Connie’s running out of time to write a play on the roman invasion of Britain for her drama class, so she asks Uncle Chris and his community theatre company to lend her a hand!
‘Silence! You’re forgetting one thing everyone…I am no longer Uncle Chris…I am the emperor of Rome, and emperors do whatever they like!’
Styling himself as the new emperor of Rome, Uncle chris takes us to a giant amphitheatre, where he pits the Roman Empire against ancient Britain to gather up the facts for Connie.
Here we see Boudicca queen of the Iceni tribe take on Emperor Claudius of Rome in a few rather silly challenges to impress Emperor Uncle Chris! But who will emerge victorious! And will everybody stay in one piece? Join us on our adventure to find out!
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You can download the transcript for this episode here.
Produced by- Made By Mortals
Actors – Chris Brett, Hannah Donelon, Catherine Cowdry and Paul Hine
Writer- Chris Brett
Music- AJS Music
Sound design- Blueprint Studios
Funded by- The Arts Council England.
Our next episode will be out Thursday 20th of June! 😀