Gabrielle Clark CRT and How We Protect Our Children

Two Feds & The Truth

01-10-2022 • 46 minutes

Every day we send our children to government run schools with state sanctioned strangers.  While a hard take on public schools, it is the truth.  Public school education in the United States has been on the decline and the arrival of woke, transgender, teachers with made up pronouns isn’t helping the situation.

As if teaching English and math was hard enough, we now must navigate a mind field of white liberal teachers with pink and green hair and their feelings.  Notwithstanding their faces look like a pin cushion, they implement gender transition closets and hide information from parents.  These teachers are not on your side.

You may ask why is it so hard to get rid of these whack jobs, right?  Well in comes the teachers’ union and their collective bargaining agreement.  Teachers’ unions are in business to keep unemployable teachers in their jobs – and its sick what they do.

In this pod, we discuss the need for cameras in classrooms and what can be done to fight back against the new woke agenda.  Go woke, go broke.

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