FreezeNet Podcast - June 2022 - This is Not What Democracy Sounds Like

Freezenet Official Podcast

06-07-2022 • 54 mins

Welcome to the public version of the Freezenet official podcast for  June, 2022. This month’s episode is entitled “This is Not What Democracy  Sounds Like” thanks to the story about the secret lawmaking process  where amendments to Bill C-11 in Committee were kept secret from the  public.

While we cover the Bill C-11 more extensively, we also cover the  story of Texas’ efforts to ban social media moderation as well as  Canada’s Innovation Minister finally got off of his lazy butt and tabled  privacy reform.

We also cover all the usual music and video game reviews as well as  the story about how someone was dumb enough to perform burnouts in front  of a police station. All this and more on this month’s podcast.

On a side note, I figured out how to incorporate other clips into a  single podcast. So, this episode also showcases this newfound skill (it  was done in Audacity, so no, it wasn’t perfectly straight forward to  pull this off, but it is doable after some figuring out).

If you'd like a transcript of this month's episode, you can head on over to and check out the official page for this episode.