2022 spring ITERO w3d1 - Prayer is the Mutual Contact between Man and God to Absorb and Express God in Prayer

Enjoyment from the Holy Word for Morning Revival via agodman.com

01-08-2022 • 11 mins

This is the audio version of the agodman.com article entitled, Prayer is the Mutual Contact between Man and God to Absorb and Express God in Prayer (based on the HWMR on, God's Economy in Faith - 2022 spring ITERO - week 3 day 1). The article is online via, https://bit.ly/MutualContactGodManPrayer

Lord Jesus, we believe into You and we say Amen to all Your promises and blessings in Your word. Amen, Lord, may it be done to us and in us according to Your word. We do not believe our feelings and our situation; we believe the divine facts in the Word of God! Help our unbelief and increase our faith! We simply want to declare what the Word of God says and say Amen to Your word. We stand one with You, Lord, and we exercise to speak the word of our testimony, which is our declaration of the divine facts. Hallelujah, we believe what the divine and eternal facts of what the Lord has done, is doing, and will do in us, for us, and through us, for the accomplishment of His eternal economy! Amen, Lord, we say Amen to Your word, for Your word is true and real!