Julie Kelly on Trump Search Warrant Appeal, J6 Cases & Gov. Whitmer FBI Trial

Two Feds & The Truth

08-09-2022 • 48 minutes

The DOJ and FBI, with the help of Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart signing off a vague, non-particularized search warrant, really do not want a third-party Special Master to see what they took from President Trump’s residence at Mar-a-Lago.  A couple days after Judge Cannon appointed a Special Master to review all the documents the FBI should (not) have taken, such as medical and attorney client privileged documents, DOJ has now filed an appeal to 11th Circuit stating the Special Master should not see the seized and stolen documents due to “national security.”  I think we have heard that line before. Remember the Patriot Act and FISA courts?  That didn’t turn out too well for us ordinary citizens.

DOJ is undefeated on every jury trial case on every count in Washington D.C. against J6 defendants.  With the judges in D.C. and the jury pool that voted 94% in favor of Biden, J6 defendants are getting worked over.  Julie gives us an update on the J6 cases with one of the biggest sentencings coming up.

The FBI, I mean Adam Fox and Barry Croft Jr., were on trial again for the alleged kidnapping of Governor Whitmer.  Last time a jury could not come to a decision, this time they found both men guilty, even though there was clear evidence of FBI entrapment.  Julie goes into the trial and the motion for new trial as the defense attorney discovered juror misconduct.

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