FreezeNet Podcast - September 2022 - The Bill C-11 Senate Hearing Special

Freezenet Official Podcast

09-10-2022 • 1 hr 44 mins

Welcome to the public version of the Freezenet Official Podcast for September, 2022. This month's episode is named "The Bill C-11 Senate Hearing Special" because of the heavy focus on those hearings this month (they are getting a LOT of attention).

Along with the Bill C-11 hearings, we are also covering the racism accusation scandal as well as the new impossible to comply with California law that could see the future of websites in that state get put at risk.

We also note the addition of our brand new vlog, cover several other stories as well as all the usual music and video game reviews. We even cover the curious story about how a car rental company thought someone drove over 500KPH for three days straight. All this and more on this month's podcast!

If you'd like a transcript of this month's episode, you can head on over to and check out the official page for this episode.

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