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John Juricic

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Victoria Council's Raise Sparks Debate | BC Politics & Market Rise
Victoria Council's Raise Sparks Debate | BC Politics & Market Rise
This week ( veteran Victoria Councillor tells us what’s wrong with civic politicians awarding themselves a 25% raise. Dr. David Black talks about splits on the right in BC politics and Wealth Manager David Schneider says stocks are on the rise!----more---- 2:29 – Chris Coleman – Victoria Councillor 10:08 – David Black – Royal Roads Professor 12:25 – David Schneider – Senior Wealth Advisor   Facebook - X - You Tube - Podcast - Instagram - Tik Tok -   #VictoriaCouncilInsight – for discussions around the Victoria Councillor's perspective on political raises. #BCPoliticsDebate – to delve into Dr. David Black's analysis of the political landscape in British Columbia. #StockMarketTrends – to accompany Wealth Manager David Schneider's insights on the rising stock market. #CivicRaiseConcern – to capture conversations about the ethics of self-awarded raises in politics. #FinancialForecast – for updates and discussions on financial predictions and market behavior. #RumbleRoomHighlights – to feature key moments from the Rumble Room podcast episodes. #VictoriaVoices – to represent the various opinions and discussions from the Victoria community.
The Political Landscape and Housing Affordability in British Columbia
The Political Landscape and Housing Affordability in British Columbia
The political scene in British Columbia is witnessing a fascinating interplay between federal and provincial dynamics, with the BC Conservatives potentially gaining traction by leveraging the momentum of Pierre Poilievre's Federal Conservatives. This phenomenon is not uncommon in Canadian politics, where federal trends can often spill over into provincial arenas, influencing public opinion and voter support.----more---- Business Examiner columnist Mark MacDonald – 2:56 - sheds light on this subject, highlighting the strength of the Federal Conservative message and its impact on provincial politics. The discussion points towards a broader narrative of political alignment and the strategic positioning of parties within the province's political landscape. Meanwhile, the City of Victoria is under scrutiny for a significant pay raise awarded to its councillors, a move that has sparked debate about fiscal responsibility and governance. Stephen Andrew, a former Victoria City Councillor, offers insights – 10:58 - into the decision-making process behind the pay raise, providing a closer look at local government operations. On the housing front, affordability remains a pressing issue in Victoria and beyond. Casey Edge, Executive Director of the Victoria Residential Builders Association, argues – 15:35 - for a more hands-off approach by the government regarding taxation, suggesting that reducing financial burdens on builders could lead to more affordable housing options. This perspective invites a discussion on the balance between government intervention and market forces in addressing housing unaffordability. As British Columbia navigates these complex political and social challenges, the discourse continues to evolve, reflecting the diverse opinions and experiences of its residents. The interconnection between federal influence, local governance, and housing economics paints a multifaceted picture of the province's current state of affairs, one that will undoubtedly shape its future trajectory. Facebook - Business Examiner - Victoria Residential Builders Association - #BCPoliticsTrend #HousingAffordabilityBC #FederalImpactBC #ProvincialDynamicsBC #ConservativeMomentumBC #PoliticalAlignmentBC #PartyPositioningBC #VictoriaGovernance #CouncillorPayDebate #LocalGovInsight #HousingEconomicsBC #MarketForcesHousing #GovernmentInterventionHousing #BuildersTaxationBC #AffordableHomesBC #PoliticalDiscourseBC #SocialChallengesBC #EvolvingDiscourseBC #DiverseOpinionsBC #FederalProvincialInterplay #StrategicPoliticsBC #FiscalResponsibilityBC #VictoriaPayRaise #LocalGovernmentBC #HousingCrisisBC #EconomicFactorsHousing #CommunityVoicesBC #BCResidentPerspectives #PoliticalLandscapeBC
Exploring Middle East Impact on Cdn. Issues / Victoria Council's 25% Raise / Island Rail Advocacy
Exploring Middle East Impact on Cdn. Issues / Victoria Council's 25% Raise / Island Rail Advocacy
In this episode of Victoria Rumble Room, we delve into the complexities of Middle Eastern geopolitics and its impact on Canadian domestic affairs. We ponder the persistent divisions in the Middle East and how they divert attention from the pressing issues within Canada. We also question the wisdom of Victoria Councillors going to the trough for a fat raise.----more---- At the :40 mark, we discuss Canada's involvement in Middle Eastern conflicts and diplomacy. We explore whether Canada's foreign policy is aligned with its national interests and values. Jumping to 6:45, the conversation shifts to local matters as we scrutinize Victoria Council's decision to approve a 25% pay raise for councillors. We weigh the implications of this move on public perception and municipal finances. At 9:43, we're joined by John Treleaven from Grumpy Taxpayers, who provides a 'Survival Guide to Local Government.' This segment offers insights into navigating the complexities of local governance and taxpayer advocacy. Finally, at 14:46, Waaren Skaalrud, a staunch advocate for Vancouver Island Rail, shares his perspectives on the future of rail transport on the island and its potential benefits for residents. Tune in for a thorough analysis of these topics on Victoria Rumble Room. Facebook - X - You Tube - Podcast - Instagram - Tik Tok -
Insightful Views on Anti-Semitism & Civic Engagement-David Busch & Karen Christie Share Perspectives
Insightful Views on Anti-Semitism & Civic Engagement-David Busch & Karen Christie Share Perspectives
In this week's insightful exploration, David Busch, a Federal Conservative Nomination Candidate, shares his conservative perspective on the complex issue of anti-semitism, providing a nuanced view on a topic that continues to challenge societies globally.----more---- Selina Robinson's recent statements have sparked discussions, highlighting the need for ongoing dialogue around sensitive issues. At 1:09, her comments are dissected, offering listeners a chance to form their own opinions. By 2:53, we delve into David Busch's opinions on protestors, shedding light on the varying viewpoints within the political landscape and how they shape our understanding of civic engagement. The Abacus National Survey reveals the pulse of committed voters at 4:42 and 5:46, presenting data on party and issue choices that reflect the current political climate. At 6:29, David Busch offers his take on housing starts, an issue at the forefront of many voters' minds as they navigate the complexities of the housing market. The highlight of this week is undoubtedly Karen Christie's interview at 9:06. As an educator, author, and retired diplomat with over five decades of service across six continents, including challenging stints in Palestine and Afghanistan, Christie's reflections offer invaluable insights into international affairs. Finally, at 32:16, we turn to the Rumble Room Social Media Platforms to gauge public sentiment and discourse on these pressing issues. Facebook - X - You Tube - Podcast - Instagram - Tik Tok -