One Percent Better - Eating Disorders, Mental Health & Life


Hello and welcome to the 1% Better podcast. I'm your host Heather, a podcast about how my pain will have a purpose, where I talk openly and honestly about having an eating disorder as an adult, my crazy life, my mental health, and how I almost lost it all. To entering eating disorder recovery under the brush, gaining my health and my life back, and slowly becoming 1% better. read less
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Trusting Your Body's Set Point in Eating Disorder Recovery S1 E66
Trusting Your Body's Set Point in Eating Disorder Recovery S1 E66
Summary Lucy of LV Recovery shares her personal journey of overcoming an eating disorder and becoming a recovery coach. She emphasizes the importance of finding your own path to recovery and not comparing yourself to others. Lucy discusses the challenges of body dysmorphia and the impact of the eating disorder on relationships. She also highlights the need for love and support from family and loved ones during the recovery process. In this conversation, Lucy and Heather discuss the physical challenges of recovery from an eating disorder. They talk about the symptoms of edema, including swelling and fluid retention, and how it is a sign of the body healing. They also discuss the digestive issues that can occur during recovery, such as bloating and changes in food tolerances. They emphasize the importance of trusting the body's set point and allowing it to find its natural weight. They also address the fear of extreme hunger and the need to relearn portion sizes. Lucy shares her contact information for those seeking support. Takeaways Recovery from an eating disorder is a personal journey, and it's important to find your own path and not compare yourself to others. Body dysmorphia can distort our perception of ourselves, making it difficult to see our true appearance. During recovery, it's crucial to have a support system of loved ones who show love and care rather than trying to control or fix the person. Seeking permission to eat can be a helpful starting point in recovery, but it's important to eventually take ownership and do it for yourself. Guilt is a common emotion in eating disorders, and it's important to work through it and focus on the life you want rather than the body you think you want. Edema, or swelling, is a common symptom of recovery from an eating disorder and is a sign of the body healing. Digestive issues, such as bloating and changes in food tolerances, are normal during recovery and can be attributed to the body relearning how to digest food. Trusting the body's set point is crucial in recovery, as the body knows what weight it needs to be at for optimal health. Extreme hunger is a normal part of recovery and is the body's way of replenishing energy and nutrients. Relearning portion sizes and listening to the body's hunger and fullness cues is important in establishing a healthy relationship with food. Seeking support from professionals and building a positive community can be helpful in navigating the challenges of recovery.
Support and Resilience in the Hospital S1 E64
Support and Resilience in the Hospital S1 E64
Summary Heather shares her experience of being hospitalized due to low potassium levels and high carbon dioxide levels in her blood. She recounts the panic and confusion she felt when she received the urgent call from her doctor's office and rushed to the ER. Heather describes the challenges she faced in getting the necessary medical attention and the emotional toll it took on her. Despite her fears of being admitted to the psychiatric ward, she advocates for herself and explains her eating disorder recovery journey to the medical staff. Heather eventually gets the potassium infusion and is admitted to the hospital for further monitoring. She shares her feelings of guilt for missing her son's birthday and the support she receives from her husband and fellow patients. After multiple rounds of potassium treatment, Heather is finally discharged but continues to face challenges with her medication and blood work. She emphasizes the importance of advocating for one's health and the need for understanding and support for those with eating disorders. Takeaways Hospitalization can be a challenging and emotional experience, especially when faced with urgent medical issues. Advocating for one's health and being open and honest with medical professionals is crucial, especially for individuals with eating disorders. Support from loved ones and fellow patients can make a significant difference during a hospital stay. Continued monitoring and follow-up care are essential to ensure proper treatment and recovery. Understanding and empathy from medical staff are vital for patients dealing with complex health issues.
