Burnout wreaks havoc in nonprofit leadership. But when it does, it diminishes our work to lead effectively.
Leaders do not have to burnout, though! There is a different way!
Through her 30+ years in the nonprofit, Elizabeth has realized that as individuals providing services to people and communities, we MUST recognize that our number-one commitment must be to our OWN health and growth.
When we do that, the highest-evolved versions of ourselves capable of the most meaningful contributions and greatest change emerges!
Commitment to our health and growth is a responsibility we have to OURSELVES.
To do this work, Elizabeth has created the Conscious Service Approach. Learn more in this episode what it takes to be a confident conscious leader!
A bit about Elizabeth
Elizabeth holds a diploma in Developmental Services, a Bachelors degree in Psychology and Religious Studies and a Masters degree in Adult Education. For thirty years, she’s been working in Human Services and Education, putting the Conscious Service Approach to work in her personal and professional life. Now, she’s helping other Helping Professionals do the same.
Learn more about putting the conscious service approach to work here: https://elizabethbishopconsulting.com/
ABOUT Kathy:
Hi, I am Leadership Development Coach Kathy Archer.
I help women leaders ditch survival mode and enjoy impactful leadership!
You do that when you:
My Website: kathyarcher.com My book - Mastering Confidence Twitter @kathydarcher Instagram @kathydarcher LinkedIn @kathydarcher Facebook: @kathydarcher YouTube: @kathydarcher