Conversation with Ryn Silverstein

Salon Sophia

31-07-2022 • 44 mins

Today we welcome Ryn Silverstein (they/them) to Salon Sophia. We explored a variety of topics, such as the Jewish calendar and spiral time, embracing Jewish priestesshood, impostor syndrome, sanctuary as something both internal and external and something you carry around with you which is akin to the Tabernacle in Judaism.


FYI: there are a few f-bombs (swear words) in this conversation.


Ryn is a writer, priestess, and facilitator with a creative living practice that's embodied, queer, and ancestrally-rooted. They cultivate longing as devotional practice, creating space in the everyday for dreaming and enchantment. Ryn roots in ancient Jewish understandings of embodiment as inseparable from both temporality and Divinity throughout the creation process, which allows for the flourishing of new creative possibilities, rhythms, and ways of being. Honoring the moon as their ancestral home, Ryn tends to the connection the moon enables between our bodies, land bodies, and water bodies.


This episode's transcript can be found at our website.


Show Notes:


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Ryn’s website with more of her writing
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Kohonet Hebrew Priestess Institute

Living Revision: A Writer's Craft as Spiritual Practice by Elizabeth Jarrett Andrew

Agnes Obel, Danish composer and musician