FreezeNet Podcast: April 2023: The Censorship Will Continue Until the Internet Improves

Freezenet Official Podcast

06-05-2023 • 45 mins

Welcome to the public version of the Freezenet official podcast for April, 2023.  This month's episode is entitled "The Censorship Will Continue Until the Internet Improves" after the developments of Bill C-11 leading up to it arriving at the Senate for final approval.

This month's episode also covers Bill C-18 (Canada's Link Tax) making it to the Senate study.  This along with the disappointing news of the Rogers Shaw merger being completed.

This month's episode also features all the usual music and video game reviews.  All this and more on this month's podcast!

If you'd like a transcript of this month's episode, you can head on over to and check out the official page for this episode.