The People’s Court Podcast

The People’s Court Podcast

The honorable Judge Marilyn Milian presides over the four-time Emmy award winning "The People’s Court." For more than two decades, Milian has dispensed justice and provided legal insight in the courtroom where justice and reality collide. And now, you can take the show on the go with "The People’s Court Podcast." "The People’s Court Podcast" draws on ordinary people who have filed grievances in civil court and have opted to have their cases heard and mediated by Judge Milian. Running the gamut from disputes between neighbors and family members, to dissatisfied customers suing businesses, Milian's decisions – based on current law – are final and binding. Joining Milian is multiple Emmy Award-winning investigative reporter Harvey Levin, who serves as the series’ host and legal reporter. In the courtroom, Milian is joined by court officer Douglas McIntosh. Doug Llewelyn interviews litigants after a decision has been rendered in their cases. read less
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'Going On a Spending Spree', 'Whacking a Car' & 'Keeping The Cash without Reason'
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'Going On a Spending Spree', 'Whacking a Car' & 'Keeping The Cash without Reason'
The plaintiff claims the defendant, his ex-girlfriend, stole money from him and won’t pay him back. Now he needs the court’s help to get back the money he says he’s owed. The defendant argues that she and the plaintiff got into a fight, and she left with the money, treated herself to a hotel room, a massage, champagne, and strawberries. The defendant says the plaintiff freeloaded off her and lived rent-free in her apartment. Then, the plaintiff says her ex-boyfriend destroyed her car with an axe while she was at home, freaking out the neighbors and totaling her car. She’s still making payments for the car, so she’s suing him for the money she’s owed. The defendant argues that the plaintiff is lying and claims she set him up and had three guys attack him with baseball bats. The defendant is filing a countersuit for theft and pain and suffering. Plus, the plaintiff says he rented an apartment from the defendant. After moving out, he was denied the security deposit, so now he’s suing. The defendant argues that the plaintiff hosted huge parties and lit a bonfire so big all the neighbors could see. She also says the plaintiff didn’t give 30 days’ notice and was responsible for damages. The defendant is countersuing for the money she thinks she’s owed. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
'A Wedding Wrecker', 'Suspending an Ex' & 'Taking a Wheeling Long Time'
'A Wedding Wrecker', 'Suspending an Ex' & 'Taking a Wheeling Long Time'
The plaintiffs hired the defendant to photograph their wedding. They said one of their friends brought a nice camera to the wedding to take their own pictures, and the photographer got upset. The plaintiffs argue the defendant shoved the friend, and now he won’t give them their wedding photos. They’re suing for the cost of wedding photography, makeup artists, and emotional distress. The defendant argues the plaintiffs signed a non-compete contract, so no other photographers could be there. He’s countersuing for the cost of over 70 hours of photo editing. Then, the plaintiff borrowed her ex-boyfriend’s car and got pulled over one day because she wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. The plaintiff then got tickets because the car had a cracked windshield and expired tags, but the defendant won’t help her pay for the tickets. Her license ended up getting suspended because she couldn’t pay for the tickets, so she’s suing for the cost of tickets he owes her. The defendant argues he told her about the expired tags and windshield. Plus, the plaintiff bought tires and rims from the defendant. He says the defendant delivered them, so he ended up buying tires elsewhere. He’s suing for the cost of the tires and rims, plus interest, and aggravation. The defendant argues he had to special order the rims and he tried contacting the plaintiff to pick them up, but he never showed up. He’s countersuing for storage and harassment. Don’t forget to rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit