Beyond Bliss

Suzanne Marie, MA. , M.Ed.

Hello and welcome to Beyond Bliss. I’m Suzanne, the author and voice you’ll be hearing from each week. Here's the deal: life is a constant ebb and flow of challenges and conflicts. Inevitably, we overcome them. But, whether at work or home, we still face clashes in our daily lives. We've been conditioned to progress through life, from one conflict experience to the next, giving our power away by allowing conflict to determine the difference between a good day and a bad day. But what if I told you there's a better way, a mindset shift that’s a game changer? read less


Welcome to Beyond Bliss Profoundly Master Conflict, Relationships, and Wellness for a Fulfilled Life Hey there, I'm Suzanne, and I'm thrilled to welcome you to Beyond Bliss, your gateway to mastering conflict, relationships, and wellness and unlocking the path to a life filled with fulfillment and contentment. In this first post, I want to give you a glimpse of what you can expect and why this journey together is worthwhile. Life as a Constant Battle Life, as we know it, is a constant ebb and flow of challenges. From the moment we wake up to the time we rest our heads, we navigate a world rife with conflicts, both big and small. It's an undeniable truth, whether it's that pesky inner voice critiquing our every move or the complex conversations we engage in with colleagues, friends, or family members. In our daily existence, we're often conditioned to passively move through life, ricocheting from one conflict experience to the next. These experiences often end up defining the difference between a good day and a bad day. But what if I told you there's an alternative, a mindset shift that can transform your relationship with these inevitable conflicts? Mastering Conflict Management I believe in mastering conflict management rather than solely focusing on conflict resolution. It's a distinction worth exploring. Conflict management is an acquired skill like learning to ride a bike or solving a complex math problem. Why am I so confident in this approach? My journey in conflict management started in 1998 when I took my first course in this field. It set the stage for a career that spanned over two decades, where I ran my own practice as a Chartered mediator. I provided mediation services and training to a broad spectrum of institutions, from governments and businesses to police, nonprofits, and educational organizations. I specialized in resolving workplace issues, navigating divorce situations, and coaching families through conflicts, particularly when dealing with divorce, separation, and parenting during the tumultuous teenage years. But my quest for knowledge didn't stop there. I delved deeper, pursuing a master's degree in Conflict Analysis Management, where I focused on international and community conflict situations. This journey solidified my commitment to helping people master the art of conflict management. Your Journey with Beyond Bliss Now, what's the takeaway for you? Beyond Bliss is about empowering you to become the hero of your story and navigate conflicts with confidence, compassion, and finesse. So, are you ready to take charge of your life and transform conflicts from stumbling blocks into stepping stones? Your goal is simple: to live a life where conflicts no longer hold you back but propel you forward. At Beyond Bliss, I'm here to guide you in mastering the acquired skill of conflict management. Subscribe, and each week, you'll receive actionable skills you can use immediately to create a life where you are the confident captain of your destiny. Your participation makes this community stronger. Your journey enriches our collective wisdom. I'm genuinely excited about the possibilities on this path to personal growth, and I can't wait to explore this transformation with you. Stay Tuned This introductory post is just the beginning. In the posts and podcast episodes to come, we'll dive deeper into practical strategies, real-life stories, and expert insights to equip you with the tools you need. So, hit that subscribe button now to stay connected and continue this transformative journey together. Let's make each day a step closer to a life of unparalleled bliss. Thank you for being here, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Until next time, Suzanne Show notes in each episode provide links to valuable resources to help you navigate your personal growth journey.  Visit Inspiring a Fulfilled Life for more!  Thanks for stopping by! Get cozy, settle in, and let's catch up.