Embracing Self-Love: Limiting Comparison and Embracing Individuality S1 E63
Embracing Self-Love: Limiting Comparison and Embracing Individuality S1 E63
Summary Gina Perin shares her journey of overcoming personal struggles and finding her purpose in health and wellness. She discusses the impact of her brother's suicide on her life and the guilt she carried. Gina emphasizes the importance of seeking help and finding healthy coping mechanisms. She highlights the significance of small changes and the time it takes to create positive habits. Gina also reflects on the negative effects of social media and the pressure to compare oneself to others. In this conversation, Gina Perin and Heather discuss the importance of limiting comparison and embracing self-love. Gina shares her experience of being compared to her siblings and how she learned to love herself and her body. She emphasizes the power of gratitude and positive thinking in transforming one's self-perception. Gina also talks about overcoming excuse-itis and retraining the brain to focus on possibilities rather than limitations. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the importance of giving back and finding positivity in life. Takeaways Seeking help and therapy can be transformative in overcoming personal struggles. Small changes and habits can lead to significant positive transformations. The guilt and pain of losing a loved one to suicide can be overwhelming, but it's important to remember that it's not your fault. Social media can have both positive and negative effects, and it's important to set boundaries and limit exposure to maintain mental well-being. Limiting comparison is key to embracing self-love and accepting one's body. Practicing gratitude and positive thinking can transform self-perception and improve overall well-being. Recognizing and challenging excuses can lead to personal growth and achievement. Giving back to the community and helping others is a fulfilling way to find purpose and happiness in life.
Overcoming Anorexia and Finding a Healthier Mindset S1 E62
Overcoming Anorexia and Finding a Healthier Mindset S1 E62
Summary The conversation between Heather and Emily explores the challenges of comparison and body image issues, particularly in the context of social media. Emily shares her personal journey of overcoming anorexia and finding a healthier mindset. They discuss the importance of awareness, taking ownership of one's thoughts and actions, and making small, sustainable changes. They also emphasize the need for support and the power of reframing negative thoughts. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-acceptance and the ongoing process of personal growth. In this conversation, Emily and Heather discuss various strategies for setting and achieving goals, overcoming obstacles, and finding motivation. They emphasize the importance of breaking goals down into smaller, manageable tasks and celebrating small wins along the way. They also discuss the concept of 'eating the frog' by tackling the toughest task first, as well as the benefits of meal planning and using tools like alarm clock lights and grocery delivery services. They share tips for overcoming the Sunday scaries and finding motivation through visualization and planning. Overall, the conversation highlights the power of mindset, self-care, and support in achieving personal and professional goals. Takeaways Comparison and body image issues are common in the age of social media, but it's important to remember that what is portrayed online is often not the reality. Overcoming negative thought patterns and making sustainable changes requires awareness, ownership, and small, consistent actions. Having a support system, whether it's friends, family, or a therapist, can be instrumental in the journey towards self-acceptance and personal growth. Reframing negative thoughts and focusing on what feels good and empowering can help break the cycle of comparison and self-loathing. Change is a gradual process, and it's important to be patient and kind to oneself along the way. Break goals down into smaller, manageable tasks to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Celebrate small wins along the way to stay motivated and build momentum. Use the 'eating the frog' strategy by tackling the toughest task first. Meal planning and using tools like alarm clock lights and grocery delivery services can make daily routines easier. Overcome the Sunday scariest by planning and visualizing your week ahead. Take ownership of your happiness and power by focusing on what you can control.
Finding Humor in the Midst of Healing: A Tool for Resilience S1 E61
Finding Humor in the Midst of Healing: A Tool for Resilience S1 E61
Summary In this conversation, Heather and Laura discuss Laura's experience with a traumatic brain injury and her journey of healing from complex trauma. They also touch on the challenges of living in noisy environments and the impact of weather on mental health. Laura shares her insights on mindset work, trauma healing, and accepting limitations. She recommends books like 'Waking the Tiger' by Peter Levine and 'Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself' by Dr. Joe Dispenza as helpful resources. In this conversation, Heather and Laura discuss their personal experiences with trauma and the healing journey. They talk about the challenges of letting go of negative patterns and finding new ways to cope. Laura shares her insights on trauma healing and the importance of being vulnerable and real in sharing one's story. They also discuss the need for guides who have lived through similar experiences and the power of finding humor in the midst of healing. Laura talks about her book and podcast, and her plans for the future. Takeaways Living in noisy environments can be challenging and disruptive to mental health. Traumatic brain injuries can have a significant impact on a person's life and abilities. Mindset work and trauma healing can play a crucial role in recovery and personal growth. Accepting limitations and finding ways to work within them can lead to a more fulfilling life. Books like 'Waking the Tiger' and 'Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself' offer valuable insights and tools for personal transformation. Healing from trauma involves letting go of negative patterns and finding new ways to cope. Being vulnerable and sharing one's story can inspire and help others who are struggling. Finding guides who have lived through similar experiences can be more helpful than relying solely on experts. Humor can be a powerful tool in the healing process. Laura's book and podcast provide deeper insights into her trauma healing journey. The healing journey is ongoing and requires patience and self-compassion.
