The Bridge with Peter Mansbridge
Manscorp Media Services
The Bridge reflects on the issues of the day, covering topics such as politics, public health, technology, and more. Find out more at
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Putting Canadian in the Battle of Britain - Encore
An encore of Ted Barris on his book, Battle of Britain - Canadian Airmen in Their Finest Hour.
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Putting Canadian in the Battle of Britain - Encore
An encore of Ted Barris on his book, Battle of Britain - Canadian Airmen in Their Finest Hour.
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Moore Butts #17. How Can You Tell When A Parliament Is Off The Rails? - Encore
An encore of former Tory Cabinet Minister James Moore & former Liberal insider Gerald Butts thoughts.
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Where Is The World's Worst Atrocity And Why Is Nothing Being Done About It? - Encore
An encore of Dr Samantha Nutt from War Child on her overseas travels to some of the planet's most difficult spots.
Il y a 6j
Your Turn -- What Is A Politician? - Encore
An encore of the Ranter was all too willing to get into it again with Trump, this time and his Canada obsession.
il y a 1 semaine
Your Turn -- What Is A Journalist? - Encore
An encore of answers came from around the world, and offered an array of opinions.
Good Talk -- What Happens Now? - Encore
An encore of can a pre-Christmas cabinet shuffle save the government or is it just another delay to the inevitable?
Your Turn -- The Canadian From History You Want to Talk With - Encore
An encore of "Who is the Canadian from history you would like to have a long conversation with?"
What Happens To The Fight Against Climate Change Now? - Encore
An encore of a lot of things changed in our world on the night Trump won the US Presidency. What about climate change?
Who and What Is Underwater in Canada's Arctic? - Encore
An encore of historian and author, Professor Adam Lajeunesse of ST FX University in Nova Scotia.
The Good Allies - The Canada-US Relationship During WW2 - Encore
An encore of an interview with celebrated Canadian military historian Tim Cook about his latest book hitting the shelves.
Good Talk -- What Happens Now?
Can a pre-Christmas cabinet shuffle save the government or is it just another delay to the inevitable?
Your Turn -- Canadian Of The Year
The Random Ranter is with us as well for his final appearance of the year, and he doesn't pull any punches!
Crazytown Two -- A Special Tuesday Good Talk - Encore
An encore of a prime minister is considering his future with most of his remaining caucus considering theirs.
Crazytown Two -- A Special Tuesday Good Talk
A prime minister is considering his future with most of his remaining caucus considering theirs.
"War Matters" - How Change Happens.
The fallout from the Syria story, to both Russia/Ukraine and Israel/Hamas.
Good Talk -- Crazytown in Ottawa.
The minister of finance prepares her Monday Economic Statement while rumours fly, again, that Mark Carney is about to join the cabinet.
Your Turn -- What Is A Politician?
Plus, the Ranter was all too willing to get into it again with Trump, this time and his Canada obsession.
Syria -- Why This Story Affects Us All - Encore
An encore of Syria's Assad government fell and the dictator fled the country. What happens now and who will pick up the pieces?
Was it a joke? A troll? Or the truth? Donald Trump's Canada Obsession.
He must love baiting Canada and Trudeau. Trump was at it again in a with a new post.
Syria -- Why This Story Affects Us All
Syria's Assad government fell and the dictator fled the country. What happens now and who will pick up the pieces?