Tales from the Stinky Dragon is a Dungeons & Dragons podcast. Rooster Teeth, the comedy podcast troupe, produces the program. The organization is popular with Gen Z and Millennial listeners. This show combines game playing and humor, as per the show title. Fans of Rooster Teeth podcasts like Face Jam and Gameplay may enjoy this podcast.
Gus Sorola hosts Tales from the Stinky Dragon. He is a longtime Rooster Teeth voice, known for voicing Richard Simmons in the Red vs. Blue podcast. In this exciting D&D series, the brave adventurers have taken on an internship. They are working with the Infinights. However, they soon discover that they will need to do a lot more than making copies in their internship. A D&D saga ensues, and the interns/adventurers will need to save the day.
The lead characters navigate through treacherous dungeons filled with goblins and dragons alike. They also must also learn how to handle demanding superheroes. Their bosses require nothing but perfection when it comes down to their interns. Tales from the Stinky Dragon started in 2021 and wrapped up in 2023. There is plenty of silliness and excitement in each episode. The podcast also features the cast talking about their favorite show moments.
This is a continuing story, which builds on each previous episode. So listeners may want to start with "Infinight Interns - Ep. 1 - Welcome to Boulderay." Fans can follow the cast on their journey of self-discovery. The interns battle evil forces. Those forces threaten not only themselves but all those around them, too. Will these hapless interns be able to master both sword fighting AND coffee concoctions? Listeners can listen and find out. Those interested can grab their dice bag and get ready for some epic adventures with the Tales from the Stinky Dragon podcast.