How can you stay on top of your game during the off season? f/ high performance trainer Jeff Lovecchio

Your Home Fitness Podcast

11-07-2022 • 41 minutes

On this week's episode of 'Your Home Fitness Podcast,' we get the chance to chat with high performance trainer Jeff Lovecchio. His take on non-traditional training and what it means to 'fill up your empty buckets' during the off season can help anyone to improve their overall athletic performance.

Show Notes:
2:55 - Jeff Loveccio intro & a bit of background
7:36 - Non-traditional training during the off season
13:20 - Coaching is about learning & listening
18:42 - Career changing accident / injury led to new things
24:44 - Top things for athletes to work during the off season
30:00 - Work on 'bringing everything up together"