When the Universe Whispers Signs: My Life-Altering Experience S1 E60
When the Universe Whispers Signs: My Life-Altering Experience S1 E60
Summary In this conversation, Heather interviews Jennifer Pilates, a celebrity trainer and mindset coach, about her journey of healing and empowerment through Pilates. Jennifer shares how a traumatic car accident led her to discover Pilates and how it transformed her life. She emphasizes the importance of feeling safe in your body and the role of breath work and somatic practices in healing. Jennifer also introduces light frequency patches as a tool for releasing energy blockages and promoting cellular repair. She highlights the need for daily self-love practices and the importance of taking small steps towards healing. In this conversation, Heather and Jennifer Palladino discuss various topics related to health, wellness, and personal growth. They touch on the importance of addressing mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, and how it can impact one's relationship with food. They also explore the concept of being an empath and the challenges that come with it. Jennifer shares her insights on the power of gratitude, the importance of building a supportive community, and the need to disconnect from social media distractions. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of self-care, self-discovery, and embracing one's unique gifts. Takeaways Pilates can be a transformative practice for healing and empowerment, helping individuals feel safe in their bodies and release energy blockages. Breath work and somatic practices are essential for connecting with the body and promoting healing on a cellular level. Light frequency patches can be a powerful tool for releasing energy blockages, promoting cellular repair, and reducing anxiety and pain. Daily self-love practices, such as gratitude, breath work, and meditation, are crucial for maintaining a sense of grounding and connection with the body. Healing is a journey that requires consistent effort and self-care, and it is important to be patient and kind to oneself throughout the process. Addressing mental health issues is crucial for overall well-being and can have a significant impact on one's relationship with food. Being an empath can be both a blessing and a burden, but it is important to embrace and harness this unique gift. Practicing gratitude and building a supportive community are essential for personal growth and happiness. Disconnecting from social media and tuning into oneself is necessary for self-discovery and maintaining a positive mindset. Embracing one's unique gifts and talents is key to living a fulfilling and purposeful life.
The Impact of Social Media on Eating Disorders S1 E58
The Impact of Social Media on Eating Disorders S1 E58
In this conversation, Heather interviews Ilona Phillips, a psychotherapist and group practice owner, about eating disorders and their impact on parents and teenagers. Ilona specializes in working with adults with eating disorders, but also provides guidance to parents who are trying to help their children. They discuss the challenges faced by college students with eating disorders, the influence of social media on eating disorders, the lack of education and awareness about eating disorders in schools and the healthcare system, and the difficulties in accessing affordable treatment. Ilona emphasizes the importance of early intervention, open communication, and re-nourishing the brain in the recovery process. The conversation explores the challenges of recovery from an eating disorder, including the need to feel emotions, rebuilding identity, and taking the leap for recovery. Relapse is discussed as a common occurrence, but also as an opportunity for learning and growth. The conversation also touches on the role of trauma and genetics in the development of eating disorders, as well as the importance of not using the illness as a crutch. The denial of illness by parents and the impact of living with a parent with an eating disorder are also addressed. Takeaways Eating disorders can affect people of all genders, races, and ethnicities, and it is important to be aware of the additional stigma and pressure faced by men and boys with eating disorders.Social media can have both positive and negative impacts on eating disorders, depending on the content and accounts followed. It is crucial to be mindful of the messages and influences on social media.The healthcare system and education system often lack sufficient education and resources for identifying and treating eating disorders. There is a need for more specialized training for medical professionals and educators.Parents should trust their instincts and look out for changes in behavior, eating patterns, and mood in their children. Early intervention and open communication are key in addressing eating disorders.Accessing affordable and effective treatment for eating disorders can be challenging due to the broken healthcare system and lack of insurance coverage. Advocacy and seeking out specialized providers are important steps in finding appropriate care. Recovery from an eating disorder is a long and complicated road that requires feeling emotions and rebuilding identity.Relapse is a common occurrence in recovery, but it can also be an opportunity for learning and growth.Trauma and genetics can play a role in the development of eating disorders.It is important not to use the illness as a crutch and to take ownership of one's recovery.Living with a parent with an eating disorder can present unique challenges in recovery.Denial of illness by parents can hinder the recovery process.
