464: Michael Freeman - Art Over Auto: Why Your Creative Vision Matters in Photography

The Beginner Photography Podcast

16-04-2024 • 51 mins

In today's episode of the podcast, I chat with renowned photographer and author Michael Freeman about embracing the artistic journey of photography, where you'll learn to cultivate your creative eye and appreciate the process over the technical.

The Big Ideas:

  • Continuous Learning: Embrace lifelong learning to elevate your art. Studying others' works is as crucial as mastering your camera.
  • Creative Experimentation: Forget strict rules. Prioritize creativity to make photos that stand out and reflect your unique perspective.
  • The Power of Surprise: Strive for images with unexpected elements. Predictability is the enemy of interesting photography.
  • Intentionality Wins: Plan your shots with intention, but also leave room for spontaneity. It’s about the story you want to tell.

Photography Action Plan:

  • Immerse Yourself in the World of Photography: Visit local art galleries or explore online photography exhibitions to discover different styles and techniques.Regularly study the work of various renowned photographers to learn from their compositions and subject matter choices.
  • Practice Intentional Shooting: Before taking your next photo, spend extra time pre-planning the shot, considering aspects like lighting, angle, and composition. After each photoshoot, review your images and note what worked and what didn't, then adjust your approach for next time.
  • Challenge the Rules of Composition: Experiment with breaking conventions such as the rule of thirds; place your subject off-center and see how it affects the impact of your photo. Create a series of photos with unconventional framing or perspective to explore new creative possibilities.
  • Experiment with Black and White Photography: Convert a selection of your images to black and white to see how it changes the mood and focus on textures and contrasts. Practice shooting with the intention of black and white output to hone your attention to light, shadow, and compositional elements.
  • Connect with the Photography Community: Join the BPP group to exchange feedback, share your work, and learn from peers. Attend photography workshops or talks in your area to network, pick up new skills, and stay inspired by what others are doing.


Grab your free 52 Lightroom Presets at

Transform your Love for Photography into Profit for FREE with CloudSpot Studio.
And get my Wedding and Portrait Contract and Questionnaires, at no cost!
Sign up now at http://deliverphotos.com/

Watch the Free Maximizing Mini Sessions Video training and start earning money with your camera!

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Thanks for listening & keep shooting!

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