Ep 36: Drinking the Elixir of Sacred Synergy - A Channelled Healing from The Elements of Mother Earth

Awaken With Animals

06-07-2022 • 37 mins

I received the inspired nudge to find a beautiful maple tree and spend some time with her and her fellow, surrounding trees one afternoon. The weather was beautiful, the sun was shining and the beings of the earth, both seen and unseen, were welcoming me to join them for an opportunity to unite in healing and to share this with anyone who feels in alignment to doing the same.

As I walked out to this space, I was guided to a place where transformation could occur.

The maple tree was releasing its natural sap, and as it was flowing out of the tree, dripping downwards, there was this magnificent sound it made as the movement created a vibration that could not quite be explained in words.

The insects joined me, making their presence known. Each one was so unique in the way they presented themselves and they received nourishment from drinking in this sacred synergy of the sap’s elixir.

The birds joined in with their energetic support surrounding us in a safe and circular space. It was magically beautiful!

The ancient wisdom from this very maple tree brought us on a journey, in teamwork with Mother Gaia so that we can transform in a way that only she can provide.

In this episode of Awaken With Animals, you are invited to come to a space to release the things that you have been holding on for so long and never knew where to put them, from our ancestry and lineage, and to the things we agreed at some point to carry for others, when it was never for us to carry in the first place.

This is an opportunity to rebirth into new life the “divine corrected direction” that your soul so eagerly has been waiting for. It now has the tools to do just that with ease and grace.

If you're ready journey with the soul that inhabits your body, give it the gift of releasing what it no longer needs so that you can move forward in your life experience following the path you have come here to do, take my hand and let’s unite together with a choir of angels, our teams of guides, our friends the insects, the maple tree, Mother Gaia and the beings of “exalted presence”.

This is a journey that we are ready for! Let’s go forth with the intention of ease and grace. Let’s heal the aspects that our souls are ready for. Let’s drink in the “Elixir of Sacred Synergy” together!

Let’s connect further! Join Marybeth here:

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