Beyond the Filter: Navigating the Dangerous Pitfalls of Social Media on Body Image-Nikki Roy S1 E57
Beyond the Filter: Navigating the Dangerous Pitfalls of Social Media on Body Image-Nikki Roy S1 E57
In this conversation, Heather and Nikki discuss various topics related to therapy, music therapy, body image, and comparison. Nikki shares her experience as a therapist specializing in eating disorders and body image issues. They also explore the power of music in regulating emotions and the impact of social media on body image and self-esteem. In this conversation, Nikki Roy and Heather discuss the impact of social media on body image and self-esteem. They explore the dangers of comparing oneself to edited and filtered images, as well as the rise of AI technology in creating unrealistic beauty standards. Nikki emphasizes the importance of building a healthy relationship with oneself and practicing self-acceptance and self-care. They also discuss the accessibility of mental health resources and Nikki's work in providing education and support through her counseling company. Therapy can help individuals reclaim their identities and develop a healthy relationship with themselves. Music has the power to regulate emotions and provide comfort and nostalgia. Social media can be a source of comparison and negative body image, but setting boundaries and developing a strong sense of self can help navigate its impact. Understanding the influence of media and societal standards on body image can help challenge unrealistic expectations. Social media can negatively impact body image and self-esteem by promoting unrealistic beauty standards and edited images. Building a healthy relationship with oneself is crucial for navigating the influence of social media and practicing self-acceptance and self-care. Access to mental health resources should be more accessible and affordable, bridging the gap between public healthcare and private therapy. Nikki Roy's Wellness Club offers an accessible platform for education, support, and resources on various mental health topics. Taking small steps towards self-improvement, such as being neutral towards oneself or engaging in simple activities, can have a significant impact on overall well-being.
The Critical Role of Nutrition in Supporting a Healthy Nervous System | Michelle Brown S1 E56
The Critical Role of Nutrition in Supporting a Healthy Nervous System | Michelle Brown S1 E56
In this conversation, Michelle Brown, a functional nutrition counselor and clinical herbalist, discusses the impact of trauma on the nervous system and how it can manifest as a freeze response. Michelle shares her personal trauma story and explains how trauma is not limited to major events but can also result from chronic stress and overwhelm. She emphasizes the importance of recognizing the freeze response and understanding the role of the nervous system in handling stress. Michelle also discusses the role of nutrition and specific nutrients in supporting the nervous system and addresses the condition of pyroluria. In this conversation, Michelle Brown discusses the importance of addressing biochemical imbalances in the nervous system to improve mood, energy, and stress management. She explains the testing and assessment methods for identifying these imbalances and emphasizes the role of diet in supporting neurotransmitter synthesis. Michelle also highlights the significance of protein intake for mood regulation and provides tips for overcoming fear of food. Additionally, she discusses the gut-brain connection and the importance of addressing gut health in improving overall well-being. Michelle concludes by sharing next steps for seeking support and offers advice for improving sleep quality. Takeaways Trauma can manifest as a freeze response in the nervous system, leading to feelings of numbness, low energy, and disengagement from life. Trauma is not limited to major events but can also result from chronic stress and overwhelm. Recognizing the freeze response and understanding the role of the nervous system in handling stress is crucial for healing and moving forward. Addressing the freeze response may involve addressing nutritional deficiencies and supporting the nervous system through proper nutrition. Addressing biochemical imbalances in the nervous system can significantly improve mood, energy, and stress management. Testing and assessment methods, such as urine tests and blood tests, can help identify specific imbalances and guide treatment. Diet plays a crucial role in supporting neurotransmitter synthesis, and increasing protein intake can have a positive impact on mood regulation. Overcoming fear of food is essential for individuals with eating disorders or complicated relationships with food. The gut-brain connection highlights the importance of addressing gut health to improve overall well-being. Seeking support from professionals and implementing lifestyle changes can lead to better sleep quality. Michelle Brown is a Functional Nutrition and Lifestyle Practitioner and clinical herbalist and also holds a certificate as a Mastery Level Biology of Trauma Advanced Provider. She works with clients from around the world to address anxiety, depression, fatigue and other chronic health issues from a root-cause, trauma-informed perspective. This approach addresses nervous system dysregulation and emphasizes the mind-body connection that allows true healing to happen. You can connect with Michelle at The Mood Fix Assessment allows you to quickly and easily assess your neurotransmitter function. Specific symptoms and emotional patterns can be traced to neurotransmitters which can be easily supported using targeted, natural approaches. This guide will show you how!
