The SpellCast: Sunset Grid - Track 2: Dorothy's Lab

The SpellCast

12-07-2020 • 3 hrs 50 mins

The SpellCast brings you epic Retroverse action from the Lasers & Liches supplement for 5E D&D in the form of a new series of one-shots: Sunset Grid!

Check our schedule and watch us live at!

The party has been invited to the laboratory one of the premiere scientists on the planet Cube in order to recover some stolen research! Pixelated antics ensue in Dorothy's Lab: Digital Pursuit!

Black. Lives. Matter. Go to where you can Learn, Help, and Donate.

Projects by Cast Members!

Accursed Heirs: Dhampirs: a V20 Sourcebook by Michael Vides!

It's All Fandom! - a Podcast by Allison Stock!

Xena Warrior Business! - a Podcast by Allison Stock!

Systems & Supplements! Below is a list of systems and supplements (in addition to core 5th Edition D&D) we are using for the setting or mechanical elements of tonight's one-shot!

Lasers & Liches:

Artist Thank Yous!

Thank you to these artists and labels for granting streamers across Twitch (the original broadcasting platform for this show) permission to use their music for free!

Magic Sword:

FiXT Music:

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