Sunset Grid Episode 1 - Pursuits in Neon

The SpellCast

12-10-2020 • 1 hr 3 mins

Current date is Mon 10-12-2020

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Current time is 05:00:00.00

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The AEN Personal Computer DOS

Version 1.0 (C)Copyright AEN Industries 2020


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COMMAND   COM  19845     9-12-20   6:00p

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6 File(s) 2876345 yottabytes free




The SpellCast brings you a new campaign that is drenched in the glow of neon lights and suffused with the sounds of synthwave! Sunset Grid transports our listeners to the Retroverse setting from the Lasers & Liches supplement for 5e D&D!

Our party has been tasked by their employer, an ancient laser dragon who goes by Reggie, to find the rarest collectible items ever to cross over into the Retroverse for his hoard. This quest will lead them across all nine quadrants on this face of the planet Cube. They will face off against shady paramilitary organizations, cosmic horrors, radioactive sludge cultists, and much, much more! Will they collect 'em all and mark off everything on Reggie's list?


Discover more at!