Self-Acceptance and Healing: Green's Guide to Therapy Success S1 E55
Self-Acceptance and Healing: Green's Guide to Therapy Success S1 E55
In this conversation, Anna-Marie Green, a licensed professional therapist and professional intuitive, discusses various topics related to mental health and personal growth. The conversation covers eating disorders, the importance of feeling and processing emotions, setting boundaries, breaking generational trauma, and the challenges of motherhood. Anna-Marie emphasizes the need to let oneself be messy and prioritize mental health. She also provides insights on starting small with setting boundaries and overcoming the belief of being unlovable. In this conversation, therapist AnnaMarie Green discusses the stigma and resistance surrounding therapy and offers advice for overcoming these barriers. She emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and self-acceptance in the healing process and shares tips for starting the journey towards emotional well-being. AnnaMarie also explores the impact of social media on mental health and the need for grounding practices. She introduces her Breaking the Cycle course, which teaches intuitive skills for breaking free from cycles of anxiety and depression. Lastly, AnnaMarie discusses her passion for baking and announces her new baking business. Takeaways It is important to prioritize mental health and seek therapy or support when dealing with eating disorders. Feeling and processing emotions is crucial for healing and growth. Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining healthy relationships and personal well-being. Breaking generational trauma requires self-reflection, therapy, and creating new neurological pathways. Being a mother involves embracing imperfections and allowing oneself to be messy. Starting small with setting boundaries can help build confidence and create positive change. Overcoming the belief of being unlovable requires exploring past traumas and challenging negative thought patterns. Overcoming the stigma and resistance to therapy requires understanding and addressing the underlying fears and misconceptions. Self-reflection and self-acceptance are essential for personal growth and healing. Social media can have a negative impact on mental health, and grounding practices are necessary to counteract its effects. The Breaking the Cycle course offers intuitive skills to break free from cycles of anxiety and depression. Baking can be a therapeutic activity that provides comfort and relaxation.
Loneliness Epidemic: How Disconnection and Loneliness Impact our Mental Health S1 E54
Loneliness Epidemic: How Disconnection and Loneliness Impact our Mental Health S1 E54
Dr. Jody Carrington discusses the importance of connection and emotional regulation in relationships. She explains that humans are neurobiologically wired for connection, but the hardest thing we will ever do is connect with each other. The increase in disconnection and loneliness in today's society has led to a mental health crisis. Dr. Carrington emphasizes the need to regulate emotions and stay connected to others in order to access the best parts of ourselves. She also discusses the impact of trauma on emotional regulation and the tendency to numb emotions. The conversation explores the challenges of parenting in the digital age and the importance of staying emotionally regulated to connect with the next generation. The conversation explores the importance of human connection and the impact of technology on our relationships. It emphasizes the need for authentic interaction and the detrimental effects of constant connectivity. The discussion also touches on the significance of feeling seen and understood, as well as the importance of emotional regulation and self-acceptance. The conversation concludes with the reminder to be kind and not tolerate bullshit. Renowned Psychologist. Human Connection Expert. Bestselling Author Dr. Jody Carrington is a powerhouse speaker and fearless champion for authentic human connection. She is highly sought after for her expertise, energy, and genuine approach to helping people solve the most complex human-centered problems. Jody’s work focuses on the value of reconnection—the key to healthy relationships and productive teams. Her authentic, honest (and often hilarious) approach never fails to inspire and motivate audiences. Dr. Carrington is the founder and principal psychologist at The Carrington Practice, where she uses her twenty-plus years of experience to empower the clients she connects with. Jody’s unique resume of clients—from kids to major institutions—provides her with insights and depth of experience to present unmatched value to her audiences. Her core message resonates with everyone from the practice to the world stage: our power lies in our ability to acknowledge each other first. She is the bestselling author of Kids These Days (2019), Teachers These Days (2021), and the emotionally charged and introspective chart topping, Feeling Seen (Harper Collins, 2023). Jody lives in small-town Olds, Alberta, with her husband and three children (she had three kids in 2 years to test her own resilience) and leads the amazing team at Carrington & Company.
From Victim to Advocate: Tee's Inspiring Journey of Empowerment and Resilience S1 E53
From Victim to Advocate: Tee's Inspiring Journey of Empowerment and Resilience S1 E53
In this episode, Tee shares her experience of growing up in domestic violence and the aftermath of abuse. She discusses the challenges of living in a constant state of fear and hypervigilance, as well as the impact it had on her mental health. Tee also talks about the importance of seeking help and finding validation for her trauma. She emphasizes the need to break the cycle of abuse and learn to love and accept oneself. Through her journey, Tee has gained insight and understanding into her own story and hopes to inspire others to do the same. In this part of the conversation, Heather and TheAfterMath discuss struggles with accepting compliments and gifts, the journey to finding self-worth, using fashion as a mask, breaking the cycle of abuse with children, building a community and speaking out, connecting to the pain of others, teleporting into the stories of others, the power of sharing personal stories, the cycle of abuse continuing, different perspectives and memories, and navigating family relationships. In this conversation, TheAfterMath and Heather discuss the challenges of dealing with family reactions to abuse and trauma. They explore the impact of trauma on relationships and the importance of sharing stories to create understanding and support. They also discuss the struggle of reconciling the fairy tale dream with the reality of abuse and the difficulties that arise during family gatherings. The conversation highlights the power of validation and the creation of a supportive community through social media. TheAfterMath shares her future plans to continue sharing her story and creating a platform for others to connect and heal. Takeaways Growing up in domestic violence can have long-lasting effects on mental health and well-being. Living in a constant state of fear and hypervigilance can lead to anxiety and irrational fears. Seeking help and finding validation for one's trauma is crucial for healing and breaking the cycle of abuse. Acceptance and self-validation are key in learning to love oneself and navigate triggers. Dealing with family reactions to abuse and trauma can be challenging, but it's important to remember that everyone has their own journey and perspective. Trauma can have a significant impact on relationships, causing individuals to feel isolated and disconnected from their loved ones. Sharing personal stories of abuse and trauma can create understanding and support, helping others to feel less alone. The aftermath of abuse can create a sense of longing for a fairy tale dream, but it's important to accept the reality and find healing in the present. Family gatherings can be difficult for survivors of abuse, as triggers and individual trauma can create tension and conflict. Creating a supportive community through social media can provide validation and healing for survivors of abuse and trauma. Flipping negativity and focusing on positive aspects can help survivors find strength and move forward in their healing journey.
Finding Strength Within: Alicia Johnson-Niles Opens up About the Impact of her Father's Death S1 E52
Finding Strength Within: Alicia Johnson-Niles Opens up About the Impact of her Father's Death S1 E52
In this episode, Alicia Johnson-Niles shares her personal journey of healing and self-discovery after the murder of her father when she was just two years old. She discusses the impact of her father's death on her life and the challenges she faced in understanding and processing her grief. Alicia also opens up about her struggles with food, body image, and self-esteem, and how these issues were intertwined with her experiences of loss and trauma. She shares her ongoing journey towards finding balance and healing in her relationship with food and her body. Finally, Alicia reflects on the challenges of adjusting to a new life in the South and the cultural differences she encountered. In this part of the conversation, Heather and Allicia discuss various themes, including Heather's obsession with the South, their experiences with Babyland General, meeting their husbands through online dating, finding faith and turning to God, embracing imperfection and sharing stories, the pressure of perfection in social media, and the healing power of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS). In this conversation, Alicia Johnson Niles shares her journey of reconnecting with her father, who was killed when she was a baby. She discusses her visit to her father's grave at Arlington National Cemetery and the spiritual experience she had there. Alicia also talks about her involvement with TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) and the importance of finding support and community. She emphasizes the power of validation and understanding in the healing process and encourages listeners to find their tribe. Alicia also discusses the journey of self-love and the destructive nature of comparison and perfectionism. Takeaways Childhood trauma can have long-lasting effects on a person's self-perception and relationships. Grief and loss can manifest in various ways, including struggles with food and body image. Finding a healthy balance in our relationship with food and our bodies is an ongoing journey. Adjusting to new environments and cultural differences can present additional challenges in healing and self-discovery. Reconnecting with lost loved ones can bring healing and a sense of closure. Finding a supportive community is crucial in the healing process. Validation and understanding from others who have experienced similar losses can be incredibly powerful. Learning to love and accept oneself is a lifelong journey, and it's important to embrace imperfections and deserve happiness. Allicia Johnson Niles is an author and speaker with a profound message of hope. From childhood, her entire life was affected by her father’s murder while he was serving in the U. S. Navy. Deep-rooted grief and curiosity caused her to seek the truth behind the conspiracies aboard the USS Richard S Edwards and her father’s death. Suddenly she felt an intense connection with her father on almost a daily basis.
