FreezeNet Podcast - April 2022 - Censor Wars: Episode 4 – A New Crackdown

Freezenet Official Podcast

16-05-2022 • 50 mins

Welcome to the public version of the Freezenet official podcast for  April 2022. This months episode is entitled “Censor Wars: Episode 4 – A  New Crackdown” after the introduction of link taxes in Canada.

This months episode also covers the media and governments  misinformation campaign on Bill C-11, and the government blindsiding  Canadians with copyright term extension buried in Budget 2022.

This month’s podcast also features all the usual music and video game  reviews as well as how dial up can encourage students to get the  COVID-19 vaccine. All this and more on this month’s podcast!

If you'd like a transcript of this month's episode, you can head on over to and check out the official page for this episode.

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