Why should I cross train?

Your Home Fitness Podcast

06-06-2022 • 26 minutes

Ready to mix it up? This week on 'Your Home Fitness Podcast,' we get to ask: "what is cross training and how do I do it?' This episode is going to chat about everything you need to start adding different modalities into your fitness routine. Have you ever wondered WHY cross training can be beneficial to your body? Tune in to find out what new workouts may be waiting for you!

Show Notes:
6:02 - 'How to remix your fitness' episode w/ Jimmy Kim
8:21 - How many times a week should I add cross training?
11:20 - What are the modalities of cross training?
11:59 - How important are core / abdominal workouts?
15:20 - What are the benefits of cross training?
17:03 - 'How to come back after an injury' episode w/ Mel Taylor
17:57 - How do I even start cross training?
20:40 - 'What is a kettlebell?' episode w/ Stevie Richards
