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Créé par Amazon's Music Experts

Produced By Steve Albini

Créé par Amazon's Music Experts

Explore the hits, deep cuts, and hidden gems produced, and engineered, by Steve Albini.


1Heart-Shaped Box2Where Is My Mind? (2007 Remaster)3Rid Of Me4Mouth Breather5Kerosene6Farewell Transmission7My Father My King8Ron9Skip Steps 1 & 310Angela11Carolyn12Sunflower13Talk About The Blues14In The Meantime15V1NC3NT COM3 ON DOWN16Shimmer Like A Girl17Sirena18Arise, Therefore19Blockbuster20Iris21Scrappers22Bone Machine (2007 Remaster)23Lightsabre Cocksucking Blues24Swallowed (2014  Remastered)25Red26All Apologies27Dangerous Life28They Don't Call Them Chihuahuas Anymore29Between Sleipnir's Breaths30Run You Out31Tight N' Shiny32Mess Of Wires33Chrome (Single Version)34S.D.B.J.35Almost Was Good Enough36Suck37Rape Me38Mr. DNA39If You See Kay40Emmaline41Stay Useless42A Catalog of Small Disappointments43Puss44Ripe45Everyone Is My Friend46Dog and Pony Show47Drunken Lullabies48Fortunately Gone49Dinosaur Act50Gigantic (2007 Remaster)51The Valleys52A Dog's Life53Carol54Ketchup-Mess55Frenzy56Binds That Tie57Treat the New Guy Right58Dinosaur Egg59Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle60Pacer61Rockets fall on Rocket Falls62Reward Of Gold63Weight of Water64A Heart Has Asked For The Pleasure65Happiness Is A Warm Gun