Week 2 | What on Earth am I Reading? – Understanding the Bible and Why it Matters to Me | January 14, 2024

Compass Community Church Podcast

14-01-2024 • 32 mins

Over six weeks we will delve into the depths of the ancient manuscript comprising 66 distinct letters and books, penned across 1500 years by over 40 diverse authors in three languages in our series What on Earth Am I Reading? – Understanding the Bible and Why it Matters to My Life. The Bible, an intricate tapestry of narratives, histories, poetry, wisdom, prophecy, gospels, epistles, and apocalyptic literature, which has stood the test of time. Despite attempts to suppress or alter its content, it remains the most widely read and quoted book globally, revered as authoritative, inerrant, inspired, and holy. But what significance does it hold for your life? How do we navigate its complexities and interpret its truths? Join us in exploring these questions, embracing both the familiar and challenging aspects of this sacred text. As we uncover its nature, context, structure, and profound messages, let the written word become a pathway to encountering the Living Word—Jesus. Come, journey with us into the heart of the Bible, and discover its relevance and impact on your life today.