472: Christopher Gilbert - Mastering the Tools That Transform Your Photography: From Aspect Ratios to Apertures

The Beginner Photography Podcast

14-05-2024 • 56 mins

In this episode of the Beginner Photography Podcast, I chat with nature photographer Christopher Gilbert to dive deep into the importance of matching your gear with your unique photographic style. Christopher switched from medium format to APS-C, not because of sensor size, but to find a system that complements his creative vision. Through our conversation, you’ll learn that the technical aspects, like crop factors and lens focal lengths, should enhance your storytelling, not hinder it. I’ll share why mastering the settings that suit your needs can transform your shoots, guiding you to choose tools that truly embody your artistic expression. This is a journey to making every click of the shutter count!

The Big Ideas:

  • Embrace Simplicity: Your best photos can emerge from using simpler, more intuitive gear. Less complexity allows more focus on capturing moments.
  • Focus on What Matters: Prioritize your vision and expression over technical perfection. Focus on how the photo feels, not just how it looks.
  • Experiment Freely: Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them. Each error teaches you something valuable about your own style.
  • Seek Tools That Fit You: Choose gear that complements your way of seeing the world. Your comfort with your tools translates into better photography.

Photography Action Plan:

  • Experiment with Different Lenses: Rent or borrow lenses in various focal lengths to explore how they transform the perspective and composition of your photos. Take the same subject and photograph it with different lenses to clearly see the difference each lens makes to the image.
  • Dial in Camera Settings: Start using aperture priority mode to gain better control over depth of field and understand how it affects your photos. Practice shooting in different lighting conditions to learn how ISO and shutter speed interact with aperture.
  • Focus on Composition: Concentrate on incorporating the rule of thirds into your shots to create more balanced and engaging compositions. Try out leading lines, framing, and the use of negative space to add more depth and interest to your photographs.
  • Explore Post-Processing: Download a reputable photo editing software and familiarize yourself with basic adjustments like exposure, contrast, and color correction. Watch online tutorials specific to your software to efficiently learn various editing techniques that can enhance your images.

Follow Chris on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fujifilm.christopher

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And get my Wedding and Portrait Contract and Questionnaires, at no cost!
Sign up now at http://deliverphotos.com/

Watch the Free Maximizing Mini Sessions Video training and start earning money with your camera!

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Thanks for listening & keep shooting!

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