Conquering Emotional Eating: Laura Talosi's Transformative Approach to Weight Loss S1 E51
Conquering Emotional Eating: Laura Talosi's Transformative Approach to Weight Loss S1 E51
In this conversation, registered dietitian Laura Talosi discusses her approach to nutrition and weight loss. She emphasizes the importance of addressing emotional eating and building a healthy relationship with food. Laura also highlights the significance of self-love and confidence in making nourishing choices. She provides insights on dealing with bloating and offers techniques for feeling balanced and practicing gratitude. Finally, Laura encourages individuals to change their perceptions and let go of attachments in order to live a more fulfilling and authentic life. In this conversation, Laura Tolosi, a dietitian, discusses the journey of self-improvement and the importance of giving oneself grace and overcoming guilt and shame. She emphasizes the need to measure success beyond weight and to observe self-talk and triggers. Laura also addresses the challenges of navigating misinformation on social media and the desire for instant gratification. She highlights the importance of listening to one's body and making intuitive food choices, as well as addressing inflammatory foods and individual food preferences. Laura emphasizes the need to support emotional well-being and overcome addictions. She also discusses the importance of developing cooking skills and building confidence, exploring different foods, and overcoming the fear of trying new things. Finally, she advocates for ending dieting and building a positive body image. Takeaways Addressing emotional eating is crucial for developing a healthy relationship with food. Building self-love and confidence is essential in making nourishing choices. Practicing gratitude can help shift perspectives and promote a balanced mindset. Letting go of attachments and expectations can lead to a more fulfilling and authentic life. The journey of self-improvement involves continuous learning and up-leveling. Giving oneself grace and overcoming guilt and shame is freeing and contagious. Success should be measured beyond weight, focusing on other measures of well-being. Observing self-talk and triggers can help in understanding and managing emotions. Navigating misinformation on social media requires critical thinking and discernment. Instant gratification can hinder long-term progress and sustainable change. Listening to one's body and making intuitive food choices is important for overall well-being. Addressing inflammatory foods and individual food preferences can support health goals. Supporting emotional well-being and overcoming addictions are crucial for sustainable change. Developing cooking skills and building confidence in the kitchen is empowering. Exploring different foods and overcoming fear of trying new things can expand culinary horizons. Learning from mistakes and embracing feedback is essential for growth and progress. Ending dieting and building a positive body image is a holistic approach to well-being. End Dieting Today Complimentary Consultation - A special VIP 1:1 45 minute consultation where we will First map exactly where you are in your emotional metabolism - once we know where you are, we then 1. Identify the single biggest block that’s keeping you stuck, and preventing you from sustainable health and weight loss results you want in your life (and how emotional metabolism may be playing a role in this block) 2. Become crystal clear and zero in on your deepest desire and what you truly want your future self to BE. (You need to know specifically what you want before you can actually achieve it) 3. Be inspired and leave our call with two easy steps to focus on that will support both your physical and emotional metabolism. These steps will be in alignment with your desired reality, be simple to implement right away, and will have you moving faster towards (instead of stuck or moving away) your goals.
