1Internet Love Song - Bob Ricci
2The Gates - DaVinci's Notebook
34How Did I Get On This List? - Raymond and Scum
5Computer Chanty - Dr. SETI
6Calculator In My Bum - Worm Quartet
7Reign Of Error - Sudden Death
89MySpace - Joshua Grosvent
10Konami Code III - The Gothsicles
11Tech Support - Tony Goldmark
12Robot Cat - Logan Whitehurst and the Junior Science Club
13Reinstalling Windows - Les Barker
1415I Love You TiVo - The Great Luke Ski
16Digging Machine - Logan Whitehurst and the Junior Science Club
17I've Got A Wife - Worm Quartet
1819The System Administrator Song - Three Dead Trolls In A Baggie
20The Rise And Fall Of The SupaSucka 9000000™ - Flying Like Wilma
21Log In To You - The Arrogant Worms
22The Nerds Who Rule The World - Hot Waffles
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