The legend of Slumach and his gold goes by many names: the Legend of the Lost Mine of Pitt Lake, the Legend of the Lost Creek Mine, the Legend of Slumach’s Gold.
The story always starts with a variation on ‘a brash young man from Pitt Lake’, bragging about his wealth, spending it freely in New Westminster on booze and women. He would always disappear for a while to a creek rich with gold nuggets–a source that would be worth billions today.
But in our investigation into Slumach’s story, from the killing of Louis Bee to his execution, not a single newspaper article from the time mentioned anything about gold.
Not one word.
In this episode, we’re on the path of many others who have gone before us, who have gone looking for the lost gold mine.
But is there a mine for us to find? And how was Slumach connected to it?
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