Breaking Free from Toxic Mindsets: A Conversation with Weight-Neutral Fitness Coach Laurine Kulczycky S1 E50
Breaking Free from Toxic Mindsets: A Conversation with Weight-Neutral Fitness Coach Laurine Kulczycky S1 E50
Laurine Kulczycky shares her journey from being a bodybuilder to becoming a weight-neutral fitness and intuitive eating coach. She discusses the toxic mindset and behaviors that she experienced in the bodybuilding world, including restrictive eating, excessive exercise, and body checking. After reaching a breaking point, Laurine embarked on a journey of self-reflection and research, gradually transitioning to a weight-neutral approach to health and wellness. She emphasizes the importance of relearning hunger and fullness cues and rebuilding a healthy relationship with food and exercise. Despite facing challenges and losing followers and clients, Laurine is committed to helping women heal their relationship with their bodies and achieve wellness without obsession. In this part of the conversation, Laurine and Heather discuss the emotional challenges of recovery, taking steps to address binge eating, rebuilding trust with your body, changing exercise habits, listening to your body's energy levels, reframing negative thoughts, dealing with body image, maintaining resilience, the importance of community and support, body autonomy, and the use of mirror and picture work for body image. In this conversation, Laurine Kulczycky discusses the importance of mirror work and picture work in healing body image issues. She explains that these practices involve getting used to your physical appearance and matching it with the internal image you have of yourself. Laurine emphasizes the need for consistency and routine in mirror work, suggesting that it should be done daily to maintain a positive body image. She also highlights the importance of recognizing negative thoughts and reframing them to promote self-acceptance. Additionally, Laurine provides insights on participating in holiday meals without feeling guilty and encourages individuals to find their community and guides in the recovery process. Takeaways The bodybuilding world can perpetuate a toxic mindset and behaviors, including restrictive eating, excessive exercise, and body checking. Transitioning to a weight-neutral approach to health and wellness requires relearning hunger and fullness cues and rebuilding a healthy relationship with food and exercise. Leaving behind the bodybuilding world may result in losing followers and clients, but it allows for personal growth and the opportunity to help others heal their relationship with their bodies. Self-reflection, research, and gradual changes are key to transitioning to a weight-neutral approach and embracing intuitive eating. Recovery from disordered eating and body image issues can be emotionally challenging, but it is important to take steps to address binge eating and rebuild trust with your body. Changing exercise habits and allowing variety in movement can help create a healthier relationship with exercise and rest. Reframing negative thoughts and redirecting them can help in regaining control and maintaining a positive mindset. Building a supportive community and seeking support from others who understand your journey can be beneficial in the recovery process. Body autonomy is important, and individuals have the right to make their own choices regarding their bodies. Mirror and picture work can help challenge distorted body image perceptions and promote self-acceptance. Mirror work and picture work are essential in healing body image issues and promoting self-acceptance. Consistency and routine are key in mirror work to maintain a positive body image. Recognizing negative thoughts and reframing them can help in redirecting self-critical thinking. Participating in holiday meals without guilt can be achieved by adopting an abundance mindset around food. Finding a supportive community and guides is crucial in the recovery process.
Strategies for Managing Stress and Anxiety: Expert Tips from Dr. Michelle Maidenberg S1 E49
Strategies for Managing Stress and Anxiety: Expert Tips from Dr. Michelle Maidenberg S1 E49
Dr. Michelle Maidenberg discusses the impact of stress and anxiety on mental health and provides strategies for managing them. She emphasizes the importance of understanding the physiological and psychological effects of stress on the mind and body. Dr. Maidenberg highlights the need to notice and accept discomfort, using the metaphor of quicksand to illustrate the importance of relaxation. She also addresses the role of genetics and upbringing in developing healthy coping mechanisms and self-confidence. Additionally, she discusses the influence of social media on mental health and the surge in anxiety among young adults. Dr. Maidenberg emphasizes the importance of social-emotional learning and taking responsibility for our own mental health. Takeaways Understanding the physiological and psychological effects of stress is crucial for managing anxiety and improving mental health. Noticing and accepting discomfort is the first step towards managing stress and anxiety. Developing healthy coping mechanisms and self-confidence requires understanding the impact of genetics and upbringing. Social media can have both positive and negative effects on mental health, and it is important to be mindful of the information consumed. Addressing adverse childhood experiences and promoting social-emotional learning are essential for improving mental health outcomes. I have over 30 years of clinical experience and have had the honor of helping countless individuals to transform their personal and professional lives. I uncover the core of emotional avoidance and anxiety that gets in the way of individuals living their best life and the life they want. I teach my ACE Method predicated in Acceptance, Compassion and Empowerment. These mindfulness-based methodologies assist people to get unstuck. Individuals who face personal blocks and limiting beliefs reconnect with themselves and unleash their hidden potential. ------------