Canine Conversations - Dog Training Podcast

Robert Cabral

Canine Conversations tackles just about everything dog related: dog training, dog health, owning a dog, dog behavior problems, competitive dog sports, what to feed, rescue dogs, shelter dogs, talks with other dog lovers and so much more. Hosted by Robert Cabral, master trainer and behavior specialist. Robert has trained and worked with thousands of dogs through his work with Bound Angels at shelters throughout the US. He has also trained and titled competitive obedience and protection dogs worked with countless pet dogs with clients and has shown dogs in AKC, IPO, Mondio Ring - covering obedience, protection, conformation and more. The guests and conversations are always engaging, interesting and fun to listen to. Robert is a dog lover first and foremost and speaks about creating a better life for dogs in each podcast. read less


Episode 121 - Protecting the German Shepherd From Association with the Nazi Past
Episode 121 - Protecting the German Shepherd From Association with the Nazi Past
The German Shepherd is a noble, intelligent and intelligent dog. Sadly they have been maligned on different occasions, namely during thee Second World War when Nazi forces used them to commit harmful and sometimes deadly acts on Jews in Concentration Camps. How does this apply to this video? READ ON! The SV (Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde) is an organization that is designed to advocate for and protect the breed. The SV is a fantastic organization that has done so much for the breed. However, recently they have invited a politician who is at the center of some controversy to be a guest at their big show, the Bundessiegerzuchtschau. Hubert Aiwanger is currently the Deputy Minister President of Bavaria and the Bavarian Minister of Economic affairs, Regional Development and Energy. He is both the faction leader of the Federal Association of Free Voters as well as the Bavarian State Association of Free and Independent Voters. In the last few weeks some controversy surfaced linking him to antisemitic materials that he possessed as a young man. Since this show is purely about the benefit of the dog, I will explain in the podcast that any association that the German Shepherd has to someone possibly linked to extremism can cause a backlash onto the dog. For that reason I ask you to respectfully contact the SV at the email below and ask them to kindly remove Hubert Aiwanger from their event this weekend September 7-10th. I ask you to do this kindly, respectfully, but with intent. This is important for anyone who loves the German Shepherd! link to the SV: email the SV: Watch this 3 minute video to learn more about the current controversy: Thank you to everyone who cares enough to take the time to take action and speak on behalf of the dogs! Our dogs should never be associated to something that they had no control over and would slight them. They should be loved and protected! #germanshepherd #israel #gsd #germany
Episode 120 - Who is Robert Cabral?  With Kyle Schwab
Episode 120 - Who is Robert Cabral? With Kyle Schwab
Kyle called me one day and said, "How come you never have anyone interview you?" And then immediately said, "I want to interview you on YOUR show!" Now, there aren't many people that I would just say yes to, but I've known Kyle for a long time and respect his passion for dogs - so what could go wrong? LOL. I agreed and we set a time to meet at the park where I do a lot of my training. This chat was very deep and the questions were well thought out and insightful. So, if you want to learn a little more about me - take a listen to this podcast! Kyle has a great demeanor for interviewing because he's really interested, and that is something I pride myself on also. This wasn't just a "ask 10 questions and move on. Kyle's questions were very thought out. and he really wanted to probe these topics. He didn't prepare me, so this is just off the cuff, which I like best! I hate prepared interviews. If you haven't seen the podcast I did with Kyle earlier this year, here's a link: *** IT IS THE MOST POPULAR PODCAST I HAVE DONE TO DATE! That is a testament to our mutual. respect and passion for the dogs we work with and the methods we use. I want to thank Kyle for taking the time to do this, it really was a selfless act.. like he said, "I think people want to know the real Robert Cabral!" well, to all of you who want to know more about the real me, here you go. Enjoy! Let me know in the comments what you think! #doglover #dogs #dogtrainer
Episode 119 - Cabral & Krohn Uncensored - with Larry Krohn
Episode 119 - Cabral & Krohn Uncensored - with Larry Krohn
