Welcome to the public version of the Freezenet official podcast for August, 2022. This month's episode is entitled "The Incredible Growing Cell Phone Bill" because of the ongoing efforts to have Rogers and Shaw merge into one large super corporation. It's also partly names after the efforts by Telus to slap customers with a 1.5% fee for the "privilege" of paying via credit card.
This month's episode also talks about Bill C-11 and Facebooks notice that they are now no longer paying to link to news sites.
This episode also features all the usual music and video game reviews as well as a story about why it can be a bad idea for a lawyer to brag about winning in a court case. All this and more on this month's podcast!
If you'd like a transcript of this month's episode, you can head on over to Freezenet.ca and check out the official page for this episode.