Ryan Fournier on Joe Biden Attacking MAGA, J6, & the Special Master Appointed to Trump’s MAL Raid

Two Feds & The Truth

07-09-2022 • 49 minutes

Joe Biden can't decide if MAGA is a threat.  One day he makes a Germany 1940's type speech with red lights in the background while flanked by U.S. Marines calling Trump and MAGA supporters a threat to democracy. In the days before that Hitler-like speech, Biden figuratively declared war on MAGA.

The day after his fiery "Das Feuer" speech, Biden walked it back saying he does not dislike any Trump supporters. Its been obvious for quite sometime that this guy isn't playing with a full deck and is not writing his own speeches, or tweets, or anything outside a crayon coloring book.

But a sitting U.S. President declaring half the country essentially domestic terrorists who are a threat to democracy is a bit bold, even for the unhinged left.  Its no secret Biden is trying to destroy the MAGA movement, or at least rebrand it to fascism.  He has to, because he will not win reelection in 2024. But there is a problem - its not working.

We now have knowledge Biden knew about the raid at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump's home. A sitting  U.S. President weaponized an unhinged Attorney General (Merrick Garland) to raid the home of his top political rival.  This is the kind of shit you see in Venezuela or Cuba, not America.

So where do we go now, there is only one direction -  and we discuss it in the podcast.  Enjoy!

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