Episode 68: It Can't Rain Everyday

The SpellCast

07-12-2020 • 52 mins

The gang's back together! After a long period of adjustment, the regular cast of The Sentinel Saga has finally gathered again, virtually, for a session to recap of the aftermath of the last arc and get started on some much-desired downtime activities.

The SpellCast D&D brings you a saga of high adventure! Join Adam Brooks (Dungeon Master/Storyteller), Pierre Viola (Ront Havenfair), Mike Vides (Halexan Wynalder), Gerald Acevedo (Conall Pending), Charlotte Raines (Sav’ah Rah Vicarro), Sam Ortiz (Azazel Makeus), and Kelsey Hogan (Thiathel Dalanadrin) as they navigate a perilous homebrew Faerun setting!

(Music courtesy of Magic Sword)

(Art by Rob Robbins)

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