determine characteristic from person to person, and leads to an aversion to risk taking, and the stunting of growth of a person, family, community & nation.

Self determination and risk taking have been sacrificed in the name of safety, which leads to weakness, fear, and wanting to be taken care of as a normal state of mind.

Individual and social flourishing can only happen if people are willing to take risks, step out of comfort zones, and be willing to be uncomfortable to accomplish tasks and goals that require risk taking. The quest for safety never produces safety.

Many societies in the past did not think of safety as a primary virtue, but understood that risk taking and building families and nations, which take  courage, fortitude, and persistence, was a far more virtuous way to live than in the confines and false security of safety.

When a large group of people cowering in fear, retreating for safety, and hiding in the face of danger, attempt to find this safety they will soon be overrun by a dictator and be ruled by those who will happily practice tyranny over them.

The “safe” road is fertile soil for totalitarian regimes.

When a society promotes safety to the highest priority, then freedom is diminished or even lost, and this safety due to fear ushers in tyranny. These tyrants,  promising safety and security, only strip the people of freedom and flourishing, and give them bondage and oppression.

The motive of those who have displayed courage is care and concern for others, and care for our future society.

A coward demands for his or her own safety, puts safety as the top priority, and forces others to conform to their own neurotic ways. We’ve come to label these people Karen’s, those withered and timid souls who insist on safety, but are willing to sacrifice all freedom and liberty, and to insist everyone around them also sacrifice their freedoms and liberties,

But the outcome of all this safety seeking will never achieve the safety that they are so madly wanting.

As Friedrich Nietzsche said, “The secret to harvesting from existence the greatest fruitfulness and the greatest enjoying is to live dangerously.

In John 16:33 Jesus is speaking, and he says:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Instagram: @janiskrist
Twitter: @janiskrist

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