8Just When I Brought You a Mother / Banished
910Hide and Sneak / No Let 'Em Go
11Mermaid Lagoon / Bad Day At Skull Rock
12Plotting a Pixie's Plight
13What Made Red Man Red / Tinknapped
14Rumor Has It / Hangman's Tree
15Big Chief Flying Eagle / I Had a Mother Once
1617Good-Bye Peter / Shanghaied
18Captain Hook Never Breaks a Promise / The Elegant Captain Hook / A Little Surprise / Oh Tink / The Pen or the Plank
19No Splash / Take That / I'm a Codfish! / Crocbait / The Hero of Never Land
20Home Again / Mermaids, Pirates, and Indians / FInale (You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!)
21Never Smile at a Crocodile
22The Boatswain's Song (Demo Recording)
℗ This Compilation 1997 Walt Disney Records © 1997 Disney