This podcast will probably blow up the internet and ruffle many feathers. I had no idea where this conversation would go, in fact I wasn't even sure if we were gonna do a podcast. Larry was in town getting ready for a seminar, so I took him to a favorite beach spot to have a beer and some fish tacos. Then we thought, what the heck, let's talk! Our conversations are always like minded, entertaining and meaningful. I'm blessed to count this guy as a very close friend, comrade, fellow dog trainer and more! We often laugh at the same stuff, get frustrated at the same issues and always value each other. I can honestly say I feel like I've known him for so long, even though it's only bee a few years. We connected through a mutual respect in dog training and then found out we grew up a few miles from one another in New Jersey. We both moved to the south at one point and we both have the same humor. We also share a true respect and passion for dogs. This chat delves into so many topics, O'd be remiss to try and list them all here, but some are: ecollar bans, purely positive training, rescue dogs, dog trainer certification, ethics in training, haters and SOOOO much more. NO matter what you're looking for, you will either LOVE or HATE this podcast, I hope you'll make it all the way through, because it takes a sudden turn right around the 1 HOUR mark! If you want to learn more about Larry, check out his Facebook page: as well as his Youtube:   ************************* Check out my online dog training resources for dog trainers and owners: If you've ever considered learning to become a dog trainer, my online course can help:
Episode 111 - John Wick Dogs and Dog the Movie - Alpha Dogs -  Ken Licklider
Episode 111 - John Wick Dogs and Dog the Movie - Alpha Dogs - Ken Licklider
The Belgian Malinois in John Wick Part 3 Parabellum were among some of the most awesome dogs I've ever seen in a movie. The training, the obedience and the bite work was amazing. So where did these dogs come from? I found out in this conversation with Kenny Licklider of Vohne Liche Kennels. We sat down to a few chats and this one gives you an idea. We also discussed the Maliherd (Belgian Malinois x German Shepherd that he sold to the movie DOG with Channing Tatum. This podcast has three parts. 1. the John Wick Parabellum Belgian Malinois 2. the dog(s) from the movie Dog with Channing Tatum 3. some behind the scenes stuff from Ken's TV series Alpha Dogs! Ken is known best for his work with the US Military war dogs, providing dogs for the most elite US forces. We touch on some of that in this chat as well, but much more of that to come in the Interview Podcast. There's a lot to love in this podcast including the behind the scenes stuff about these dogs, where they came from, who they were, what he thought of the training and Kenny's thoughts on Halle Berry as a dog handler. We also touch on Ken's show that ran on Nat Geo Wild "ALPHA DOGS." This show featured the work of Vohne Liche Kennels with police and military units and was a huge hit. To learn more about Ken and Vohne Liche Kennels, check out the links below: Want to learn to be a dog trainer? Check out my online course: #johnwick #dogtraining #workingdog
Episode 108 - Training, Buying. and Selling Police Dogs - Mike Reaver Adlerhorst K9
Episode 108 - Training, Buying. and Selling Police Dogs - Mike Reaver Adlerhorst K9
Mike Reaver of Adlerhorst K9 has been involved in police dogs for most of his life. The son of Dave Reaver, founder of Adlerhorst K9 and the father of "police dogs." Mike and I finally got a chance to sit down and talk about police dogs, buying, training and selling them and most importantly the lives they save. Adlerhorst has placed thousands of police dogs, military k9 and personal protection dogs over the last 50+ years. We discuss the critical topic of CA Assembly Bill AB 742 - the bill that aims at eliminating police dogs as we know them. This is dangerous for police officers and deadly for citizens that are protected by these dogs every single day. This chat is one of the longest podcasts I've done and I think you'll agree that it could have gone on for a lot longer. Mike is a man of great character, a guy who loves dogs and speaks from his heart and soul. Learn more about Adlerhorst K9 here: Check out Mike on Instagram:  @reavermike Learn more about Assembly Bill AB742 here: Please contact Assemblyman Jackson here to voice your concern: 1021 O Street, Suite 6120, P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0060 916-319-2060 District Office #1: 18700 Lake Perris Drive Perris, CA 92571 951-943-6054 Use this link to find your representative, and make them aware that you oppose this bill: